Stoops put himself on an island...

That all depends on Kirk Ferentz.
Just don't see it. I've seen all the "Stoops to Iowa" opinions just because he attended/played there but I'll still bet a dollar to a donut the guy hasn't been on campus in 35 years...and now he'll bolt to Iowa? No way. Besides, when Iowa does make a change they'll go young.
Iowa's DC or Stoops would be the top Iowa candidates.

...I don't think any of these coaches have loyalty. They aren't lifelong fans. Hell, Oregon State just lost an alum who was led them from mediocrity into a Top 15 ranking for Michigan State.
They are loyal to cash. That is why only a brain dead AD would ever tie himself down to anyone.
but I'll still bet a dollar to a donut the guy hasn't been on campus in 35 years...

You just lost a dollar or a donut: Stoops was a GA at Iowa less than 35 years ago.

The possibility of a Stoops hire has grown more remote the last 4 weeks, with a losing season now more than likely, but ALL of the Stoops family has long-enduring connections to the Iowa program.
Some school has to be willing to pay Stoops close to what he's getting now (very few take a pay cut to go to a new school). Are there any actually willing to do that?