Stock Advice Thread

Toyota (TM) dropped again today. Now down almost 16% in the last month.
... despite low PE's for most of the sector, the market has hit the auto sector hard the last 2-3 weeks, treating them like tech it seems ... an interest rate reduction might send that sector back up ....

... thankful my home lenders (i.e., UWMC) are doing well today with the prospects of eventual rate reductions ...
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... despite low PE's for most of the sector, the market has hit the auto sector hard the last 2-3 weeks, treating them like tech it seems ... an interest rate reduction might send that sector back up ....

... thankful my home lenders (i.e., UWMC) are doing well today with the prospects of eventual rate reductions ...
I've got 6000 shares of UWMC. Hoping it blasts off with rate cuts coming. I hesitated early morning when it dropped below 8 hoping it would go lower like everything else, only for it to nearly hit $9 at close. He who hesitates.... Guess I'll try to grab shares on Monday instead. Damn.
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Bitcoin down big and futures currently very red …. Gonna be an interesting day and week for the market ….
The S&P 500 (SPY) touched the 20 EMA (exponential moving average) Friday, and today it gapped below it. That's my sure fire bear market indicator. As long as SPY stays under the 20 EMA I'm staying 100% in cash except for a few shorts I'm holding - which are doing great today :)
Played some of the early morning bounce for some scalps today ... but there were stocks that went below their April 2024 lows in pre-market today ... so this is definitely one to keep an eye on.

VIX hit levels we haven't seen since the COVID crash and the 2008 crash, those are signs of a flush .... went up over 63 this morning, but now currently sitting below 35 so volatility while still concerning, has calmed a lot thus far ....
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I'm thinking today was just a dead cat bounce. SPY has already lost half of the days gains in extended hour trading. I'm remaining out until Spy moves back over the 20 week EMA.
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Okay, just checked my LUMN DRiP. It's at 124.65 shares. Really tacked on shares for years when dividends reinvested and shares traded $15-20.

In after-hours trading this evening, LUMN appreciated from 5 to 6.73. May sell shares in brokerage account tomorrow and hold DRiP shares. See if craze continues in the AM. May ride it higher.
Starting to wonder if I should be like Buffett and start moving our brokerage account (98% in S&P500 ETF) into Treasuries, but my wife convinced me so far to just sit on it. But I did put in sell orders last night for the 2 individual stocks we hold and buy orders for 4 new ones… JNJ, LMT, BMY, and PM looking for dividends and PE < 20
Starting to wonder if I should be like Buffett and start moving our brokerage account (98% in S&P500 ETF) into Treasuries, but my wife convinced me so far to just sit on it. But I did put in sell orders last night for the 2 individual stocks we hold and buy orders for 4 new ones… JNJ, LMT, BMY, and PM looking for dividends and PE < 20
I may average into BMY. I use their products (Eliquis).

Owned LMT since late 90s and it's been a profitable beast.
Starting to wonder if I should be like Buffett and start moving our brokerage account (98% in S&P500 ETF) into Treasuries, but my wife convinced me so far to just sit on it. But I did put in sell orders last night for the 2 individual stocks we hold and buy orders for 4 new ones… JNJ, LMT, BMY, and PM looking for dividends and PE < 20
... there are some with a decent size account and of retirement age that like JEPI and JEPQ for income ...
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Starting to wonder if I should be like Buffett and start moving our brokerage account (98% in S&P500 ETF) into Treasuries, but my wife convinced me so far to just sit on it. But I did put in sell orders last night for the 2 individual stocks we hold and buy orders for 4 new ones… JNJ, LMT, BMY, and PM looking for dividends and PE < 20
I'm 70% out. 30% in a couple gold funds and high dividend stocks. I'm waiting to buy on the big dip like Warren.
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Bought SOXS at market close yesterday with a 8% stop thinking the AI hype is starting to deflate.
I don't buy stocks/funds with plans or even thoughts to ever sell. The more they rise the less inclined I am to sell. I'm in for the duration unless they don't gain or drop drastically and can offset cap gains with the loss. SS, IRA distributions, dividends are enough income for us. Will let family reap the step up basis. We're about 65-70% stocks/stock funds/gold with rest in bonds/MM/short CD/real estate.
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What does that exactly mean?
Wells notice is sent by Securities and Exchange Commission upon conclusion of investigation notifying persons or firm SEC is taking action against them.

In BEN (Franklin Resources) case, perhaps looking at fines and other punitive actions. I have no doubt action affects bottom line of BEN, but not FKINX, which is a fund I own in BEN fund family (Franklin-Templeton). Also own BEN shares.

It appears BEN shares are recovering somewhat in after-hours trading after down by 12%.
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Received alert MPW cutting dividend again.

Still holding.
Great news after hours on Friday !!!
This will be an interesting week to watch.
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I cut my losses and sold just before coming over here to Great Britain.

Good luck.
Thanks. I'm going to ride it out, with a cost of $9.90, hoping for a financial recovery and future increases in the dividend.
It will take a good bit of time, it seems. GLTY, too ...
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Looks like a decent investment to DRIP with the 5% discount to facilitate share accumulation over time. Due diligence required, as always. GLTY !!


I have Schwab and they don't offer a drip discount. Why is that?