"Experts" have been calling for a correction every day during this long bull market.
To try and time the market is pretty much impossible unless you're a genius or clairvoyant.
You may want to up your cash % in order to buy low in the future, but my opinion is that you're doing the right thing by steadily investing and knowing your risk tolerance.
I don't know your age but as we get older your money should be rebalanced going to more bonds or bond funds as they won't fluctuate as easily as stocks.
Great, thx. I didn't go to school for business.....and my parents were terrible, terrible with what little money they had. I've done some research (read books, magazine subscriptions, etc), but without a ton of education in the past I feel like I'm flying a bit blind at times.
All I know is that so far, I'm very happy with my investing experiences.......very.....hehe....