Stick With Us - From a UK Transplant

Jan 5, 2018
Basically I’ve gleaned the following trend of emotions on the board: denial, ire, acceptance, delusions of grandeur.

Pope is the guy. Phone calls won’t do anything. Making fun of his videos won’t do anything, except perhaps self-sabotage the program. What will do something is bringing your ass to Rupp and show your support until you deem him unfit.

This is coming from a former UMass and Memphis fan who followed Cal. I ditched UMass, ditched Memphis, but I grew up with this UK program and I cannot imagine fandom without them. Random shirts in my closet of regionals from across the country. I’m wearing blue, not red.

We will be fine. I wish cal the best. He made me love the game. But as we all said, one person doesn’t define the program. Nothing we can do will change the hire. Let’s go BBN.

We are psychopaths. We come from all over. The mines, lawyers, doctors, artists. On this board, your resume doesn’t matter except one line “Member of BBN.” I love the passion, and I even love the crap I get for being a Cal lover. No program has this. It sounds sappy as hell, but it’s true.

I do hope he says “We eat first” and “Enough talking, let’s ball.” Would be hilarious.