State of Kentucky has blocked access to Pornhub.

May surprise you I feel differently about state and local governments taking action close to the people than I do about the federal government doing the same.

Longing for anarchy and a world without any government is stupid and nonsensical.
Who said ''without''? I believe I argued for ''limited'' government. I'm not an ancap.

You're fine with government over-reach. Because it gives you a false sense of security and safety. And you're perfectly fine if that comes from the state or local level. Showing ID to use your computer? Fine, it's for the ''greater good'' Because? They're ''close to the people''?????

Aren't reps close to their district of people as well?

Didn't you flip shit during covid for mask mandates, lockdowns, etc etc? But this time it's ok. Because you support it?

I guess Beshear's covid rules were fine in retrospect. He was close to the people.

What is it I keep telling you? Something something horseshoe.
Who said ''without''? I believe I argued for ''limited'' government. I'm not an ancap.

You're fine with government over-reach. Because it gives you a false sense of security and safety. And you're perfectly fine if that comes from the state or local level. Showing ID to use your computer? Fine, it's for the ''greater good'' Because? They're ''close to the people''?????

Aren't reps close to their district of people as well?

Didn't you flip shit during covid for mask mandates, lockdowns, etc etc? But this time it's ok. Because you support it?

I guess Beshear's covid rules were fine in retrospect. He was close to the people.

What is it I keep telling you? Something something horseshoe.

If you’re consuming so much goddam porn you view age verification requirements on pornographic websites as “showing ID to use your computer,” I don’t know what to tell you.

Again man, if you don’t understand the governor implementing policies by directive in response to an overblown threat vs a state legislature unanimously passing legislation in response to a real, documented threat to children, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you want to sell age restricted products to consumers, you should be required to ensure you’re deriving profit from people who can legally purchase your goods. Sorry if that means every time you use your computer you’re showing your ID.
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If you’re consuming so much goddam porn you view age verification requirements on pornographic websites as “showing ID to use your computer,” I don’t know what to tell you.

Again man, if you don’t understand the governor implementing policies by directive in response to an overblown threat vs a state legislature unanimously passing legislation in response to a real, documented threat to children, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you want to sell age restricted products to consumers, you should be required to ensure you’re deriving profit from people who can legally purchase your goods. Sorry if that means every time you use your computer you’re showing your ID.
Don't back pedal now. You said you hope it expands to include ''harmful internet content'' Therefore, one must think. If your PC or Phone has acess to the internet, it has harmful internet content on it. So in order to protect children from seeing such, we must show ID verification.

Mask mandates and lockdowns were government over-reach. Showing ID to make a reddit account, or use your phone or PC is fine. Because you support it.

You aren't so much different than those ''libs'' you berate.
Don't back pedal now. You said you hope it expands to include ''harmful internet content'' Therefore, one must think. If your PC or Phone has acess to the internet, it has harmful internet content on it. So in order to protect children from seeing such, we must show ID verification.

Mask mandates and lockdowns were government over-reach. Showing ID to make a reddit account, or use your phone or PC is fine. Because you support it.

You aren't so much different than those ''libs'' you berate.

Fine then. I’ll compromise with the libs. Mask mandates and government lockdowns were absolutely government overreach, but if they want to make sure pornhub, Facebook, instagram, etc. are age verifying users before they access adult content or post personal information online, I’m ok with that overreach because I think it outweighs the harm.

I’m not so blindly married to a mindset that I can’t objectively evaluate facts and make decisions.
Fine then. I’ll compromise with the libs. Mask mandates and government lockdowns were absolutely government overreach, but if they want to make sure pornhub, Facebook, instagram, etc. are age verifying users before they access adult content or post personal information online, I’m ok with that overreach because I think it outweighs the harm.

I’m not so blindly married to a mindset that I can’t objectively evaluate facts and make decisions.
At least you're honest about being an authoritarian.

You call someone who advocates actual limited government and freedom. ''Blindy married to a mindset''. Lol.

''I’ll compromise with the Trumpers. Showing ID to use social media and using your devices were absolutely government overreach, but if they want to make sure others safety is protected. By enforcing mask mandates and lockdowns, I’m ok with that overreach because I think it outweighs the harm''.

Same people.
At least you're honest about being an authoritarian.

''I’ll compromise with the Trumpers. Showing ID to use social media and using your devices were absolutely government overreach, but if they want to make sure others safety is protected. By enforcing mask mandates and lockdowns, I’m ok with that overreach because I think it outweighs the harm''.

Ok. That’s fine. Have the state legislature unanimously pass mask mandates to protect you from Covid. I’ll move to Ohio, but if you want to support something that stupid, have at it.
Ok. That’s fine. Have the state legislature unanimously pass mask mandates to protect you from Covid. I’ll move to Ohio, but if you want to support something that stupid, have at it.
But it's fine for your side to pass similar ideals?

Government over-reach is on both sides. You aren't for limited government or anything of that BS. You're just an auth-right republican. Go vote for your side. So you can get to banning video games and weed.
But it's fine for your side to pass similar ideals?

Government over-reach is on both sides. You aren't for limited government or anything of that BS. You're just an auth-right republican. Go vote for your side. So you can get to banning video games and weed.

I’ve explained to you why they aren’t similar.

But if they were, yes I’m fine if the state legislature does things I agree with, and I will leave the state if they do things I strongly disagree with.
I’ve explained to you why they aren’t similar.

But if they were, yes I’m fine if the state legislature does things I agree with, and I will leave the state if they do things I strongly disagree with.
That's cool. We disagree on how this should be approached. I don't think any further discourse is going to change any minds. Have a good day.
And what Im getting at is.....

Do you want Search Engines to be responsible for moderating content? And if the goal is to limit access to pornography, why are search engines, Twitter & social media not part of the legislation?

Search engines already do moderate content to their hearts' and pocketbooks' desire, just as congress has failed to include these other providers you mention. Search engines are not media nor free speech. They are private, for profit, businesses. They don't make money directly from providing porn, but through allowing it to be linked/advertised. They don't do enough to moderate illegal content, but they easily have that ability and choose not to, just like the porn sites did and do.
Search engines already do moderate content to their hearts' and pocketbooks' desire, just as congress has failed to include these other providers you mention. Search engines are not media nor free speech. They are private, for profit, businesses. They don't make money directly from providing porn, but through allowing it to be linked/advertised. They don't do enough to moderate illegal content, but they easily have that ability and choose not to, just like the porn sites did and do.

Ok thanks for that. So you’re saying the government has to regulate search results?
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Kids need to grow up watching scrambled porn where all you hear is moaning and occasionally catch a glimpse of a possible boob.
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At some point the largest player in the industry will probably stop shutting off access in states to avoid age verification regulations and start working with states to implement much more reasonable, privacy protecting age verification procedures.

And hopefully that will also spread to other social media and harmful internet content.

More likely to help than thinking parents are all of the sudden going to decide to collectively change - that’s why they elected the representatives in government to help.

Or, crazy idea here, they'll continue to do business where they can and generate a shit ton of profit and those who want to seek out the easily accessible porn that is based in Denmark or Germany will become a new "largest player" with loads of revenge porn and possibly illegal content.

All of your examples will make more sense when I have to submit my driver's license to a server (i.e. database) every time I want to buy a beer. Until then, this is pearl clutching.
I can’t believe this thread has made this many pages. It’s like you all are ready to fight over the right to jerk off without In your face devilish stimulus.

Shameful. Get me a sears catalog and a shower and call it good.
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I DGAF ablut your kids.

All you need to know about this poster right here. No need to say anything further. He doesn't care that human trafficking helps produce a great deal of the porn out there. He doesn't care what anything does to anyone.

He doesn't want the govt to enforce laws. He doesn't want criminals to be accountable for anything, nor does he want to be accountable for anything. From the comments here, there are a LOT of posters just like him.
I’m not going to get into the legalise of this, I just want to see women scissoring and sitting on faces without having to submit to a background check.

It’s easier to get a gun…but a gun ain’t gonna jerk me off.

Fkn hilarious. "Easier to get a gun" is straight bullsht, but it's funny nonetheless. Good one
All you need to know about this poster right here. No need to say anything further. He doesn't care that human trafficking helps produce a great deal of the porn out there. He doesn't care what anything does to anyone.

He doesn't want the govt to enforce laws. He doesn't want criminals to be accountable for anything, nor does he want to be accountable for anything. From the comments here, there are a LOT of posters just like him.

Good ole auth-right.

Evangelical organizations like Exodus Cry/Trafficking Hub are falsely linking pornography with sex trafficking in an effort to boost support for banning porn outright. They’re joined by wealthy agribusiness barons, accused of human trafficking themselves, who are currently funding disinformation campaigns to implicate porn in human trafficking.

These groups greatly exaggerate the prevalence of and demand for sex trafficking, stating for instance that sex trafficking is a $150 billion industry. In reality, $150 billion is the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimate for human trafficking as a whole, not sex trafficking. Only 19% of human trafficking victims are trafficked for sex. Industries like farming, fishing, and domestic labor make up the majority of trafficking. There’s no credible evidence of a boom in commercial sex trafficking in the United States or to suggest more American men are going abroad to partake in commercial sex trafficking.

Rates of sex trafficking in the US aren’t rising. The wider availability of online porn has actually coincided with a massive decrease in sexual violence against women and teen pregnancy rates.

Despite this, 16 states have declared pornography a “public health crisis,” a first step toward banning porn. Many conservative commentators are calling for porn bans and further erosion of Section 230. In 2021, the Utah legislature passed HB72, which requires manufacturers to add porn filters to all cell phones and tablets sold to Utah customers.

Or, crazy idea here, they'll continue to do business where they can and generate a shit ton of profit and those who want to seek out the easily accessible porn that is based in Denmark or Germany will become a new "largest player" with loads of revenge porn and possibly illegal content.

All of your examples will make more sense when I have to submit my driver's license to a server (i.e. database) every time I want to buy a beer. Until then, this is pearl clutching.

I hope you pay for everything in cash if you don’t want your purchasing behavior tracked in a database. And your web and location data is also all recorded unless you’re taking extreme measures.

Or maybe you use incognito mode so all you data is super super secret.
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