Sound of Freedom


same when i went on a wednesday evening.

"just because you cannot see it does not mean it is not there"

this is trafficking in a nutshell. most folks do not want to address the presence of evil in society, true evil. it is ugly and hurtful to even admit that it is going on, but it must be confronted.
I did not know that the film's main character is based on a real person/agent. That increased my respect and appreciation for the fim.
this is a rabbit hole that requires a lot of faith before you go down it. when you realize what human beings are capable of, and willing to do, then you begin to feel a fraction of the fear and horror that these children feel every minute of every day of their abbreviated lives.
I like the Bigfoot TVs shows too
Interesting analogy. I mean, it is idiotic, but interesting. estimated 27.6 million victims worldwide at any given time...

but yea, bigfoot!

Tim Ballard sounds an awful lot like a complete fraud and scam artist, but he's parlayed that into an incredibly lucrative field. Sounds like the rest of the folks in Hollywood. Good work if you can get it.
Let's cut to the chase: the politicizing of this movie by the Left is absolutely insane. If anything should be bipartisan I would think it should be child trafficking... yet here we are.
I don’t know if Oprah or Ashton Kutcher are right wing, middle wing, or left wing, but I don’t remember the cult getting pee pee pantsed when those celebrities tried to bring attention to child sexual trafficking.

By the way, the acting in the movie is top notch.
Tim Ballard sounds an awful lot like a complete fraud and scam artist, but he's parlayed that into an incredibly lucrative field. Sounds like the rest of the folks in Hollywood. Good work if you can get it.
Complete fraud. Odd conclusion. Did you like the movie?
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No offense, OP.

Goodbye, cruel world.

I'm sure it's a good movie. It's rated quite highly. Not sure why anyone needs to be passive aggressive about it though. Didn't take long for a couple here to immediately go political and bitch about the other side. And Cave keeps referring to some sort of cult. Glad some enjoyed the movie and it's message. My advice would be to not let it be a jumping off point to just bitch about the side you hate. If some on the left are doing that, it's silly. Just as it's silly to turn this thread into some anti-left bitch session.

Christ almighty, everything's gotta be a war on social media now.
I sure thought you would sweep right in to criticize those who seemed triggered by the film. I guess your reprimands are just for some people, Hall Monitor.

Trying harder next time, boss.
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Like I said, if you enjoyed it, I'm glad. Not everything, including movies, needs to be a war of words on the internet. I loved Spotlight. Well-made film with an important message. I'm sure Sound of Freedom is similar.

I agree that not everything should be a war of words, but if you keep up with current events, you see that there was an organized push (reason baffling) to characterize a good movie as a Qanon conspiracy, presumably to hurt ticket sales.

It’s a good story, well-made, compelling, and worth the watch. Read the Rolling Stone attack piece if you seek an example.

So, not everything should be a war of words, but defending a small movie from such ridiculousness can be a war of words for some. In short, to each his or her own.

For example, you feel the need to interject your voice of disapproval on a lot of threads where conservatives are griping about something. Maybe you just move on by and say it’s not for you? I think professional wrestling is a joke and piece of shit entertainment, but doesn’t set me back to know there are a lot of fans eating it up. Never crossed my mind to chide them for wasting their time.
I don't know what to make of human trafficking today. For example, I was in a stall taking a leak at the Seattle Airport on Saturday (because those woke weirdos got rid of the men's bathrooms in terminal D and made them all unisex) and they had a poster up notifying you to contact this number if you are being trafficked. During a Braves game the other day they had a commercial for numbers to call if you are being trafficked.

I am not at all saying that trafficking isn't going on, but I'd like to know the following:

1) How many people are being trafficked through major US airports?
2) Why would these people be scared to say something to say TSA or something as they go through security, but okay to make a phone call from the bathroom?
3) Who being tafficked is watching a baseball game and is like, "hey, wait a second, I'm being trafficked while watching this baseball game. I should call this help line."
this is a rabbit hole that requires a lot of faith before you go down it. when you realize what human beings are capable of, and willing to do, then you begin to feel a fraction of the fear and horror that these children feel every minute of every day of their abbreviated lives.

I've gone down it a bit (not very deep at all) with just stories, no pictures, and it is SICKENING.

Some of the interviews i've watched on YouTube with people involved with this stuff is just crazy. The things freaking parents will do to their own children is absolutely disgusting.

Shawn Ryan's interview with Ryan Montgomery (elite level ethical hacker who hunts pedos/traffickers) was super eye-opening. Well worth the watch/listen.

Tim Ballard sounds an awful lot like a complete fraud and scam artist, but he's parlayed that into an incredibly lucrative field. Sounds like the rest of the folks in Hollywood. Good work if you can get it.

Curious as to what would make you think that? I thought Ballard's exploits were pretty well documented and don't seem to be fraudulent at all.
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I'm sure it's a good movie. It's rated quite highly. Not sure why anyone needs to be passive aggressive about it though. Didn't take long for a couple here to immediately go political and bitch about the other side. And Cave keeps referring to some sort of cult. Glad some enjoyed the movie and it's message. My advice would be to not let it be a jumping off point to just bitch about the side you hate. If some on the left are doing that, it's silly. Just as it's silly to turn this thread into some anti-left bitch session.

Christ almighty, everything's gotta be a war on social media now.

I don't know what to make of human trafficking today. For example, I was in a stall taking a leak at the Seattle Airport on Saturday (because those woke weirdos got rid of the men's bathrooms in terminal D and made them all unisex) and they had a poster up notifying you to contact this number if you are being trafficked. During a Braves game the other day they had a commercial for numbers to call if you are being trafficked.

I am not at all saying that trafficking isn't going on, but I'd like to know the following:

1) How many people are being trafficked through major US airports?
2) Why would these people be scared to say something to say TSA or something as they go through security, but okay to make a phone call from the bathroom?
3) Who being tafficked is watching a baseball game and is like, "hey, wait a second, I'm being trafficked while watching this baseball game. I should call this help line."
A couple of years ago, we had a major trafficking ring exposed here in South Florida. These women were trafficked from China and had passports. They had paid their traffickers to bring them to the US under the promise that they would have legitimate jobs in hotels and restaurants. When they got them here, the traffickers took their passports and forced them into working in Asian "SPAS" and prostitution. These women were forced to live in the SPAS, cooking meals on the back steps and sleeping on the massage tables and living in the rooms and not being allowed to go off the premises unsupervised.

Why were they scared to say anything? They were physically threatened by the traffickers who also threatened to have their family members harmed back in China. They also had no money and spoke no English. Basically, they were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

You probably remember this one since Pats owner Robert Kraft was one of the people busted in the sting operation, along with several other extremely rich dudes, as well as clergy members, civic "leaders" and everything down to a city trash collector (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Will probably watch once it can stream. I heard it's pretty good, but kinda looks like a B level film from a quality standpoint
My point is you shouldn't let yourself get caught up in the responses from either side. Ben Shapiro and Matt Gaetz want a Barbie boycott because they've deemed that film "woke." Shapiro is apparently burning barbie dolls now (does he have an actual job?). They're attacking one film. Some on the left are attacking this particular film. It's best to not play into it as both extremes are dumb as hell and want us angry at each other.

I'm not trying to be a "hall monitor" as you put it, but I'd hope we'd be smart enough to not accuse one side of "normalizing" sex trafficking, whatever that even means. And both sides are not innocent on these issues. I read stuff daily here from folks who condemn and accuse "the left" of every bad thing you could possibly think of, from treason to pedophilia. As someone who is socially liberal, that shit is tiresome but I try my best to not get sucked into it.
"I'm saying something, bc you simply noticed how insane ppl are, but its still your fault, actually"

Sad I didn't get to use this one in the Oppenheimer thread:

This was the biggest bait thread in awhile, you could've bet the house you'd be in here. In fact we both know it's literally the only reason you opened you could comment what you did. We know you thought "ppl are attacking this movie bc they're insane, I better make sure I point this out that you noticing it and that's really a problem that needs to be addressed"
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Yeah, it really does not happen around here

the US is the number one consumer of child sexual trafficking, child porn, and selling of body parts. yeah, i know; it cannot be real,except that it is.

8 or 9 years ago there were many news articles celebrating the work of Ballard. rolling stone comes to mind, but now rolling stone says it is a Q conspiracy. they got the talking points.

i challenge anyone to see this movie and not come away a changed person.
Somebody please start a Barbie thread for the Hall Monitor.
I'll make you a deal, Cave. This has become a silly one poster vs some from the political thread, particularly you thing, I'll delete my posts since the focus is somewhat now on me and not the film and subject matter. I've been fairly respectful but it's clear some would rather bicker with one of the "libs" on the board. Fair enough. I'll take myself out of the conversation and hopefully the bickering, name calling, childishness, and silly back and forth will stop. I would think the subject matter deserves a mature conversation, not memes and name calling towards me. We're adults after all so I'll exit and maybe down the road if I'm able to stomach the tough subject matter, I'll give it a watch. Nothing I said was incorrect but the constant back and forth as if I'm the one bashing the film or something is just tiresome.
Child sex trafficking is not yet normalized enough to support their moral relativism, so they just claim it doesn't exist.

They also haven't figured out a way to get votes out of it. Want to get rid of human trafficking? Lower the voting age.

Could kind of say the same thing about abortion. Let babies vote and watch that abortion rate plummet.
I don't know what to make of human trafficking today. For example, I was in a stall taking a leak at the Seattle Airport on Saturday (because those woke weirdos got rid of the men's bathrooms in terminal D and made them all unisex) and they had a poster up notifying you to contact this number if you are being trafficked. During a Braves game the other day they had a commercial for numbers to call if you are being trafficked.

I am not at all saying that trafficking isn't going on, but I'd like to know the following:

1) How many people are being trafficked through major US airports?
2) Why would these people be scared to say something to say TSA or something as they go through security, but okay to make a phone call from the bathroom?
3) Who being tafficked is watching a baseball game and is like, "hey, wait a second, I'm being trafficked while watching this baseball game. I should call this help line."

There is a lot of trafficking that starts at those big public venues/gatherings. The signs being placed are virtue-signaling by managenent. Given the evidence of involvement of the current gov in FUNDING AND FACILITATING the trafficking right now, that phone number is likely to connect you to those involved in trafficking.
Poverty and trafficking of children are linked.

Very unlikely that Middle Class Melissa gets trafficked.

Now that you know about poverty and trafficking then I’m sure you will take action to help reduce poverty in the US.

Complete bullsht.

Children are targeted in broad daylight at "middle class melissa" shops and restaurants as well as large public gatherings where ticket prices nearly assure a large, middle and upper-middle class presence.

The only thing intelligent in your post is that it's completely artificial.

same when i went on a wednesday evening.

"just because you cannot see it does not mean it is not there"

this is trafficking in a nutshell. most folks do not want to address the presence of evil in society, true evil. it is ugly and hurtful to even admit that it is going on, but it must be confronted.
Used to work with a couple of ladies who are very pro-abortion. When I tried to show them what actually happens to a fetus, they lost their minds and screamed that they did not want to know. They believe as long as they are not aware, it is ok.
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Complete bullsht.

Children are targeted in broad daylight at "middle class melissa" shops and restaurants as well as large public gatherings where ticket prices nearly assure a large, middle and upper-middle class presence.

The only thing intelligent in your post is that it's completely artificial.

How many kids on the USA were snatched by non-relatives last year? Like scooped off the street by strangers?
I don't know what to make of human trafficking today. For example, I was in a stall taking a leak at the Seattle Airport on Saturday (because those woke weirdos got rid of the men's bathrooms in terminal D and made them all unisex) and they had a poster up notifying you to contact this number if you are being trafficked. During a Braves game the other day they had a commercial for numbers to call if you are being trafficked.

I am not at all saying that trafficking isn't going on, but I'd like to know the following:

1) How many people are being trafficked through major US airports?
2) Why would these people be scared to say something to say TSA or something as they go through security, but okay to make a phone call from the bathroom?
3) Who being tafficked is watching a baseball game and is like, "hey, wait a second, I'm being trafficked while watching this baseball game. I should call this help line."

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