Someone refresh my memory on Herro/Langford

You mean on a social board that only has a persons opinion, I gave an opinion.???

Your opinion is Herro is better. Good. Mine is Langford is the better player. No big deal.

But outside this board you will be hard pressed to find anyone that would agree with Herro being the better player.
Your opinion is that langford is better. The fact is Herro is are completely entitled to your opinion, and you are completely entitled to be wrong...

I understand your concern (are you Mr Langford), but any objective observer can see that Langford is lazy, uninvolved, selfish and cant shoot... that is why Herro was drafted higher.
Your opinion is that langford is better. The fact is Herro is are completely entitled to your opinion, and you are completely entitled to be wrong...

I understand your concern (are you Mr Langford), but any objective observer can see that Langford is lazy, uninvolved, selfish and cant shoot... that is why Herro was drafted higher.
Langford will continue those traits in the NBA for a few years as well as he bounces around the league. Tyler will flourish due to his work ethic and coachable attitude.
I honestly have to question this boards ability to objectively look evaluate talent. If anyone thinks Herro is the better player, you have no basketball sense.

Since the NBA seems to be the finite measure by the majority why do we have a thread that is so excited that Herro finally made a mock draft for this year while Langford has never been outside the lottery?

This didn’t age well.
Pure ability.

If you cannot tell the difference in their skill set, you are too blue blinded.
The thing called effort is also a skill set, one of these two has none,and it might be the biggest skill.