So who do you root for on saturday in Duke vs Lil Bro?

Duke. I even want the refs to screw UL by letting Duke shoot 40 free throws to UL's 8.
Neither, I hate both, but Lousiville winning would be better for our resume should we hit a real bad slump and drop some games. If we keep up like we did last night it won't matter though
this was posted on a uavel board:

All four previous Louisville teams to make it through 15 games with no losses to teams outside the AP top 18 have gone to the Elite Eight or further.


so i guess they are now assured of a long tourny run.
I know we can beat both, and since we've already proven it against UL, than I'm pulling for them over Duke.

At this point, K can't lose enough for me.
Originally posted by armchairpg:
The Duke and UL rivalries are not personal to me like they are for some. It is just a basketball thing. That said, I do think it is funny how UL fans take so much pride in the strength of their conference even though that have been in it for 5 minutes and then crap on the SEC which has been down lately. Eh, to answer the question, seeing UL NOT compete with the top ACC is more fun than Coach K not getting closer to his 1k so...there you have it. Go Dukies! (ewww...feels wrong).

I won't be rooting for either team to win but I wll be rooting for the Cards to lose. The Pompous attitude they have because they've joined the ACC is unbearable and being able to shove it in their face that they really are just the step child of that family would be great. Big Brother UNC already took their toy away, now its time for Big Sister to push them down the stairs.

With that said, either losing will be fine, it really won't affect us either way.
I really never paid much attention to UL before Denny Crum arrived. He started the split or hatred between the two schools and his radio announcer fanned the flame. Louisville also started the theme that UK was the racist school and promoted this for years. They used it when they recruited Wes Unseld as well as Butch Beard. They kept it up for decades after that.

So I have no use for them and I hope Duke beats them. If it doesn't happen I will sleep very well that night. Unless Alabama pulls a 1978 against our Cats and history repeats.
Not sure how anyone could say UofL is NOT a rival....if UofL isn't our rival, then who is? Tennessee?? Vandy??? Maybe Florida??? I don't think those schools consider us a true "rival'. If UofL isn't our rival, then why is the game as physical as it is when we play? Why is the arena always supercharged when the two teams play? Why are the players hyped up? Why do the coaches play it down?

With that said, I have a hard time being for either team on Saturday but I'd probably rather see UofL win simply to give Duke three straight losses. Louisville will lose a few more games on the road in the ACC this season as well.
i can not think of any circumstance that i would root for ul
ul fans as a whole are the most ignorant and delusional fanbase in all of CBB
they do not deserve or have they earned the right for one single UK fan to root for them
Let's reverse this. What if Kentucky was playing Duke and this thread was on the UL message board.

Do you honestly think, fellow UK fans, that UL fans would be saying we hope Kentucky beats Duke? I haven't seen any evidence they pull for us to beat anybody.

Unlike many Kentucky fans they do not pull for the "instate team" when they play anyone other than UL.
One of them will lose. That's how I see it anyway. It's become an even bigger game for Duke though we two straight losses going in. Imagine if we'd lost those 2 last week after being 14-0. I don't want to.
Originally posted by YouKay:

Rick Pitino has never beaten UNC and I don't think he's beaten Duke either.
Ware broke his leg in the Duke game. Pretty sure they won that one.