So who do you root for on saturday in Duke vs Lil Bro?


Mar 22, 2007
Louisville, KY
I always like to see both teams lose but the thought of Duke dropping 3 in a row is just too good to not wish for. But then again living in Louisville and listening to all their crap all year no matter the sport (they talk smack over field anyone cares). I just have to root for UofL to lose. I'm not rooting for Duke to win, just UofL to lose

This post was edited on 1/14 6:45 PM by BtBlueBlood
Has to be louisville. Cardinals were beat by UNC, so they aren't some invincible team in the ACC. I don't feel anyone has to worry about them.

Duke losing 3 straight working themselves to a 3 seed is something I want to see
Now that Duke has lost two straight I will root for Duke to beat Louisville by 20
Originally posted by DDS62:
Now that Duke has lost two straight I will root for Duke to beat Louisville by 20

It would be.......very enjoyable
Don't have to root for UL. Duke will fall without much help.
Duke. Easily.

Listen, it's the same discussion we had in the Elite Eight in 2013. Duke is not our rival. They're just not. Yes, they like to see us lose, just like we like to see them lose, but they're not a rival. UL absolutely is. They HATE us and we HATE them. They get more pleasure out of UK losing than they do UL winning. Most of them are sniveling, raunchy, uncouth, ignorant linebeards with little brother syndrome.

I've lived in Louisville for a good 75 percent of my life. Trust me, you want UL to lose on Saturday.
Originally posted by .S&C.:
Has to be louisville. Cardinals were beat by UNC, so they aren't some invincible team in the ACC. I don't feel anyone has to worry about them.

Duke losing 3 straight working themselves to a 3 seed is something I want to see
Let's go Devils (clap clap clap clap clap)

Let's go Devils (clap clap clap clap clap)

Let's go Devils (clap clap clap clap clap)
I won't pull for either, but I would rather Loserville lose. The great thing is one of them will have three losses.
I don't care what team is playing against Duke, I'm going to take the other team. In this case if Louisville can delay Coach K from reaching the 1000 game milestone, so much the better.
Originally posted by DDS62:
Now that Duke has lost two straight I will root for Duke to beat Louisville by 20
This. I hope most every body beats Louisville by 20 except Indiana and North Carolina
Quentin Snider is the son of a friend and he's a great young man. Since he joined the Cards I see them in a different light and have no problem rooting for them, for him to tell the truth. Louisville is gong to roll Duke.
What makes it hard for me is I live in Louisville and work with mostly UofL fans so I would love to see UofL lose, but Duke dropping 3 in a row just never happens and in a year where they were hyped as much as UK and obviously not near as good it's just so hard to not root against them.
I guess the best way to look at it is it's a win/win for us UK fans. We win with whoever loses because we hate them both.
Just as long as the Cats take care of Bama then I won't care. But if UK loses sat. then UofL better lose as well or it will be hell at work.
I actually think it would be pretty funny to see Duke win in the chicken bucket after getting blown out in 2 straight games.
When Louisville beat Michigan,I didn't root against them because there were players on the team I liked.

That is not the case this year. They are Louisville and all things being equal, that's always worse than duke.
After some thought I decided i'm rooting for a UofL loss Saturday. As good as it would be to see Duke drop 3 straight and fall to #6 or 7 in the rankings (we know they won't drop much, fact) living in Louisville having to listen to the garbage the jackholes here spew i'm rooting for Duke.
I hate both a lot.

I always love seeing Louisville lose. I always love seeing Duke lose.

Louisville winning will help our RPI/SOS a bit more. But, we don't need it.
Yeah, the only joy greater than a uk win is watching puke lose. I never thought I could say this but go cards! For one day only at least my second favorite team is whoever is playing puke. My 3rd would of course be whoever is playing duh ville.
Yikes. Before I read what UL fans write on their message boards, I would have said UL. Now I just don't know. Regardless, I'm happy for UL fans that it will be nationally televised. Mongolian state TV may even pick up the feed so former Louisville players can watch.

I'm rooting for all banks and investors to foreclose on the chicken bucket prior to the game.
I'm rooting for a belle Knox sighting, while Puke is rooting for a Karen sypher sighting
Every time UL and Duke have played in the past it has been an ongoing question for me, who to root for? But every time I see the look on K's ( the constipated turtle's) face after a loss( or during a beatdown like tonight) I find my answer, go cards.