For the love of god, please don't start taking steps backwards. We've gone over this so many times. Please, read this, read it very carefully.
The NCAA did not rule Rose ineligible because of their own investigation, they ruled Rose ineligible because the ETS yanked his SAT. They (the NCAA) had no other choice, Rose did not meet all the requirements to play at Memphis -- he had no official SAT score. THE NCAA HAD NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER. In regards to Aurthur, the school board did not invalidate his diploma, or any of the other requirements he needed to play at KU. Do you see how the two situations are different?
If you want a closer comparison, compare Arthur with Bledsoe. Yeah, let's do that. In both cases there were investigations in alleged improper grade changes. You know about Arthur, so I'll just inform you what they found with Bledsoe.
"Though the investigators concluded that the instructor's reasons for changing the grade were "not credible," and that a significant number of his high school grades were written over to reflect higher grades, the school board voted to allow the grade to stand, and the NCAA declared its investigation of Bledsoe's eligibility closed the following week."
Guess what the NCAA did to UK, you know that school that everyone here thinks gets picked on by the NCAA...they didn't do anything. Just like they didn't do anything to KU. Two very similar situations and two very similar outcomes from the NCAA.
Oh, and by the way, the NCAA exonerated Cal while at UMass and a time(s) when he was getting bashed by everyone for cheating.
Finally, if anything, the KU fan has more to complain about from the NCAA than UK fans...just look how many times they've been investigated, placed on probation, and even worse.