SIAP: Bronny James Summer League Debut

I'll never understand why on a UK fan site with posters who proudly say they don't watch the NBA or outright hate the NBA, that LeBron and Bronny is such a lightning rod discussion that leads to posters calling each other names and accusing each other of this and that. It all seems pretty silly and guys here are allowing themselves to get worked up and act like jerks to each other...over Bronny James lol. I just don't get the Bronny obsession here and it is an obsession. Since his days in high school, I'm willing to bet there's been no less than 30 threads about this one west coast player. I mean, I think we get it. A majority here believe he's terrible and some probably wish he wasn't continuing to play for whatever reason. Not sure how many times posters need to say the same thing. Everything that one could say about Bronny here over the years has been said. Sheesh...I'm going for a run.

For me and I’m sure others, the changes to the NBA that Lebron’s created cause us to have to skip the NBA all together but in the social media age you’re always seeing his next move. You cannot hide from it there’s no way to do that. Therefore the annoyance of always being reminded of how he destroyed a once great league leads to certain feelings on the matter, that then leads to topics on forums such as this, which then lead to posts. It’s not that hard to understand.

Nobody is fooling anyone. Lebron has made the league political (even though he’s really an idiot that’s been given a fail proof platform by DNA) and most of his supporters are dishonest and won’t admit it’s political. If Lebron came out with a Trump hat and turned the league into a bunch of conservatives I highly doubt your post would even be in existence. But you’ll be dishonest and deny it.

It’s mainly just politics as to why he gets the cover he does.
If I would you, the last thing I would do is call someone else a moron. You are ONE of if not THE worst posters on here. Congrats ? Like I said, name 10 better ?????? Funny, you keep ducking that part. I can not stand Lebron, as stated before, which you seem to not grasp (shocker there), but 26 / 8 / 8 is not just "good" as you said. One last time and I am done with your ignorance, name 10 players in the NBA TODAY, better than Lebron James. I will anxiously wait for your response. Which it will just be another BS beat around the topic and more Gibberish instead. By the way, what does Lebron James not caring about me have to do with his basketball ability ? You are simply being stupid and using NOTHING to debate your side, just ignorance and then more ignorance. NO FACTS.

Yeah, didn't read that. I never said LeBron wasn't good, you just assumed that part because I said he wasn't good enough to be drafting his kid that shouldn't even be in the league. He's not the best player in the world anymore, and he can't carry poorly constructed rosters anymore. Facts, my friend.
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NAME 10 PLAYERS TODAY, WO ARE BETTER ? No ONE player can carry a team anymore. Those days are over. Obviously you can't name 10 players who are better. I will try to make it easy for you, name ONE player who can carry poorly constructed rosters to a championship ? The answer is just like the other question you have ducked the last 3 post, YOU CAN"T.

Facts, my friend. You are wrong on both.
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For me and I’m sure others, the changes to the NBA that Lebron’s created cause us to have to skip the NBA all together but in the social media age you’re always seeing his next move. You cannot hide from it there’s no way to do that. Therefore the annoyance of always being reminded of how he destroyed a once great league leads to certain feelings on the matter, that then leads to topics on forums such as this, which then lead to posts. It’s not that hard to understand.

Nobody is fooling anyone. Lebron has made the league political (even though he’s really an idiot that’s been given a fail proof platform by DNA) and most of his supporters are dishonest and won’t admit it’s political. If Lebron came out with a Trump hat and turned the league into a bunch of conservatives I highly doubt your post would even be in existence. But you’ll be dishonest and deny it.

It’s mainly just politics as to why he gets the cover he does.

I was going to give a thoughtful response as you took the time to write this but then I got to the end where you went petty and said I, a stranger you know nothing about, would be dishonest in some made-up scenario of yours. That there is my main point. You've used the subject of the James family to now take a shot at me personally, which is sorta shitty. You leave that out and maybe a civil back and forth happens.

At the end of the day, just by going by your post here, I feel you really just want to talk or complain about the politics you disagree with and I don't care, man. Life is wayyy too short to pretend you have some make believe feud with the James's or you've decided to hate LeBron because maybe he's a liberal and you're a conservative. Good lord, don't make today's politics into a personality trait. Have a good evening regardless.
Total bullshit!!!! How does one hate lebron because he’s black but love Michael Jordan. You race baiting assholes are a total ****ing joke.

Yeah. I loved Jordan, Kobe, Magic, Shaq, etc, all intelligent guys in my book. I appreciate Lebron n helping the Lakers win a title but his control over the franchise is damaging it. The dumb coaching hire with no experience and nepotism central and on and on. None of the other Lakers players respect JR being on the team I am sure.
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I was going to give a thoughtful response as you took the time to write this but then I got to the end where you went petty and said I, a stranger you know nothing about, would be dishonest in some made-up scenario of yours. That there is my main point. You've used the subject of the James family to now take a shot at me personally, which is sorta shitty. You leave that out and maybe a civil back and forth happens.

At the end of the day, just by going by your post here, I feel you really just want to talk or complain about the politics you disagree with and I don't care, man. Life is wayyy too short to pretend you have some make believe feud with the James's or you've decided to hate LeBron because maybe he's a liberal and you're a conservative. Good lord, don't make today's politics into a personality trait. Have a good evening regardless.

Yes you love Lebron and are taking up for him when there’s plenty of reasons not to like him. Yet you don’t accept it, sounds familiar to me. I’m sure you’re not political at all and what little you are you hate his politics.

It’s ALL political with Lebron, and it is with you, but Lebron fans are always dishonest. I’m sure there are some who believe the opposite that he does and like him but it’s few and far between. Lebron fans are largely a very dishonest group.
Yes you love Lebron and are taking up for him when there’s plenty of reasons not to like him. Yet you don’t accept it, sounds familiar to me. I’m sure you’re not political at all and what little you are you hate his politics.

It’s ALL political with Lebron, and it is with you, but Lebron fans are always dishonest. I’m sure there are some who believe the opposite that he does and like him but it’s few and far between. Lebron fans are largely a very dishonest group.
The things I don't like about Lebron are that he makes everything about himself, and instead of doing the right and just thing, he pushed for his son to get a spot over some MUCH better deserving player out there. Beyond that, I don't ever think about him.
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Folks, they retained the best player in the modern game at the very least if not ever. That's worth a second-round draft pick.

People are talking about the NBA, lakers, and specifically summer league ball which basically never happens. Another win...again, worth a late round pick. They did the NBA a solid there...I mean when does anybody in the eastern time zone, specifically football loving Rust/Bible belt/Midwest-southeast ever care about west coast professional basketball let alone summer league?

It would be one thing if Bronny was the first ever "project" taken in the league and that the draft was primarily guys who had produced at the college level for 3-4 years.

They will make that 5 million on jersey sales easy. That "James II" will be a hot fashionable commodity. Bronny has a demographic of young fans that he brings to the table even if he doesn't play much. Then obviously he has a cohort of fans who will pay attention just so they can bitch about how unproductive he is...that bumps the price tag when dealing with media/streaming talks.

XYZ media/streaming/social platform "okay lakers, what's your pitch for that price"

Lakers: "first off we have LeBron James. Secondly, we have young gen-Zers who don't give a f*ck about basketball watching Bronny and buying his jersey. Third, we have people in the Midwest/southeast who generally only follow football and a few blue blood CBB programs in the eastern time zone talking about us in July...."

You're probably right, that the Lakers will likely make more money in the short team, just for having Lebron on the bench.

But the Lakers placating to Lebron, who is clearly not doing a single thing to help the Lakers succeed for the future, is going to cost them more down the road.

He's getting coaches fired to the point that the job isn't desirable anymore. He still felt the need to take nearly max money at $50mil each of the next 2 years, with a no trade clause. Then they waste a pick on Bronny, who is not what you define as a "project". That's not the biggest deal because it was a 2nd round pick. But the problem is, it just further divides the fanbase and the locker room. They are also wasting a totally unnecessary 1st salary on him.

Just think.. if LA saved the bronny contract and instead gave that $8mil to Hurley.. would that have been enough to get him, a coach of the future?

So yes, lakers might have made $5mil in Jersey sales the next 2 years (although I really don't know who the hell is buying a lebron jersey these days).. but they probably just hamstrung their next decade of success.. and that could be worth Billions.. yes, with a B.