SEC votes tomorrow to approve the settlement that will pay players 15 billion in the next 10 years.


Mar 30, 2002
This will change the landscape of college athletics, yet again. No way it’s sustainable for athletic programs to maintain all of the programs they currently have snd be able to set aside upwards of $20 million/year that goes to athletes. If this all happens, which it’s looking like it will, many athletic departments will make massive cuts to sports, salaries, etc.
We’re fortunate to have a profitable athletic department. I feel like this will absolutely cripple programs like EKU and WKU though, which is sad.
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This will change the landscape of college athletics, yet again. No way it’s sustainable for athletic programs to maintain all of the programs they currently have snd be able to set aside upwards of $20 million/year that goes to athletes. If this all happens, which it’s looking like it will, many athletic departments will make massive cuts to sports, salaries, etc.
I'm afraid you're right. The problem began with the first coach who wasn't also a professor. Probably back in the 19th century. Colleges should never have gone into the entertainment business. (Stadiums that seat 100,000 people! etc. What were they thinking?)
WKU will keep its FB and BB And that will probably be it.

Who this will really hurt is Murray.
I obviously don’t know exactly how this would work, but what would make more sense (which pretty much guarantees it won’t be this) is that it would be in proportion to how much revenue is generated by a school’s athletic department.

If you tell me that an SEC school financially benefited from having a star athlete and it’s only fair that the athlete get some compensation, then sure.
If you tell me that Anonymous Andy played Pickleball for SW Popcorn State and therefore he deserves to be payed, then I’m going to advise you to go practice intimacy alone.
I obviously don’t know exactly how this would work, but what would make more sense (which pretty much guarantees it won’t be this) is that it would be in proportion to how much revenue is generated by a school’s athletic department.

If you tell me that an SEC school financially benefited from having a star athlete and it’s only fair that the athlete get some compensation, then sure.
If you tell me that Anonymous Andy played Pickleball for SW Popcorn State and therefore he deserves to be payed, then I’m going to advise you to go practice intimacy alone.
I’m pretty sure that is how it’s going to work. The big dogs will pay out the most, with a majority of it going to sports that produce the most revenue. Then when you get to schools like Murray, EKU and WKU, they would pay out less.
I haven't read up on all this. How does Title IX play in to it or do we know?

If they try to pay all sports equal, only basketball and football will survive.
Or my other favorite

Not only will this hurt smaller schools it going to put a nail in the ACC and Big 12.
This will change the landscape of college athletics, yet again. No way it’s sustainable for athletic programs to maintain all of the programs they currently have snd be able to set aside upwards of $20 million/year that goes to athletes. If this all happens, which it’s looking like it will, many athletic departments will make massive cuts to sports, salaries, etc.

Pretty much. Any non-profitable sport will be on the list for cuts, which will probably have an outsized impact on men's sports because football takes up a lot of scholarships with Title IX regulations. So some athletes are going to make money here but a good number of others stand to lose scholarship opportunities as well, something that isn't talked about a lot by a media obsessed with football and basketball.

I can also see this crippling other schools athletic budgets, like directional schools, to the point that they will have to make the decision whether to stay Division 1 or drop to a lower tier where this revenue sharing model will not be in effect. That will have the intended effect, probably from the power conference point-of-view, to cut Division 1 down to the schools that can afford it.

Where things go from there? No idea. But the next lawsuit over this will be how this money all gets allocated and whether Title IX rules apply to it. So lawsuits beget more lawsuits!
I haven't read up on all this. How does Title IX play in to it or do we know?

If they try to pay all sports equal, only basketball and football will survive.
The lawyers that led this case say the courts will have to determine that in the future. In other words, expect more lawsuits to settle it.
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I haven't read up on all this. How does Title IX play in to it or do we know?

If they try to pay all sports equal, only basketball and football will survive.
Title IX won’t play into it in that role. Just the sane that schools pour tons more money into football and men’s basketball than they do women’s sports.

It will mostly play a role in what’s sports will be cut, having to balance it out.
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This will change the landscape of college athletics, yet again. No way it’s sustainable for athletic programs to maintain all of the programs they currently have snd be able to set aside upwards of $20 million/year that goes to athletes. If this all happens, which it’s looking like it will, many athletic departments will make massive cuts to sports, salaries, etc.
It will definitely separate the haves from the have nots. Fortunately we are probably one of the schools that could sustain it with some creative accounting. Schools with smaller budgets get left in the dust. Will be interesting if this is the final piece that leads to the formation of a super league.
Universities: "WE have no money to pay the athletes. This is UNSUSTAINABLE!"

Also Universities: "let's give this Asian lady $10,000 to ride a unicycle while balancing dinner plates on her forehead at halftime! "

Dont fall for the BS "we barely break even in the athletic department" Lies! You been operating for decades without paying the folks who are bringing in the money while signing billion dollar deals & charging fans out the yin yang along the way.

It's like a rich dude at tax season or going thru divorce. They'll say anything to convince the powers that be that they in fact are really POOR & barely making ends meet nevermind the Lamborghinis, Rolexs & summer homes, your honor.
Is the $20 million per year per school going to have that much effect?
It might keep the Olympic sports afloat.
But football and men's basketball, maybe baseball and volleyball (some places) will still have boosters, collectives, etc, shelling out $5 million a pop to get the best power forward or $10 to get the best quarterback.
The universities brought it on themselves. They could and should have done more for the players years ago. It was absolutely ridiculous to have players playing for the university whose families in many cases couldn't afford to attend a few games to watch their children play. Had just a few commonsense courtesies been extended to players years ago we might not be at this point now. It is unfortunate that coaches and universities greed has completely broken this system to the point of this. It is common knowledge that the 4 to 5 years that most of these kids spend in school will be their best life. The degrees that most of them get if they get degrees at all aren't worth the paper they are printed on. I am not exactly sure what they should get but considering it will be their best chance to make good money, they deserve more than just free tuition, room, and board.
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Yeah all the people who asked for and supported NIL were not very bright were they.
Collegiate sports as we knew it is officially done. I don't see the NCAA putting their big boy pants on and doing away with this or creating a league where things are done the old way (no NIL). Teams for the most part aren't going to back out from this, out of fear of not being able to get talent who wants money. The NBA sure as heck isn't going to force kids to stay in college for two years, and end up alienating the NBA fans that just HAVE to see new collegiate talent.
Coaches salaries need to be the first thing to come down. The fact CMS makes $9mil/yr is ridiculous

Football revenue drives everything everywhere and yes that's at UK. Especially now, the football coach absolutely needs to be the highest paid of the group and probably by double.

People have a very off idea about revenue. When balanced with title 9, the only mens sports at a school will be football, basketball, and maybe a couple more. Football will have to carry the load plus generate the money for this settlement.
WKU will keep its FB and BB And that will probably be it.

Who this will really hurt is Murray.
Won't Title IX require them to have an equal number of Female scholarships as Male? That's another 80 or so Female athletes.

I don't know how Title IX is enforced now. Everyone is a pro. They have to pull their weight. They need to eliminate scholarships totally now. The academic end has got to be in the crapper. You can't tell me you can make someone do any class work who is earning a million for six months, and in the spring is leaving for the Pros or another school.