SEC votes tomorrow to approve the settlement that will pay players 15 billion in the next 10 years.

I said when this NIL rule came about that they were opening a can of worms and some laughed. Well the can is open and now you have a big mess. Need to put a cap on this or there will be no sports to watch.
And we will wonder why it so expensive to go to a game.
Until we see otherwise I’m going to continue pushing back on the idea that ticket prices will go up a bunch now. That would imply universities were knowingly leaving money on the table before now, and I really doubt that was the case.
I’ve always thought they should be paid their market value or offered a scholarship. I suppose if they want both you could deduct the market value of their scholarship from the market value of their contract and pay them that and call it a day.

But contributing to give them scholarships and monitor their grades is a dog and pony show at this point and needs to go. We are watching the construction of the new G-league, and these athletes are anything but students at this point. And there are people who could really use those scholarships. People who intend to use them for their intended purpose. College sports may be dead, but a desire for education and advancement is not.