Saddest movie ever

Shoah. Yeah, cheating a bit because it's not fiction.

If you were a kid in the 50s, Old Yeller was unendurable.

The Charlie Chaplin movie City Lights is another one that tears people up. If you've never seen it, I won't spoil it for you.
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Transformers the movie 1986.

I was like 8 or 9 and they killed Optimus in the opening act. I was devastated. That whole movie was some serious violence and death. Some pretty dramatic crap for young me. But it was the 80s. They had balls back then. We all did. It was rated PG or R. no in-between. R usually meant you were going to see a boob.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale

Dog follows his owner to the commuter train every day and is there waiting for him when he comes back each day from work. The owner dies at work. Then it follows the dog who obviously doesn't know what happened to his owner.

If you love dogs, do NOT watch this movie. Dang it was sad.
They are going to drain my knees again tomorrow so hopefully that will give me relief. Quadruple bypass 16 days ago and what is the problem? My knees which is holding me up from doing the walking I need to be doing. It's getting aggravating.

Don't know you well, but you have been around the paddock whole time I have been here. Hope things improve for you and soon.
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Transformers the movie 1986.

I was like 8 or 9 and they killed Optimus in the opening act. I was devastated. That whole movie was some serious violence and death. Some pretty dramatic crap for young me. But it was the 80s. They had balls back then. We all did. It was rated PG or R. no in-between. R usually meant you were going to see a boob.

That and the neverending story both had scenes that devastated young bbi
When I was a kid I was certain I’d die either in quicksand or the Bermuda Triangle. Neither turned out to be much of an issue.

I totally forgot the Bermuda triangle. Good call. Did they actually figure that thing out? Or was it like most of these things and just easy content to scare kids?
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A movie about a man willing to kill himself so his son, who needs a heart transplant, can have his heart is the correct answer. I don't show a lot of emotion but as a father I cry like a baby anytime I watch this film.
I totally forgot the Bermuda triangle. Good call. Did they actually figure that thing out? Or was it like most of these things and just easy content to scare kids?

The Bermuda Triangle doesn’t have any more missing planes or other weirdness than anywhere else. Easy content

When I was a kid ‘stop, drop, and roll’ was beat into our heads so much I thought people were just randomly bursting into flames. A love of ‘unsolved mysteries’ didn’t help
The Bermuda Triangle doesn’t have any more missing planes or other weirdness than anywhere else. Easy content

When I was a kid ‘stop, drop, and roll’ was beat into our heads so much I thought people were just randomly bursting into flames. A love of ‘unsolved mysteries’ didn’t help

Talking about emotion....unsolved mysteries was definitely up there too. The music, imagery, and robert stack's delivery had me scared of aliens, bermuda triangle, and random serial killers looking in my window.
My vote goes to My Life. Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman find out they are going to have a son and then Michael Keaton finds out he's going to die of cancer before the kid is even born. A lot of him trying to connect with his kid through video before he dies. Not sure how much sadder you get than that.
The truly sad, heartbreaking part of this? By the time the kid was old enough to understand, that video format was extinct, there was no easy way to view the tapes, mom had moved on to step-dad and no one ever bothered to have those cassettes transferred over to a medium the kid could watch.
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My Girl. When she shows up at his funeral and breaks down over him not having his glasses on was tough on 11 year old me.
Old Yeller
Bang the Drum Slowly
Brian’s Song
Six Weeks
Dead Poets Society
Schindler’s List
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Sarah’s Key
Manchester by the Sea
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Yep. As well done as it is, just brutally hard for me to watch human suffering on that scale.
And Spielberg was directing Jurassic Park at the same time. I can't fathom the shifts of emotion from doing arguably one of the most important and depressing films ever made to a summer blockbuster about a dinosaur park.
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