SACS to announce on June 11 unc *** 's accreditation

had they self reported to the ncaa, they might have still not punished them. still, it's crazy how dumb they were handling this. their penalties would have been lifted by now lol. instead they risked it all, and now the real embarrassment starts. well it's already been going on.
UNC-Chapel Hill to learn accreditation status next month

I guess this is big. Someone other than Wainstein report to say afam classes were fake. I don't know why the ncaa would wait on SACS to rule on the matter? The cost of the afam scandal is about to go up. GBB GBB

SACS isn't going to do anything to them. SACS accredits universities as a whole, not classes. No way they take away UNC's accreditation. I'm pretty sure they don't retroactively do anything either, so I'm not sure what they will say about the AFAM classes..

Hopefully I'm wrong and they can do something to slam UNC, we will see.
SACS isn't going to do anything to them. SACS accredits universities as a whole, not classes. No way they take away UNC's accreditation. I'm pretty sure they don't retroactively do anything either, so I'm not sure what they will say about the AFAM classes..

Hopefully I'm wrong and they can do something to slam UNC, we will see.

Pretty sure SACS does look at classes. After all, majors like AFAM are made up of classes. If the classes are bogus, that certainly affects the major. Now, the key thing is, since SACS has already looked into this before, and are looking again because unc wasn't truthful the first time, will they drop the hammer, or just say "we know you messed up in the past, we're watching you, now go and sin no more".

Big question is, what will the NCAA do with SACS discoveries?
The only question is if SACS puts them on Probation or not.

There is zero chance of SACS stripping their accreditation. Also, SACS really only cares about the here and now. They will ask if UNC fixed their problems and then say all is good. The article does say that UNC was not forthcoming in the original investigation, so that might piss SACS off enough to put them on probation, but otherwise, UNC is in no danger of being nuked.
It still amazes me that people think that anything of any significance will come out of this. Everyone is getting their hopes up and when all is said and done, nothing will have been done to UNCheat.
Pretty sure SACS does look at classes. After all, majors like AFAM are made up of classes. If the classes are bogus, that certainly affects the major. Now, the key thing is, since SACS has already looked into this before, and are looking again because unc wasn't truthful the first time, will they drop the hammer, or just say "we know you messed up in the past, we're watching you, now go and sin no more".

Big question is, what will the NCAA do with SACS discoveries?

I never said SACS doesn't look at classes. I said they don't accredit individual classes, and they dont.
It still amazes me that people think that anything of any significance will come out of this. Everyone is getting their hopes up and when all is said and done, nothing will have been done to UNCheat.

They could put Cleveland State back on probation for this. lol
My wife, whom worked with SACS for years has followed the UNC scandal and says that nothing of merit will be done to UNC. The SACS report will contain a strongly worded evaluation and UNC will be put on probation and be required to submit more lengthy and expensive reports that verify changes were made to rectify the systemic problems within UNC . And UNC will oblige because, like every major college and University they have a dedicated department to handle accreditation. A school the size of UNC likely has a department of a dozen employees and half of them will now be put on the "AFAM scandle detail". But nothing much will be done (likely nothing) to UNC in the long run. Removing their accreditation is a joke - not gonna happen. Evidently SACS and it's family of accreditation institutions are basically independent organizations that the US Government uses as approved vendors to evaluate college curriculum for the purpose of distributing funds from the Department of Education to the many educational facilities around the country. But they have no real clout and if they ever tried to discredit an institution the size of UNC without Congressional approval, the powerful UNC lobby and political alliances would simply stop using SACS as the approved accrediting agency and find a "yes man" organization to rely on - which is what SACS has become. The only institutions that ever get hurt by their evaluations are new start up schools, very small schools and occasionally a small corrupt institution that is trying to bilk money out of the government .

And IMO, the NCAA isn't going to do anything either. Sorry to rain on the parade
"SACS only cares about the here and now" - Then why are they investigating a decades old fraud problem?

"My wife worked with SACS and says nothing will happen" - How many scandals of this magnitude did she preside over?

"SACS can't strip accreditation without congressional approval" - I promise you they can

"It's all or none, SACS can't look at individual classes for accreditation" - No actually they go college by college, that is, they can look at various colleges within a university or even direct major programs. They can strip accreditation at various quadrants of a university without taking the whole thing away.
"SACS only cares about the here and now" - Then why are they investigating a decades old fraud problem?

"My wife worked with SACS and says nothing will happen" - How many scandals of this magnitude did she preside over?

"SACS can't strip accreditation without congressional approval" - I promise you they can

"It's all or none, SACS can't look at individual classes for accreditation" - No actually they go college by college, that is, they can look at various colleges within a university or even direct major programs. They can strip accreditation at various quadrants of a university without taking the whole thing away.

I did not say my wife presided over anything. She worked with the agency for 15 years and that is her opinion. And since these messages don't disappear anymore - we will all soon know if she was right.

I did not say SACS could not strip accreditation without congressional approval. I said that if they did, without congressional approval they would lose their accreditation with the Department of Education. That is quite different and suggests you may have a problem with remedial reading.
SACS is too big of a BUSH to do anything , they'll embarrass a contortionist with their moves to get out of this .
"SACS only cares about the here and now" - Then why are they investigating a decades old fraud problem?

"My wife worked with SACS and says nothing will happen" - How many scandals of this magnitude did she preside over?

"SACS can't strip accreditation without congressional approval" - I promise you they can

"It's all or none, SACS can't look at individual classes for accreditation" - No actually they go college by college, that is, they can look at various colleges within a university or even direct major programs. They can strip accreditation at various quadrants of a university without taking the whole thing away.

You misquoted a lot of this. If you use quotes you should actually use what people said and not put your own spin on it to benefit the argument you are trying to make.
Their Accreditation should be taken away (but won't) since they allowed "fake" classes to be taken.
Sacs should remove the afam accreditation and leave the rest of the school alone IMO. Kind of a rock in a hard place. Unc *** admitted the classes were fake. If sacs does nothing, then they are no longer relevant. If they say unc cheat admin did not know what was going on by the hands of a few gone rogue, That is the definition of LACK OF INSTITTUTIONAL CONTROL. If the ncaa fails to punish the cheats, they are no longer relevant. GBB
SACS isn't going to do anything to them. SACS accredits universities as a whole, not classes. No way they take away UNC's accreditation. I'm pretty sure they don't retroactively do anything either, so I'm not sure what they will say about the AFAM classes..

Hopefully I'm wrong and they can do something to slam UNC, we will see.
Slap on the wrist.