
Glenn's take

May 20, 2012
It's 4th and inches for a couple of hours isn't it? First time I've watched it ever and that's what it appears to me. I know it's a 10 team league and 8 make the playoffs. That's weird. I don't think this will ever be much of a sport except for 2:26 on a Friday.
Rugby is a great sport once you learn the rules. It's definitely not like 4th and inches when you kick the ball out to a winger with a full head of steam.
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Rugby has become my second favorite sport to watch, behind only college basketball.

I often compare it to NFL football, and rugby is just better. Especially in that it is a continuous action sport. In NFL the average play takes 4 seconds. Then there's about 30 seconds of no action as the teams huddle up, call the next play, go to formation, change formation, and finally hike the ball. In rugby there's a tackle, and the ball is immediately put back into play. It's faster too. An NFL game that has 60 minutes of game clock takes 3+ hours to complete. A rugby match with 80 minutes of game clock is done in under 2 hours.

All players must be able to tackle properly (with no pads or helmets) , carry the ball, pass, and play both offense and defense. It's a great game.
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Rugby is a great community. Have a friend in his 50’s that still plays.
In our 30’s we went to an LSU game. New Orleans rugby played Baton Rouge that day. He knew guys from when he played in Memphis. He ended up playing in game and we ended up joining their tailgate. Community.
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Told this before, but my supervisor in the Air Force, SSGT Ray Thomson (a legendary drinker and all-around badass from Scotland) broke his arm in one of our rugby matches against the Aussies (when I was stationed in Germany) , finished the match, and refused to go get treatment, because he didn't want to miss the after party. He waited 3 days to go to sick bay, and they had to re-break the arm to get it to heal properly. Guy was a legend, and still a close friend of mine.
Told this before, but my supervisor in the Air Force, SSGT Ray Thomson (a legendary drinker and all-around badass from Scotland) broke his arm in one of our rugby matches against the Aussies (when I was stationed in Germany) , finished the match, and refused to go get treatment, because he didn't want to miss the after party. He waited 3 days to go to sick bay, and they had to re-break the arm to get it to heal properly. Guy was a legend, and still a close friend of mine.
Whoa. I couldn’t do that. Broke my fingers in a game onetime and was in a cast a couple hours later.
Admire that toughness but it seems kinda shortsighted right?
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I saw a guy on our team get his arm broken, and another players dad who was a doctor reset it on the sideline. Coach wouldn't let him finish the game, but he stayed through it and went to the hospital afterwards.

About a week later, dude broke the cast in a fight with about 4 other guys, so he just tore it the rest of the way off. Played the next game.
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