Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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That's pretty cool.

It is. Honestly if I hadn't grown up in this particular church I'd have given up on religion a long time ago. I've been told I'm going to hell on many occasions. The most shocking was in high school. It has always been tradition for my high schools choir to sing at my church a few weeks before Christmas. When I was a Junior about half of them showed up. I went into school on Monday one of my classmates came up to me to tell me how beautiful the sanctuary at my church is. When I asked him why so many people didn't come he said "You have a woman minister, people think your congregation is going to Hell". I was beyond confused. There was never a time in my life that I didn't have a female minister of some sort.
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It is. Honestly if I hadn't grown up in this particular church I'd have given up on religion a long time ago. I've been told I'm going to hell on many occasions. The most shocking was in high school. It has always been tradition for my high schools choir to sing at my church a few weeks before Christmas. When I was a Junior about half of them showed up. I went into school on Monday one of my classmates came up to me to tell me how beautiful the sanctuary at my church is. When I asked him why so many people didn't come he said "You have a woman minister, people think your congregation is going to Hell". I was beyond confused. There was never a time in my life that I didn't have a female minister of some sort.
I'm used to the folks you just described. That's what I grew up with.
Trying find a clip of the husband supporting her for being in jail and that it is ok cause the taxpayers are the ones paying for it.
Also he wants the Governor to have a special session to discuss this issue (more tax money).
The denomination I grew up in has been behind gay rights and gay marriage for as long as I can remember. There was a big dust up back home when the ministers at my church came out as pro gay everything in a letter to the editor in the local paper. This was in 1998 if I recall correctly

That seems to contradict the doctrine. There's a lesbian preacher where we live who seems to just look over the verses discussing homosexuality as well. Curious how they get around that one but considering the nature of the modern day church, nothing surprises me anymore. It's just a big business now.
You can't seem to differentiate the aspect of not condoning a lifestyle and hate. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle and that won't change. I do not hate them or wish them harm either. But my faith and my beliefs are not negotiable.

I have enjoyed your posts in the past and I'm sure I will in the future, but you are very harsh toward this woman for some reason and we disagree.
There are cities in this country which willfully violate Fedral law concerning immigration daily. According to your view , they should all be jailed or resign. Even Obama wanted to grant immunity to millions of ILLEGAL immigrants.
If you still believe it's a "lifestyle" that ends the argument. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up and end my having brown hair lifestyle, or being under 6 foot lifestyle. But I'll stick with it for now I guess. When do you decide on the straight lifestyle, are you presented with that question often...or is it a one time fill in the blank? People are gay because that what they's archaic to think otherwise. And your puting them as less than you even considering that it's a lifestyle. Again science has done wonders for civilization. Is it going to rain this weekend, because God is angry..because that must be why it rains, right?

Also, I was raised a Republican still am registered as one and could never identify as a liberal. But when I was able to rationalize for myself I started to move to a libertarian, bc of how on some issues far conservatives go bat ish crazy over things that affect them in no way. That's an argument for another day, but my point is, if jesus lived today I believe conservative christians wouldn't like him at all. Let's take a look at who Jesus was. He was a radical non violent revolutionary, who hung around lepers, hookers, and crooks. He wasn't American and never spoke english. Was anti wealth, anti death penalty, and anti public prayer (Matthew 6:5). Was never anti being gay, never mentioned birth control, and was a long haired brown skinned homeless community organizer, who was an anti slut-shaming middle eastern Jew. Yeah, you would tell him he wasn't Christian enough.
That seems to contradict the doctrine. There's a lesbian preacher where we live who seems to just look over the verses discussing homosexuality as well. Curious how they get around that one but considering the nature of the modern day church, nothing surprises me anymore. It's just a big business now.
It's not that difficult to do, actually. Christians "overlook" tons of verses from the bible.
If you still believe it's a "lifestyle" that ends the argument. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up and end my having brown hair lifestyle, or being under 6 foot lifestyle. But I'll stick with it for now I guess. When do you decide on the straight lifestyle, are you presented with that question often...or is it a one time fill in the blank? People are gay because that what they's archaic to think otherwise. And your puting them as less than you even considering that it's a lifestyle. Again science has done wonders for civilization. Is it going to rain this weekend, because God is angry..because that must be why it rains, right?

Also, I was raised a Republican still am registered as one and could never identify as a liberal. But when I was able to rationalize for myself I started to move to a libertarian, bc of how on some issues far conservatives go bat ish crazy over things that affect them in no way. That's an argument for another day, but my point is, if jesus lived today I believe conservative christians wouldn't like him at all. Let's take a look at who Jesus was. He was a radical non violent revolutionary, who hung around lepers, hookers, and crooks. He wasn't American and never spoke english. Was anti wealth, anti death penalty, and anti public prayer (Matthew 6:5). Was never anti being gay, never mentioned birth control, and was a long haired brown skinned homeless community organizer, who was an anti slut-shaming middle eastern Jew. Yeah, you would tell him he wasn't Christian enough.

This summary of Jesus is hilariously ridiculous. In regards to the part of "Jesus never said anything about gays", did he not say "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH."

Yes, this sounds like a total endorsement of homosexuality.

I also stated above what constitutes a lifestyle and your example of "brown hair" is very stupid. Homosexuals, in general, have a very different lifestyle than the majority of heterosexuals. According to one infamous study and articles in the NYT, 80% of homosexuals have open relationships, which consist of sex with strangers and in numbers that dwarf the average heterosexual. It is also this reason why they have such high rates of HIV and STDs despite being 3% of the population.

Again, there are lifestyles and if you think the groups hooking up with total strangers, dancing in the streets half-naked is somehow not a reflection of a lifestyle and on par with the majority of heterosexuals, you are mistaken.

You can do what you want because I honestly don't give a shit but let's not BS each other and act like this group of 3% of people is totally the same as the 97% of this population.
He will cite that one study for the rest of his life. And obviously he still doesn't give a shit. I mean obviously.
If you still believe it's a "lifestyle" that ends the argument. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up and end my having brown hair lifestyle, or being under 6 foot lifestyle. But I'll stick with it for now I guess. When do you decide on the straight lifestyle, are you presented with that question often...or is it a one time fill in the blank? People are gay because that what they's archaic to think otherwise. And your puting them as less than you even considering that it's a lifestyle. Again science has done wonders for civilization. Is it going to rain this weekend, because God is angry..because that must be why it rains, right?

Also, I was raised a Republican still am registered as one and could never identify as a liberal. But when I was able to rationalize for myself I started to move to a libertarian, bc of how on some issues far conservatives go bat ish crazy over things that affect them in no way. That's an argument for another day, but my point is, if jesus lived today I believe conservative christians wouldn't like him at all. Let's take a look at who Jesus was. He was a radical non violent revolutionary, who hung around lepers, hookers, and crooks. He wasn't American and never spoke english. Was anti wealth, anti death penalty, and anti public prayer (Matthew 6:5). Was never anti being gay, never mentioned birth control, and was a long haired brown skinned homeless community organizer, who was an anti slut-shaming middle eastern Jew. Yeah, you would tell him he wasn't Christian enough.
Need a new definition to describe your level of ignorance and lack of intelligence. You believe whatever you want. I truly don't care. You are willingly ignorant to the truth.
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Hey DaBoss, I have you on ignore but I was logged out and glanced. There's a ton of studies that are far worse for the gay community than what I mentioned. Take your pick, idiot.

My point is that you can be gay, you can do whatever the hell you want but don't come spewing this BS that it's "normal" and totally like the majority of heterosexuals because the lifestyle is most certainly not the same to the majority of people hence why they have such high numbers of HIV/STDs. Those aren't "studies." Those are facts.
For a guy that doesn't care, you sure know a lot about homosexuals.
Need a new definition to describe your level of ignorance and lack of intelligence. You believe whatever you want. I truly don't care. You are willingly ignorant to the truth.

His debate skills are the same as the majority of liberals. "You don't agree with my ideology therefor you are backwards, intolerant, and stupid."

Such an enlightened fellow.
This fat pig deserves to be in jail...what an embarrasement to my second home state.

Borderline I know but let's not post video's of children in that manner.

Interesting, John that you feel this way because it makes my point. Look at what group thought it was appropriate to happen. That video alone is more eye-opening of the reality of these groups than the portrayal you see in sitcoms.
His debate skills are the same as the majority of liberals. "You don't agree with my ideology therefor you are backwards, intolerant, and stupid."

Such an enlightened fellow.

heisman, you could be lterally quoting yourself here. someone doesn't agree with your ideology, you express the same intolerance. and you are grouping an entire demographic based on that one video? is it fair to judge all catholic priest the same as those who have been caught pedophiling with young alter boys?
heisman, you could be lterally quoting yourself here. someone doesn't agree with your ideology, you express the same intolerance. and you are grouping an entire demographic based on that one video? is it fair to judge all catholic priest the same as those who have been caught pedophiling with young alter boys?

Nope. I don't care if you disagree nor am I in the group who pats itself on the back for being so "tolerant and open-minded" yet freaks out when someone disagrees with them.

I mentioned multiple studies of the levels of promiscuity and HIV.STDs from these groups that only make up 3% yet have these issues way more than heterosexuals. I'm proving my point that it's an indication of a lifestyle and that despite what television tells you, is by no means "normal."

I also, didn't say that every gay person was like this. I said "in general" many times but I do enjoy your example of Catholic priests and it raises another question. It's interesting that when a priest molests a boy, it's chalked up to Catholicism but the gay aspect of it is never mentioned and it doesn't get chalked up to the gay community. Why is that?

To be honest, I totally think gays should get benefits and tax breaks just like anyone else. What I'm challenging is the notion that these groups are "just like us" and it's on par with "someone that has brown hair." Ridiculous.
Verses about homosexuality = literal
Verses about the rich not getting into heaven = figurative
Verses about creationism = literal
Verses about thinking not for the morrow = figurative
Verses about virgin birth = literal
Verses about turning the other cheek = figurative
Nope. I don't care if you disagree nor am I in the group who pats itself on the back for being so "tolerant and open-minded" yet freaks out when someone disagrees with them.

I mentioned multiple studies of the levels of promiscuity and HIV.STDs from these groups that only make up 3% yet have these issues way more than heterosexuals. I'm proving my point that it's an indication of a lifestyle and that despite what television tells you, is by no means "normal."

I also, didn't say that every gay person was like this. I said "in general" many times but I do enjoy your example of Catholic priests and it raises another question. It's interesting that when a priest molests a boy, it's chalked up to Catholicism but the gay aspect of it is never mentioned and it doesn't get chalked up to the gay community. Why is that?

To be honest, I totally think gays should get benefits and tax breaks just like anyone else. What I'm challenging is the notion that these groups are "just like us" and it's on par with "someone that has brown hair." Ridiculous.
Still doesn't give a shit about homosexuals.
Anyone notice that Caitlyn Jenner is looking more like Julia Roberts these days?
If you learn the bible verse and chapter like Charlie sheen's dad just to refute some bible thumper then you're a miserable fag. Might want to try self identifying as someone without a stick up your ass.
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That also goes for those who learn it just to bible thump.

If God saved you from addiction or something then amen. The belief in god is a powerful thing and I can get on board worth that. I've seen the belief in god do good things.
That seems to contradict the doctrine. There's a lesbian preacher where we live who seems to just look over the verses discussing homosexuality as well. Curious how they get around that one but considering the nature of the modern day church, nothing surprises me anymore. It's just a big business now.
Perhaps contradicts your church's doctrine but not the doctrine of the Methodist, Presbyterians, Episcopal, United Church of Christ and many other churches. You see, if one studies the entire Bible then they can find scripture to support many different doctrines, thus the reason that Christianity has so many different denominations and even sects within those denominations. And every one of those groups believe that they and they alone truly teach God's word.

Someone, perhaps you claimed that they had been in many churches and that had head sermons in them all railing against homosexuality. I can honestly say that I've been in many churches too and not once in my nearly 60 years has one EVER touched the subject, never once tried tried to divide people. Christ certainly never tried to cast anyone aside, never spoke in any other tone but that of love and loving one another.

The problem with religion, regardless of your particular brand is that it requires faith which is an acceptance of things which cannot be logically explained or in any way proven. Faith is dangerous because it is a license to make up reasons to explain the unexplained.

Unless you think that you're smarter than every Presbyterian, every Methodist, every denomination of Christianity that doesn't see Christianity in the same way that you've come to believe then perhaps you should open your mind to the fact that other smart people have come to different understandings of faith. Most importantly, you should come to respect and honor those differences.
Perhaps contradicts your church's doctrine but not the doctrine of the Methodist, Presbyterians, Episcopal, United Church of Christ and many other churches. You see, if one studies the entire Bible then they can find scripture to support many different doctrines, thus the reason that Christianity has so many different denominations and even sects within those denominations. And every one of those groups believe that they and they alone truly teach God's word.

Someone, perhaps you claimed that they had been in many churches and that had head sermons in them all railing against homosexuality. I can honestly say that I've been in many churches too and not once in my nearly 60 years has one EVER touched the subject, never once tried tried to divide people. Christ certainly never tried to cast anyone aside, never spoke in any other tone but that of love and loving one another.

The problem with religion, regardless of your particular brand is that it requires faith which is an acceptance of things which cannot be logically explained or in any way proven. Faith is dangerous because it is a license to make up reasons to explain the unexplained.

Unless you think that you're smarter than every Presbyterian, every Methodist, every denomination of Christianity that doesn't see Christianity in the same way that you've come to believe then perhaps you should open your mind to the fact that other smart people have come to different understandings of faith. Most importantly, you should come to respect and honor those differences.
Where did you grow up? Just curious.
That also goes for those who learn it just to bible thump.

If God saved you from addiction or something then amen. The belief in god is a powerful thing and I can get on board worth that. I've seen the belief in god do good things.
Verses about homosexuality = literal
Verses about the rich not getting into heaven = figurative
Verses about creationism = literal
Verses about thinking not for the morrow = figurative
Verses about virgin birth = literal
Verses about turning the other cheek = figurative
Romans 1 26-27. Spin that one dj. Folks should who bash Christians and try to use a book they don't believe in or understand are on par with these professional protesters. Clueless
Romans 1 26-27. Spin that one dj. Folks should who bash Christians and try to use a book they don't believe in or understand are on par with these professional protesters. Clueless
God sure loved killing a bunch of people didn't he. Is not really loving, or does he become jealous and full of spite? Even abortion somewhat, didnt he kill all kinds of babies in Exodus? And stop pulling the whoasme persecution card..anytime you get challenged or question, you act like everyone beats christians down non stop...when it's actually the opposite, christians impede are progress as a society because of things they don't like..they destroyed societies as a matter of fact because of it.

I believe in God..I just think organized western religion has gotten off from what the real message is
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Romans 1 26-27. Spin that one dj. Folks should who bash Christians and try to use a book they don't believe in or understand are on par with these professional protesters. Clueless
1 Corinthians 11:6.

we could honestly do this for days, but you'll probably get all huffy and defensive long before then.
You can't seem to differentiate the aspect of not condoning a lifestyle and hate. I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle and that won't change. I do not hate them or wish them harm either. But my faith and my beliefs are not negotiable.
But Caywood, Jesus never said it was a lifestyle. He said in the book of Mathew that “There are eunuchs who were born that way" or words to that effect. He didn't care if they lusted men or not. They were often in his company.
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