Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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By the way, you know you don't have to be super religious to see that homosexuality is abnormal, right? You don't even have to believe in God; just basic biology and look at the stats of how small the group is. I continue to mention that polling suggests they're 3% of the population but there are equal amount of studies that show it's an even smaller number and more on par with 1.5% of the population.

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -Lyndon B. Johnson

It's interesting you use a quote by LBJ because he's notorious for another quote he said about the black population. Would you like to post that one? Never mind I'll post it for you because it perfectly demonstrates how the left see blacks.

"These (N word), they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them (N word) voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"

He also, said ,"Son, when I appoint a n-----r to the court, I want everyone to know he's a n-----r."

I guess you're good at cherry picking too.
It's hard for you to follow concepts, isn't it? You are a small mind trying to argue big things. It is exactly on the level of what Rush Limbaugh and Bill'O do to a fawning yet ignorant crowd daily. Hold up something shiny, dangle it a moment, then draw some idiotic correlation to something that has absolutely nothing to do with the facts at hand.

For example: Al Gore drives around in a big car and his house uses $20,000 worth of electricity a month therefore Global Warming is a bunch of BS.

See how that works? If you think that way (which you do) then you cannot participate usefully in any serious conversation about anything as you will constantly be drawn into pointless side roads and loops that lead you right back to where you started.
By the way, you know you don't have to be super religious to see that homosexuality is abnormal, right? You don't even have to believe in God; just basic biology and look at the stats of how small the group is. I continue to mention that polling suggests they're 3% of the population but there are equal amount of studies that show it's an even smaller number and more on par with 1.5% of the population.

It's interesting you use a quote by LBJ because he's notorious for another quote he said about the black population. Would you like to post that one? Never mind I'll post it for you because it perfectly demonstrates how the left see blacks.

"These (N word), they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them (N word) voting Democratic for the next two hundred years"

He also, said ,"Son, when I appoint a n-----r to the court, I want everyone to know he's a n-----r."

I guess you're good at cherry picking too.

I don't know where to start with you. Whether it's the homophobia, or the multiple logical fallacies (ad hominem, argumentum ad populum, straw man). When someone begins with fallacies, usually the conversation winds up spending a lot of time explaining what they are and why they're not valid. Usually when I don't know where to start with someone I just choose not to start at all. There are a lot of people online having a lot of conversations and I'm going to choose not to have one with you. I'm sure somebody here will happily engage you. Have a good day.
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I don't know where to start with you. Whether it's the homophobia, or the multiple logical fallacies (ad hominem, argumentum ad populum, straw man). When someone begins with fallacies, usually the conversation winds up spending a lot of time explaining what they are and why they're not valid. Usually when I don't know where to start with someone I just choose not to start at all. There are a lot of people online having a lot of conversations and I'm going to choose not to have one with you. I'm sure somebody here will happily engage you. Have a good day.
He is the most anti-gay/racist hate filled poster on this board. I blame Vince McMahon and Steve Austin.
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I can do racist or homophobic, but three fallacies in two paragraphs is a pretty impressive clip. I'm not about to start sorting all that out. There's a Wikipedia page called "List of Logical Fallacies" that has a lot of major fallacies with their descriptions. I would just encourage him to start there. Like I said it's really easy to get bogged down with someone online in one of these back and forth debates. I'd have to explain what an ad hominem is, why it's an ad hominem to attack LBJ in this instance, why it's a straw man to introduce opinions about the "left's" view of race, why the initial paragraph is an appeal to large numbers, why it's invalid to appeal to large numbers... etc, etc, etc. All of that before actually beginning a discussion that very well might continue to be unproductive.

I can understand where someone would say I'm scared to debate, or I can't "take the heat" or just express frustration and feel like I'm being condescending. But this is the easiest way I can see to not get bogged down in an unproductive conversation that's gonna last two days. I'm not trying to condescend. I don't think people disengage enough on message boards, honestly. How many times do you see two people going at each other in a flame war that's completely unproductive? That's a situation where someone should have disengaged long ago.
I don't know where to start with you. Whether it's the homophobia, or the multiple logical fallacies (ad hominem, argumentum ad populum, straw man). When someone begins with fallacies, usually the conversation winds up spending a lot of time explaining what they are and why they're not valid. Usually when I don't know where to start with someone I just choose not to start at all. There are a lot of people online having a lot of conversations and I'm going to choose not to have one with you. I'm sure somebody here will happily engage you. Have a good day.

You and DaBossisback are two of the most ridiculous simpletons on here. I love what is considered "racist" and "homophobic" to you. Basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you gets these two labels attached to them. Shocking!

Please, show me what I have said that is racist? Apparently stating STATISTICAL FACTS by the DOJ and FBI is "racist." Anything that doesn't enable your delusion and ignorance is "racist." Stating 85% of interracial crime is black on white is "racist." Pointing out that poverty isn't the issue for the insane amount of black violence especially when you see that Appalachia had less violent crime than the national racist.

You don't want an honest discussion on racial issues. You want to continue your false narrative garbage that so many other sheep fall for. I'm sorry that it upsets you when that false narrative and manipulation by the media and folks such as yourself, is challenged but what I have said is on point.

Also, please, for the love of God, DaBoss, you liberal twit, stop misusing the word homophobic. That implies someone has an irrational fear of something and that is absurd. Stating homosexuality is biologically "nonsense" and abnormal due to the very small demographic in this country and in the world is not "homophobic." Stating numbers by the CDC is not "homophobic."

Honestly, people like you two are like talking to a banana. You suck at debates or comprehending facts so like most, you resort to "you're a racist" and stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler.
A civil union that is recognized by the government would take care of the equality problem as far as legalities go. What it wouldn't do is push the narrative that a gay relationship is just as normal as a normal one. I agree that homosexuality is a natural thing. I agree because it occurs in nature. I do not agree that it is normal.

Having said that, I don't feel I have any right to discriminate against anyone attempting to be happy as long as they are not interfering with my right. This is what the religious do not understand. I don't care if you get together and praise the lord until your knees are calloused. Don't try and pass laws that reflect your belief that also affect me.

If you are against gay marriage, don't marry a gay. If you are against drinking on Sunday, don't drink on Sunday. I was on a job in South Carolina one time and couldn't buy a skillet on Sunday. A freaking skillet! I wasn't going to "work" with it, I was going to cook bacon and eggs.

This bitch is going against the primary teachings of her church by denying these people a license. She is supposed to be forgiving of these people. She is supposed to reserve the judgment of these people for her god. Her only obligation is to worship HER god and live HER life in the manner she wishes without imposing HER beliefs on others.
You and DaBossisback are two of the most ridiculous simpletons on here. I love what is considered "racist" and "homophobic" to you. Basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you gets these two labels attached to them. Shocking!

Please, show me what I have said that is racist? Apparently stating STATISTICAL FACTS by the DOJ and FBI is "racist." Anything that doesn't enable your delusion and ignorance is "racist." Stating 85% of interracial crime is black on white is "racist." Pointing out that poverty isn't the issue for the insane amount of black violence especially when you see that Appalachia had less violent crime than the national racist.

You don't want an honest discussion on racial issues. You want to continue your false narrative garbage that so many other sheep fall for. I'm sorry that it upsets you when that false narrative and manipulation by the media and folks such as yourself, is challenged but what I have said is on point.

Also, please, for the love of God, DaBoss, you liberal twit, stop misusing the word homophobic. That implies someone has an irrational fear of something and that is absurd. Stating homosexuality is biologically "nonsense" and abnormal due to the very small demographic in this country and in the world is not "homophobic." Stating numbers by the CDC is not "homophobic."

Honestly, people like you two are like talking to a banana. You suck at debates or comprehending facts so like most, you resort to "you're a racist" and stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler.
When did I call you racist? He said you were racist and homophobic, and I said "I can do racist or homophobic but..."

I never said you were racist or that your argument was racist.
Damn, I thought you'd give it at least one more go around. I should've taken the under.
Right here enjoying your smugness make you look foolish. You can name 'em but you don't understand them so it is really comical. It would like me copying down Chinese to use in a discussion with someone from China. But please continue. Good humor
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You and DaBossisback are two of the most ridiculous simpletons on here. I love what is considered "racist" and "homophobic" to you. Basically, anyone who doesn't agree with you gets these two labels attached to them. Shocking!

Please, show me what I have said that is racist? Apparently stating STATISTICAL FACTS by the DOJ and FBI is "racist." Anything that doesn't enable your delusion and ignorance is "racist." Stating 85% of interracial crime is black on white is "racist." Pointing out that poverty isn't the issue for the insane amount of black violence especially when you see that Appalachia had less violent crime than the national racist.

You don't want an honest discussion on racial issues. You want to continue your false narrative garbage that so many other sheep fall for. I'm sorry that it upsets you when that false narrative and manipulation by the media and folks such as yourself, is challenged but what I have said is on point.

Also, please, for the love of God, DaBoss, you liberal twit, stop misusing the word homophobic. That implies someone has an irrational fear of something and that is absurd. Stating homosexuality is biologically "nonsense" and abnormal due to the very small demographic in this country and in the world is not "homophobic." Stating numbers by the CDC is not "homophobic."

Honestly, people like you two are like talking to a banana. You suck at debates or comprehending facts so like most, you resort to "you're a racist" and stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler.
"Stick your fingers in your ears like a toddler" says the guy who had me on ignore. Is simpleton the go to label on Fox News now? You historically put forth a lot of effort to prove you're not racist. We all know you don't like black people. We all know you don't like gay people. Just admit it and we can all stop calling you out for it.
Let's hearTE="DaBossIsBack, post: 2204199, member: 11798"]Research it yourself. I put in the work already.[/QUOTE]
Lets hear your view.
A civil union that is recocan't understand the differences ed by the government would take care of the equality problem as far as legalities go. What it wouldn't do is push the narrative that a gay relationship is just as normal as a normal one. I agree that homosexuality is a natural thing. I agree because it occurs in nature. I do not agree that it is normal.

Having said that, I don't feel I have any right to discriminate against anyone attempting to be happy as long as they are not interfering with my right. This is what the religious do not understand. I don't care if you get together and praise the lord until your knees are calloused. Don't try and pass laws that reflect your belief that also affect me.

If you are against gay marriage, don't marry a gay. If you are against drinking on Sunday, don't drink on Sunday. I was on a job in South Carolina one time and couldn't buy a skillet on Sunday. A freaking skillet! I wasn't going to "work" with it, I was going to cook bacon and eggs.

This bitch is going against the primary teachings of her church by denying these people a license. She is supposed to be forgiving of these people. She is supposed to reserve the judgment of these people for her god. Her only obligation is to worship HER god and live HER life in the manner she wishes without imposing HER beliefs on others.
Does it make you feel to call her a name? You are dangerous because you cant understand the difference between loving the person and not loving their ways. You lack the intelligence to understand that. The bible is very clear on sin and what sin consists of. No compromise on this by Jesus or God the Father. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not
Let's hearTE="DaBossIsBack, post: 2204199, member: 11798"]Research it yourself. I put in the work already.
Lets hear your view.[/QUOTE]
Now if I said this to him, what makes you think I'm going submit to your request? Research it yourself. I will say this. It never happened. It's an allegory.
I don't give a shit what the bible says. I've seen her in action and have accurately described her as a bitch. She's not a bitch because she's religious. I'm sure I would have characterized her as such at any time during her adult life.
Does it make you feel to call her a name? You are dangerous because you cant understand the difference between loving the person and not loving their ways. You lack the intelligence to understand that. The bible is very clear on sin and what sin consists of. No compromise on this by Jesus or God the Father. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not

And in the end the Bible or any the many interpretations of a manuscript that's been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to Old English to Modern English (cause nothing is lost in translation) does not supersede Federal law.
We live in a democracy not a theocracy.
Don't forget, this slag was a fornicating heathen until 4 years ago when she CHOSE to live the religious LIFESTYLE.
A civil union that is recognized by the government would take care of the equality problem as far as legalities go. What it wouldn't do is push the narrative that a gay relationship is just as normal as a normal one. .

I guess this is what I don't understand. I'm for fairness and equality. If we can at least accomplish this for all people, why does it matter if people have differing points of view? As long as I treat people in a respectful, kind and loving manner, what does it matter what I think is normal or not?
Only thing about making special civil unions for gays then you make gays a special class of people.
I'm fine with people being treated equal and fair but not special with special rules.
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And in the end the Bible or any the many interpretations of a manuscript that's been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to Old English to Modern English (cause nothing is lost in translation) does not supersede Federal law.
We live in a democracy not a theocracy.

If we were truly a democracy, this wouldn't even be made into law considering the majority voted against this every time it was on the ballot. Hell, even in California, they voted against gay marriage. In all of the votes combined across the country where this was on the ballot (36 or 39 states, I believe), the stats totaled out to 61% voting AGAINST gay marriage while only 39% voted for it.

But it's not like that's the only thing pushed on the American people that Americans didn't want.

In regards to a couple of other things in the religious discussion. I don't think churches should compromise themselves on this issue to appease the PC crowd. However, you really need to start an open and honest discussion about obesity (sin) and preach the truth about tithing, which has been bastardize to fill the pockets of preachers and their families (not all but A LOT). Don't just fixate on this issue.
It doesn't matter what you think. It matters what you do.
No special rules or class. Take form 1040 married is a special class that can be beneficial or financially detrimental. There shoujld be no advantages for hetero sexual couples that would not be available for any other type couple. A governmentally unified couple is simply a couple. All couples are entitled to the same benefits. As for employee benefits if my employer allows me to extend my benefits to my wife, what would be wrong or any more costly to allow a man to extend his benefits to another man? Why shouldn't I be allowed to extend my social security benefits to my friend Joe if I'm not married? No extra cost to the government.
It's not a matter of what I think about's a matter of treating people equally.
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But it's not like that's the only thing pushed on the American people that Americans didn't want.

In regards to a couple of other things in the religious discussion. I don't think churches should compromise themselves on this issue to appease the PC crowd. However, you really need to start an open and honest discussion about obesity (sin) and preach the truth about tithing, which has been bastardize to fill the pockets of preachers and their families (not all but A LOT). Don't just fixate on this issue.

Agree. The issue of sin , IMO, is God's effort to protect us....not restrain us. As for the concept of tithing, there are spiritual benefits for the giver. There are responsibilities for those responsible for using the money. Gossipping, lying, dishonest business practices, lust :(, killing, etc....all are sins and deprives ourselves and others of abundant life.
Only thing about making special civil unions for gays then you make gays a special class of people.
I'm fine with people being treated equal and fair but not special with special rules.

Civil unions wouldn't be just for gays. Non-religious people may want the designation as well. As far as making them a special class of people, I would say that they are already a special class. If what you mean is making them a special class with MORE rights than others, then I agree with you.

It appears to some that gays, minorities, women, etc. are being given special rights by certain laws. What is actually happening is these laws are necessary because these are the groups that are being discriminated against the most. The laws are necessary merely to give these people an equal footing, legally.
Civil unions wouldn't be just for gays. Non-religious people may want the designation as well. As far as making them a special class of people, I would say that they are already a special class. If what you mean is making them a special class with MORE rights than others, then I agree with you.

It appears to some that gays, minorities, women, etc. are being given special rights by certain laws. What is actually happening is these laws are necessary because these are the groups that are being discriminated against the most. The laws are necessary merely to give these people an equal footing, legally.

Explain to me how minorities are being discriminated against? You bring up that some laws are necessary to become equal but we've seen many times where people are being discriminated against to give jobs or enrollment into a school to people that were not as qualified. This is why you're seeing a ton of Asian students suing Harvard because they're being passed over for less qualified students because of race. That in itself is racist.
Right here enjoying your smugness make you look foolish. You can name 'em but you don't understand them so it is really comical. It would like me copying down Chinese to use in a discussion with someone from China. But please continue. Good humor
So does that mean no more cherry-picking back and forth? Disappointing.....but predictable.
Explain to me how minorities are being discriminated against? You bring up that some laws are necessary to become equal but we've seen many times where people are being discriminated against to give jobs or enrollment into a school to people that were not as qualified. This is why you're seeing a ton of Asian students suing Harvard because they're being passed over for less qualified students because of race. That in itself is racist.

I honestly don't believe I could explain ANYTHING to you.

If we were truly a democracy, this wouldn't even be made into law considering the majority voted against this every time it was on the ballot. Hell, even in California, they voted against gay marriage. In all of the votes combined across the country where this was on the ballot (36 or 39 states, I believe), the stats totaled out to 61% voting AGAINST gay marriage while only 39% voted for it.

But it's not like that's the only thing pushed on the American people that Americans didn't want.

In regards to a couple of other things in the religious discussion. I don't think churches should compromise themselves on this issue to appease the PC crowd. However, you really need to start an open and honest discussion about obesity (sin) and preach the truth about tithing, which has been bastardize to fill the pockets of preachers and their families (not all but A LOT). Don't just fixate on this issue.

Yes there's plenty of laws passed people didn't want from Obamacare to 18th Amendment of Prohibition and it's Volstead act.
Jim Crow laws through the South was popular but was it right? How many voters in those states would have been in favor for integration of schools in 1960?

I agree churches should not compromise their beliefs yet beliefs should not influence or deny the freedoms of others.
Clearly this is why there is a separation of church and state. When two people make vows for better or for worse till death do us part, I don't see how it is not a union of marriage be it through a church or civil function.

I'm waiting for some clerk in Utah to issue multiple marriage licenses to one man.

Hopefully one thing we all can agree on today is GO CATS!

If we were truly a democracy, this wouldn't even be made into law considering the majority voted against this every time it was on the ballot. Hell, even in California, they voted against gay marriage. In all of the votes combined across the country where this was on the ballot (36 or 39 states, I believe), the stats totaled out to 61% voting AGAINST gay marriage while only 39% voted for it.

But it's not like that's the only thing pushed on the American people that Americans didn't want.

There are things that you simply can't let the public vote on, and this is one of them. It would be like allowing people here in East Tennessee to vote on banning those pesky coloreds from eating in the same restaurants and using the same facilities as the rest of us. They may or may not vote for school segregation though, due to the fact that the colored players do add a great deal of athleticism to the sports teams.
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Lets hear your view.
Now if I said this to him, what makes you think I'm going submit to your request? Research it yourself. I will say this. It never happened. It's an allegory.[/QUOTE]
It did happen. Your unbelief is your problem.
Now if I said this to him, what makes you think I'm going submit to your request? Research it yourself. I will say this. It never happened. It's an allegory.
It did happen. Your unbelief is your problem.[/QUOTE]
Yep. That's the problem. I'm sure you think the great flood happened too. And that the universe was created in 6 days.
Yes there's plenty of laws passed people didn't want from Obamacare to 18th Amendment of Prohibition and it's Volstead act.
Jim Crow laws through the South was popular but was it right? How many voters in those states would have been in favor for integration of schools in 1960?

I agree churches should not compromise their beliefs yet beliefs should not influence or deny the freedoms of others.
Clearly this is why there is a separation of church and state. When two people make vows for better or for worse till death do us part, I don't see how it is not a union of marriage be it through a church or civil function.

I'm waiting for some clerk in Utah to issue multiple marriage licenses to one man.

Hopefully one thing we all can agree on today is GO CATS!

We definitely do not need to be ruled as theocracy. I'm in total agreement there and I'm with you on pretty much everything as well. The only thing I would disagree with is comparing someone's skin color to a sexual preference. Those are not the same and in reality, opens us up to a lot of people who could cry foul due to accommodating one group's preference but ignoring others if it's between consenting adults.

The coverage of this issue for such a small group is crazy. However, it appears our media has moved on from this group and is now pushing the transgender thing and enforcing new bathroom laws and what not. It would be nice if this media held our politicians to some standard and spent as much time on their corruption and lies instead of this type of crap.
Don't forget, this slag was a fornicating heathen until 4 years ago when she CHOSE to live the religious LIFESTYLE.
The only thing you can do is name call and run your mouth. I pity the folks that have to endure your ignorance on a daily basis. May God help them and you.
It did happen. Your unbelief is your problem.
Yep. That's the problem. I'm sure you think the great flood happened too. And that the universe was created in 6 days.[/QUOTE]
I believe in the Word of God. You can believe whatever you wish. You can continue to ignore and deny it if you wish. I know what I have experienced in my Christian life. Nothing you or anybody else can say to change that.

Your unbelief is your issue not mine. I am not following man or man's ideas and opinions. You can if you want.
Yep. That's the problem. I'm sure you think the great flood happened too. And that the universe was created in 6 days.
I believe in the Word of God. You can believe whatever you wish. You can continue to ignore and deny it if you wish. I know what I have experienced in my Christian life. Nothing you or anybody else can say to change that.

Your unbelief is your issue not mine. I am not following man or man's ideas and opinions. You can if you want.[/QUOTE]
But you are following man's ideas. You just don't know it.
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