Rex...... Here we go again

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About what exactly, i never said anything about him being popular on this board, with fans or that his accomplishments at uk are significant
He doesn’t have a voice of an angel, in fact we don’t even know what an angel sounds like.
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I'm sorry, but was Rex really "legend" at UK? I'll take the counter view and suggest he's actually quite overrated by our fans. Sorry, but the dude's resume simply does NOT even come close to measuring up to the supposed "legend" some of his fanboys here have made him out to be. Consider:

He never was was any sort of All American, not even second or third team (see link), never won any significant national honors, holds no school records, his teams were disappointing, and his two NCAA tournament appearances consisted merely of a pitiful FIRST ROUND blowout loss to a mediocre 8 seed OSU team and a Sweet 16 upset loss the next year.

Since when do UK fans consider that meager resume to be "legend"?
We must agree to disagree. Like it or not, he was ahead of his time. I saw him play once in HS. He could do things no one else could do. Grabbed a rebound and smacked it off the backboard before he decided to come down. Later he brought the ball up on the left side, running a fast break. Did a behind back bounce pass from mid court and hit a guy perfectly in stride on the other side of the court for a layup. It was amazing. Also, Most players stayed 4 yrs then. Rex was one of the first few to go after 2. Had he stayed 1 or 2 more yrs, those lists would've changed. But the sutton wheels were falling off.

BTW, I'm not defending what he is doing or saying now. I'm only saying he was THE star back then. If you disagree that he was legendary, that's fine, but i don't understand your hate. "fanboy"?? Heaven forbid someone hold a different opinion.:scream:
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Looks like he was all sec and made AA too. But what does jon scott know?

So are you also a proponent of Helms titles?

He was never named any sort of all american (not even second or third team) by the AP or UPI, the two most credible, recognized and widely referenced sources for AA teams at the time.

But it's true that there are plenty other lesser-cited sources out there that name their own teams, and apparently of those, Basketball Times magazine and NABC once put him on their THIRD team, which is all Jon's link says. If you think a third team selection by such source is enough to make one "legend", well then I guess that's your opinion. I disagree.
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If you go back to my OP you'd see that I thought wilt was calling him "LEGEND". I grew up in KY at that time; I recall everyone wanting to see him play. Our HS even rescheduled a snowed-out game with Apollo so we could have him on our court. The place was packed, even for our JV game. I asked one of their players about it, he responded: it's like this (packed) every game.

Re: said he NEVER made AA. Well, that statement isn't true. You also left out the facts he was All-Sec twice, Academic All-SEC and SEC Tourney MVP. Jon has the best UK website on the planet, not sure why you didn't reference it first. I agree his accomplishments at UK aren't the same as AD's (whose are?). We disagree on legendary criteria. Ok.
Re: said he NEVER made AA. Well, that statement isn't true. You also left out the facts he was All-Sec twice, Academic All-SEC and SEC Tourney MVP.

Jeez, man, take a pill. Allow me to re-state: he was never any sort of All American according to the mainstream authorities regarded as most credible for that sort of thing (namely the AP and UPI). But, hey, if you think Basketball Times magazine once putting him on their third team list is some great badge of honor, have at it. I dsagree. Are you also argue at us about how Kansas really has five national championships because Helms says so?

As for the SEC stuff, it hardly seemed relevant. I presumed everyone knew Rex was at least all SEC. But, at UK, will typically don't describe players in the "legendary" terms you were using if they merely had conference accomplishments, generally you've gotta achieve some big things at the national level to be accorded such lofty status by UK standards. And Rex's resume happens to be sorely lacking on the national level.
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Rex was a bad moutha blank at UK. I was in Highschool at time and he was dynamic.

He has some off the wall opinions at times but do enjoy the pregame show he is on when he doesn’t sing.. haha
I've tried to forgive Rex for his incident in 2014. I'm glad he sought help for his addiction. I've known several addicts and it's a hard road.

It doesn't bother me that he's a liberal because contrary to popular belief, this state isn't 100 percent conservative (might be 70 percent plus) and it's a free country. I'm not the type to hate someone based solely on political leanings.

All that said, I don't like his singing.
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So are you also a proponent of Helms titles?

He was never named any sort of all american (not even second or third team) by the AP or UPI, the two most credible, recognized and widely referenced sources for AA teams at the time.

But it's true that there are plenty other lesser-cited sources out there that name their own teams, and apparently of those, Basketball Times magazine and NABC once put him on their THIRD team, which is all Jon's link says. If you think a third team selection by such source is enough to make one "legend", well then I guess that's your opinion. I disagree.
how many freshmen and sophomores were on any of the AA teams in his two years?

he's a legend because of overall cultural impact - like, when grown men would drive across the state to watch his high school games.

I get what you're saying. His teams didn't accomplish much. And Lord knows how white UK players are elevated. But he was special. And not just in talent. I don't understand your earlier rejection of someone's point that he "was on track to become UK's all time leading scorer" - isn't that a simple fact? He scored 1,073 points in 2 seasons, had he played the customary 4 years he was on track to score 2,146. Which is more than anyone has scored at UK - and disregards the obvious point that he likely would have scored more as an upperclassman than he did his first 2 years. I like Jamal Murray - in no way shape or form could he hold Chapman's athletic supporter.
how many freshmen and sophomores were on any of the AA teams in his two years?

he's a legend because of overall cultural impact - like, when grown men would drive across the state to watch his high school games.

I get what you're saying. His teams didn't accomplish much. And Lord knows how white UK players are elevated. But he was special. And not just in talent. I don't understand your earlier rejection of someone's point that he "was on track to become UK's all time leading scorer" - isn't that a simple fact? He scored 1,073 points in 2 seasons, had he played the customary 4 years he was on track to score 2,146. Which is more than anyone has scored at UK - and disregards the obvious point that he likely would have scored more as an upperclassman than he did his first 2 years. I like Jamal Murray - in no way shape or form could he hold Chapman's athletic supporter.
What's with the Especially a White guy from Kentucky crap?
Fans like seeing PLAYERS from the state do well. Hawkins, Moss, and the like, white? Wth?
how many freshmen and sophomores were on any of the AA teams in his two years?

he's a legend because of overall cultural impact - like, when grown men would drive across the state to watch his high school games.

I get what you're saying. His teams didn't accomplish much. And Lord knows how white UK players are elevated. But he was special. And not just in talent. I don't understand your earlier rejection of someone's point that he "was on track to become UK's all time leading scorer" - isn't that a simple fact? He scored 1,073 points in 2 seasons, had he played the customary 4 years he was on track to score 2,146. Which is more than anyone has scored at UK - and disregards the obvious point that he likely would have scored more as an upperclassman than he did his first 2 years. I like Jamal Murray - in no way shape or form could he hold Chapman's athletic supporter.
Yea, grown men worshipping teenagers is kind of dumb. I agree that happened. Dumb.
Horrible, what is wrong with him, don't let him around anything UK.

Rex Chapman‏Verified account@rex_rexchapman Apr 4
In 1985 Bobby Cremins and assistants George Felton and Perry Clark convinced me to officially visit Georgia Tech by promising we would tour @TheKingCenter on the visit. We did. Stayed for hours. It was everything. Then I told them about my grades. #MLK50th #MLK50Forward

I’ve had him blocked on twitter...but this shows he’s a toxic person.
When in doubt bring up race and drugs...

No matter where you go in life folks, if you ever find yourself in a jam of any sort remember to use those two things to MacGyver your way out of trouble...

In all seriousness, the real story is SI and SD doing a piece on Rex Chapman.
Rex should be gracious for the opportunity UK has given him and make the most of his 2nd chance. He got his wish to still work in basketball instead of working a real job like most of us. Most any regular person would still be in prison for theft and drugs. Rex has always been egotistical and a perfect example of the "Look at me" society we live in.

He's taken shots at Kentucky numerous times in the past and they still have him around. White privilege my ***. Worked for everything in my life, nothing handed to me. Being born into a race does not determine wealth or poverty. Where your born and the predominant race of the population like some places in Africa, certainly yes is a factor but can't call that racism.

Give me Oscar on the pregame any day.
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Opened up new SI and low and behold: a story about Rex by none other than Seth Davis.
High points lol.
'I didn't remember stealing from the Apple Store or selling to the pawnshop.'
'UK told me not to date black girls.'
'It was the drugs fault.'
'I need a job, preferably basketball related.'
There's probably a few 50ish black women out there that should be monumentally grateful to the University of Kentucky.
Opened up new SI and low and behold: a story about Rex by none other than Seth Davis.
High points lol.
'I didn't remember stealing from the Apple Store or selling to the pawnshop.'
'UK told me not to date black girls.'
'It was the drugs fault.'
'I need a job, preferably basketball related.'

That's such a bunk excuse. Drugs don't make you steal products.
RC was dating black chicks before he ever set foot on campus at UK. That coupled with his "selective" memory convinces me he was never told not to date black girls.
The dude put forth some effort in concocting a scheme he thought would allow him to steal a ton of high-tech gear. How is he not in jail somewhere?

Exactly, this was not walking into best buy and stealing a Mac to pawn for drug money
We must agree to disagree. Like it or not, he was ahead of his time. I saw him play once in HS. He could do things no one else could do. Grabbed a rebound and smacked it off the backboard before he decided to come down. Later he brought the ball up on the left side, running a fast break. Did a behind back bounce pass from mid court and hit a guy perfectly in stride on the other side of the court for a layup. It was amazing. Also, Most players stayed 4 yrs then. Rex was one of the first few to go after 2. Had he stayed 1 or 2 more yrs, those lists would've changed. But the sutton wheels were falling off.

BTW, I'm not defending what he is doing or saying now. I'm only saying he was THE star back then. If you disagree that he was legendary, that's fine, but i don't understand your hate. "fanboy"?? Heaven forbid someone hold a different opinion.:scream:
His basketball skills have nothing to do with him being an idiot.
He had a phenominal HS career at Owensboro Apollo. He could jump thru the gym and could shoot. He played at UK and was great not very good, great. Look up the numbers. He had more than an avg NBA career too look those numbers up too.
He smoked defending NCAA Champs U of L as a Freshman in Freedom Hall in front of Muhammed Ali.
I was as mad as anybody over the tweet Rex sent out on championship night in 2014. I mean it really set a s****y tone for that whole evening, which I had such high hopes for. But he WAS very good on the broadcast this past year, and made a terrible loss....dare I say...not so terrible. I watched it and the announcers were pointing out the bad calls and missed calls and in the end, they just gave credit to Wisconsin, and since that night so have I.

I believe him on the black girls thing. I was there. I remember everyone talking about it, and I can totally understand his take on it. I also feel like that story has been told but you know how this country is...anything with race in it and they love to tell it and retell it.

I didn't read the OP's story from SI, but I hope Rex is making good decisions now. He strikes me as someone who was so adored so early that he never got to grow up. Seen it happen to many, many people in entertainment and sports.
you weren’t there, you said a fraternity brother passed on a story. You seem to want to believe based on association.
Those that went bananas over Rex also asked for Richie to be put in at every opportunity, extremely biased evaluations. If people like a player their exploits and talent get a boost
I really don’t care one way or another about him. He is certainly entitled to his views. But I find the “white privilege” comment ironic since he had no problem using his “white privilege” to get the best damn deal possible in his felony case in Arizona. Rex, that is called hypocrisy.
Someone in my frat grew up with Rex. Rex told him about it 30 years ago and he told me. So either he's held onto that lie for whatever reason for 30 years or it happened. He was dating Marc Higgs' little sister and not all the old people who contributed lots of money to the university back then were what you would call progressive thinkers. Any coach who wasn't a drunk puppet would have told them to mind their own business.
As a man with a black GF, if true, I despise this train of thought.
You're right, but people deserve the chance to improve their life after they've paid the price for their choices.

Rex should be gracious for the opportunity UK has given him and make the most of his 2nd chance. He got his wish to still work in basketball instead of working a real job like most of us. Most any regular person would still be in prison for theft and drugs. Rex has always been egotistical and a perfect example of the "Look at me" society we live in.

He's taken shots at Kentucky numerous times in the past and they still have him around. White privilege my ***. Worked for everything in my life, nothing handed to me. Being born into a race does not determine wealth or poverty. Where your born and the predominant race of the population like some places in Africa, certainly yes is a factor but can't call that racism.

Give me Oscar on the pregame any day.

i love you to death but most humbly ask you to breath this in - as i also was self made from homeless high school dropout to starting A Cheaper Locksmith at 50. But my dad died and i would have been a college graduate instead of a blue collar laborer raising 3 kids working 3 jobs mostly at night to play with them in the day. I was motivated. It’s not what you come from but maybe what you could become with better help.
I was set back 3 generations by losing this man in our tree. I was clueless with no dad so i can cry victim just like some that you may be thinking of.
Glad you worked so hard. Wish we didn’t have to brother.

2. Rex had the flu that day he rained down in freedom hall pissing me off that Denny couldn’t seal the deal.

3. DreDay- Did you grow up around here? My loyalty to cards was when i moved back to louisville at 21 years old. I didn’t know a thing about college bb. The first uk guy told me he doesn’t like louisville as they play too many N-words players. That’s when i picked the cards congrats on your black girlfriend. i’ve been married 34 years and when i come back in my next life, i’m going to woo one!! I love the alternate views to life it brings but yes, i heard the lockeroom wasn’t too happy either about Higgs and Rex
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