Rex...... Here we go again

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After addiction and arrest, ex-UK star Rex Chapman trying to rebuild his life
Why couldn't it be ex NBA player....?
or Ex-NBA executive....?
Read the story...he blames everyone and everything but himself...unfortunately, until he sees himself as a problem; he will more than likely relapse again
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And none of what you posted gives any credibility to Rex , it's also a massive assumption to label old people off the word of a known liar and thief . There's too much evidence to suggest that Rex shouldn't be believed and nothing more than hearsay from a friend to support what he says . It's more believable that nobody said anything to Rex and his imagination became Brian Williams .
Rex talks about the black dating because he knows that nothing is more provocative in the press right now. I surprised he isn't saying that UK told him to fly a rebel flag but he refused. He needs a teleprompter for his interviews.
UK telling Rex who to date is absolutely not true , Rex is lying . Chapman was the biggest recruiting mistake in UK history , should have let all of his negatives go to Louisville because his contributions to UK are paltry by comparison .
I always thought the same. I recall Mike Deaton dating Jennifer Parks when I was in school and no one said a word about it. I don't believe Rex for one second on that claim. Also, he was never a UK fan growing up and was close to committing to UL.
Again, you are taking what the player did at UK into it. If that's the case, Anthony Davis was our biggest recruit. I'm talking about the recruiting process. Who was the biggest "must get" recruit in UK history? Rex Chapman. Hands down. Not just because of what he could bring to UK, but to keep him away from Louisville.
Nope, the biggest recruit in UK history was Jamal Washburn. Without him we're easily set back another five years. His recruitment got us back on the map after the probation.
Rex was the last truely great white player from Kentucky to play for UK and that was in the mid 80s some 30yrs ago.

This alone is why he remains relevant.
If some of you 18 and under posters that are from Ky and are white and are good enough to come to UK and star you can dethrone King Rex.

Until this happens get used to reading about him.
Captain Nate Richards
Rex was the last truely great white player from Kentucky to play for UK and that was in the mid 80s some 30yrs ago.

This alone is why he remains relevant.
If some of you 18 and under posters that are from Ky and are white and are good enough to come to UK and star you can dethrone King Rex.

Until this happens get used to reading about him.
Thumbs down
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He had a phenominal HS career at Owensboro Apollo. He could jump thru the gym and could shoot. He played at UK and was great not very good, great. Look up the numbers. He had more than an avg NBA career too look those numbers up too.
He smoked defending NCAA Champs U of L as a Freshman in Freedom Hall in front of Muhammed Ali.
He also smoked Bobby Knight for 26 in B-Town
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I'd like to see Rex clarify exactly who he means when he says "UK" told him not to date black girls.

A coach? An administrator? How about some black dude on the football team tired of Rex sniffing around his woman? Does that qualify as "UK"?
I think he has said before it was from the coaches and administration ..Rex could get any girl he wanted at UK.He also went through the cheerleaders
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Sorry, but I disagree with a LOT in this thread and most of Chapman's tweets. Keeping a lifelong UofL fan from signing with UofL does NOT make Chapman any more important than any other player in UK's history. I think it's an insult to former UK players who busted their butts while wearing a UK uniform and Rex gets a "greatness" label because he is white. One of the most disgusting takes I've EVER read on here. 30 years later and this is still a thing only because Rex and his groupies want it to be. Shame on you all.
Shoulda talked in the article about the time he made jordan and the 70 win bulls cower to the king

I only listen to the UK Pregame show to get ready for the game or any potential news like a late scratch. Not as much anymore but when he first started, all he did was sing on the pregame show. Keeps talking about how pretty he thinks Joel Justus is, then refers to Joel nonstop as "DJ Pretty man" and Joel Justus of the Justice files. Unprofessional behavior for UK syndicated pregame broadcast.
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Whose decision was it to bring asshat Rex Chapman back? This fan base certainly didn’t want him back. We definitely don’t want him now. He’s a complete phony. He had nothing to do with us for decades and now he’s an ambassador? Get real.
Sorry but I missed the announcement. What’s Chapman going to be doing for UK BB? Whatever it is I wish he wasn’t involved.
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I only listen to the UK Pregame show to get ready for the game or any potential news like a late scratch. Not as much anymore but when he first started, all he did was sing on the pregame show. Keeps talking about how pretty he thinks Joel Justus is, then refers to Joel nonstop as "DJ Pretty man" and Joel Justus of the Justice files. Unprofessional behavior for UK syndicated pregame broadcast.

Well the dude does have the voice of an angel, sucks the record company forced his 90's video of "doves cry" karaoke to be taken down
then you have Rex, a revolutionary white dunker with grace, style and flair. who ever saw a 6'3 white guy do this before 1986. answer = no one

did Rex mention how he was robbed of the dunk contest for being white? nba wasn't as progressive back then, but he paved the way for equal rights beneficiaries like 6'8 lanky goof brent barry.

when black dudes are doing tribute dunks a decade later you know = goat status

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one of the worst compilation of dunks i've ever seen and lol at the piss poor REXINGTON KY copy cat attempt @ 36 seconds

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