Rex...... Here we go again

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i love you to death but most humbly ask you to breath this in - as i also was self made from homeless high school dropout to starting A Cheaper Locksmith at 50. But my dad died and i would have been a college graduate instead of a blue collar laborer raising 3 kids working 3 jobs mostly at night to play with them in the day. I was motivated. It’s not what you come from but maybe what you could become with better help.
I was set back 3 generations by losing this man in our tree. I was clueless with no dad so i can cry victim just like some that you may be thinking of.
Glad you worked so hard. Wish we didn’t have to brother.

2. Rex had the flu that day he rained down in freedom hall pissing me off that Denny couldn’t seal the deal.

3. DreDay- Did you grow up around here? My loyalty to cards was when i moved back to louisville at 21 years old. I didn’t know a thing about college bb. The first uk guy told me he doesn’t like louisville as they play too many N-words players. That’s when i picked the cards congrats on your black girlfriend. i’ve been married 34 years and when i come back in my next life, i’m going to woo one!! I love the alternate views to life it brings but yes, i heard the lockeroom wasn’t too happy either about Higgs and Rex

So has Rex joined our site? :)
I do think some people like to imagine the climate was a little more progressive around Lexington than it really was, even as late as the 80s.
i love you to death but most humbly ask you to breath this in - as i also was self made from homeless high school dropout to starting A Cheaper Locksmith at 50. But my dad died and i would have been a college graduate instead of a blue collar laborer raising 3 kids working 3 jobs mostly at night to play with them in the day. I was motivated. It’s not what you come from but maybe what you could become with better help.
I was set back 3 generations by losing this man in our tree. I was clueless with no dad so i can cry victim just like some that you may be thinking of.
Glad you worked so hard. Wish we didn’t have to brother.

2. Rex had the flu that day he rained down in freedom hall pissing me off that Denny couldn’t seal the deal.

3. DreDay- Did you grow up around here? My loyalty to cards was when i moved back to louisville at 21 years old. I didn’t know a thing about college bb. The first uk guy told me he doesn’t like louisville as they play too many N-words players. That’s when i picked the cards congrats on your black girlfriend. i’ve been married 34 years and when i come back in my next life, i’m going to woo one!! I love the alternate views to life it brings but yes, i heard the lockeroom wasn’t too happy either about Higgs and Rex

Hey Rex, stoned and having trouble sleeping? Got bored browsing online at stuff you can try to steal?
That’s very simplistic. Chronic pain sufferers or those recovering from injury or surgery shouldn’t take medication? Thanks Nancy Reagan for your 3rd grade level solution

Always other options-again a choice in most all cases to take whatever’s prescribed, increase your dosage, decrease duration between doses. There are alternative to pain medication-you keep telling yourself it’s ok to do and get hooked on drugs.
Kucky off I like Rex he's a regular person and he loves UK. Why don't you dislocate from UK.

Likes UK so much that he stayed away for over 25 years? Likes the fan base so much that he came on this forum under a name that was obviously him and proceeded to slander anyone who disagrees with him as inbred hillbillies? Eff Rex.
I didn’t know Rex scored 39 on the bulls once but then I don’t remember the sixteen seed that beat Virginia either.
Had he stayed 4 years he was on pace to be the all-time scoring leader...Id, like to have seen him play for Cal vs Eddie. Would you take a Fr or Soph Delk over Rex? I wouldn't
Always other options-again a choice in most all cases to take whatever’s prescribed, increase your dosage, decrease duration between doses. There are alternative to pain medication-you keep telling yourself it’s ok to do and get hooked on drugs.
so my son had his wisdom teeth removed...what other option do you propose for him to address his acute pain? Your simple solution is for that of a simple minded person, nothing more
so my son had his wisdom teeth removed...what other option do you propose for him to address his acute pain? Your simple solution is for that of a simple minded person, nothing more

Advil and ice packs....try them, they work. Alternate with Tylenol as needed. Problem is that a lot of people don’t ask enough questions to their doctor as it relates to prescription medicine. Pharmacist will provide you with even better information on how to avoid narcotics in part or altogether. Their are natural remedies for just about everything-too difficult to investigate, easier to just take whatever the doctor prescribed.
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Advil and ice packs....try them, they work.
Your talking to someone who is licensed to prescribe and who happens to have broken his back and suffers from chronic pain. I know what works and what doesn’t, far more so than you. Again, people who are suffering from severe acute or chronic pain are entitled to seek relief. If you don’t comprehend how addiction works, which you don’t, leave your third grade level response out.
Your talking to someone who is licensed to prescribe and who happens to have broken his back and suffers from chronic pain. I know what works and what doesn’t, far more so than you. Again, people who are suffering from severe acute or chronic pain are entitled to seek relief. If you don’t comprehend how addiction works, which you don’t, leave your third grade level response out.

Advil and ice packs....try them, they work. Alternate with Tylenol as needed. Problem is that a lot of people don’t ask enough questions to their doctor as it relates to prescription medicine. Pharmacist will provide you with even better information on how to avoid narcotics in part or altogether. Their are natural remedies for just about everything-too difficult to investigate, easier to just take whatever the doctor prescribed.

Do whatever makes you happy though-self justification is the only thing you need to do whatever you want. If you’re good with it, I am also. I ain’t buying it’s a disease-truly self reflect and I’m certain there were opportunities to do something different, etc. Hate that your in the condition you are. Hope you get better someday.
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Advil and ice packs....try them, they work. Alternate with Tylenol as needed. Problem is that a lot of people don’t ask enough questions to their doctor as it relates to prescription medicine. Pharmacist will provide you with even better information on how to avoid narcotics in part or altogether. Their are natural remedies for just about everything-too difficult to investigate, easier to just take whatever the doctor prescribed.
Where do you think narcotics come from? They are derived from opium, found in nature. The human body has receptors for opium derivatives for a reason.
Oh, alternate ibuprofen (an nsaid) with acetaminophen (an anti prostaglandin with no anti inflammatory effects), how genius. That’s beginning pain control approach.
Someone suffers from severe acute or chronic pain, your investigate, trial and error approach isn’t practical. If you had some ground breaking pain solution, you’d publish. Point is you don’t.
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I have been reading this thread, and I feel I must add a fact here. My younger cousin was very good friends with Rex at Apollo High School. They hung out all the time and double dated. Rex dated black girls in high school and then in college. UK was NOT happy about it because it was a conservative time and the older conservatives with $$$ were starting to complain. They talked to him about it, and although they didn't come right out and tell him not to date black girls, they did tell him to be very discreet about it. Those are the facts.

Also, in regard to the discussion about narcotics, unless you have had to deal with chronic pain, you really don't have the right to condemn someone who does take narcotics for relief. I have had chronic pain for many years due to various reasons. I have and continue to try EVERYTHING!! All alternatives, both pharmaceutical and natural. I have to take opioids because they are the ONLY thing up to this point that provides any relief. Massive chronic pain not only affects a person physically but also mentally and emotionally. After someone hurts for an extended period of time, they will do almost anything for aome relief, even if it is just temporary. So unless you have experienced rhis, don't judge. Have some compassion.
Where do you think narcotics come from? They are derived from opium, found in nature. The human body has receptors for opium derivatives for a reason.
Oh, alternate ibuprofen (an nsaid) with acetaminophen (an anti prostaglandin with no anti inflammatory effects), how genius. That’s beginning pain control approach.
Someone suffers from severe acute or chronic pain, your investigate, trial and error approach isn’t practical. If you had some ground breaking pain solution, you’d publish. Point is you don’t.

You want acceptance based off your sons wisdom teeth or your chronic back pain? I read where you were licensed to administer, maybe that’s part of your problem. Quit with the victim mentality-it’s gotten old already.
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You want acceptance based off your sons wisdom teeth or your chronic back pain? I read where you were licensed to administer, maybe that’s part of your problem. Quit with the victim mentality-it’s gotten old already.
Dude, take your holier than thou idiot mentality and shove it up your tight a$$ bung hole. Hope you get hit by a two by four and have to use hindu healing to deal with it.
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I have been reading this thread, and I feel I must add a fact here. My younger cousin was very good friends with Rex at Apollo High School. They hung out all the time and double dated. Rex dated black girls in high school and then in college. UK was NOT happy about it because it was a conservative time and the older conservatives with $$$ were starting to complain. They talked to him about it, and although they didn't come right out and tell him not to date black girls, they did tell him to be very discreet about it. Those are the facts.

Also, in regard to the discussion about narcotics, unless you have had to deal with chronic pain, you really don't have the right to condemn someone who does take narcotics for relief. I have had chronic pain for many years due to various reasons. I have and continue to try EVERYTHING!! All alternatives, both pharmaceutical and natural. I have to take opioids because they are the ONLY thing up to this point that provides any relief. Massive chronic pain not only affects a person physically but also mentally and emotionally. After someone hurts for an extended period of time, they will do almost anything for aome relief, even if it is just temporary. So unless you have experienced rhis, don't judge. Have some compassion.
None of this is a reason for Rex to be an idiot.
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