Rex...... Here we go again

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single handed demolition of goat bulls

Keith Askins
Danny Schayes
Rex Chapman
Tony Smith
Kurt Thomas


Michael Jordan
Scottie Pippen
Dennis Rodman
Luc Longley
Ron Harper

Did anyone besides the OP read the article? I have not. Just wondering bc the OP usually has horrible takes on things. Not that it doesn't sound like stuff Rex would say. Just wondering
Addiction is a choice-don’t do drugs, don’t get addicted, no sympathy here.
This is utterly not true. A tremendous amount of people become addicts from prescriptions their doctors write for them. Their "gateway drug" is legally prescribed by a doctor to treat a condition or injury. That's like saying my friend who died from HIV she received from the blood she was given during childbirth was a promiscuous trollop, nothing could be farther from the truth.
Opened up new SI and low and behold: a story about Rex by none other than Seth Davis.
High points lol.
'I didn't remember stealing from the Apple Store or selling to the pawnshop.'
'UK told me not to date black girls.'
'It was the drugs fault.'
'I need a job, preferably basketball related.'

Are these things Rex said recently or are they things Davis dug up from archives just to have something to write about. Makes a big difference.
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This is utterly not true. A tremendous amount of people become addicts from prescriptions their doctors write for them. Their "gateway drug" is legally prescribed by a doctor to treat a condition or injury. That's like saying my friend who died from HIV she received from the blood she was given during childbirth was a promiscuous trollop, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Can happen in some cases, don’t disagree. However, most make choices to up the dose on their own or increase the frequency they take the medication. In many cases, excercise, healthy eating, or a more healthy lifestyle altogether would be beneficial but it’s easier to just take the medicine. Doing the easy things makes life hard-doing the hard things makes life easier. A small fraction may not have a choice, Rex and most others do.
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Did anyone besides the OP read the article? I have not. Just wondering bc the OP usually has horrible takes on things. Not that it doesn't sound like stuff Rex would say. Just wondering

Are these things Rex said recently or are they things Davis dug up from archives just to have something to write about. Makes a big difference.

Curious why people want to comment on a take about an article they haven’t even read? Lots of “” so decide for yourself what was said and who said what. Last but not least, this thread started and the initial publication date of the article was 3 years ago.
My personal opinions about RC is I hope he stays on the right side of his demons. If I get annoyed by his radio shtick, I can turn it off. If he writes something I don’t like, I don’t have to read it.
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Can happen in some cases, don’t disagree. However, most make choices to up the dose on their own or increase the frequency they take the medication. In many cases, excercise, healthy eating, or a more healthy lifestyle altogether would be beneficial but it’s easier to just take the medicine. Doing the easy things makes life hard-doing the hard things makes life easier. A small fraction may not have a choice, Rex and most others do.
I don't know about all the individual choices but it's quite clear big pharma companies shipped massive quantities of opioids to places like eastern Kentucky and West Virginia in some cases illegally. Easily enough to send up huge red flags in communities with low populations. That is exactly what the "pusherman" does and even the flower child generation learned this. I remember Steppenwolf's major hit song about that very thing.

Drug epidemics go back through history for centuries, it's not like there is not a ton of information available. Again money is the #1 addictive drug in America.
I'd like to see Rex clarify exactly who he means when he says "UK" told him not to date black girls.

A coach? An administrator? How about some black dude on the football team tired of Rex sniffing around his woman? Does that qualify as "UK"?

If it helps, here's an article from 05 discussing it. Aside from the dating thing, he also suggests the racist atmosphere at Kentucky is a reason why he left UK early. Here's the relevant excerpt with quotes:

"Former Kentucky star Rex Chapman told a newspaper that school officials tried to stop him from dating black women or at least "hide it" rather than inflame fans.

Chapman said scrutiny of his private life by athletic department officials, boosters and others hastened his departure from Kentucky. He left after two seasons and entered the NBA draft in 1988.

Once, someone took a key and scrawled a racial epithet on his car door, he said. He said he was also the subject of obscene jokes.

"It's the climate of how things were," he was quoted as saying. "People were bothered by the fact that sometimes I dated black girls. Most preferred that I keep it confidential and hide it.

"I was being asked to lead a lifestyle that was absolutely wrong, simply for the fact that some people didn't like that I dated somebody of a different race," Chapman told the paper. "I mean, what is that? Is that America?"
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Even if you are brainwashed and believe in white privilege, black suppression, or any other political tactic by the side of no ideas, don't go full retard. Rex and people like him have every reason in the world to talk this way. He probably thinks it can elevate him past UK and into an NBA role. White guys like Rex use black American issues as a means to self promote.

That's why I say over and over, if you want to see who the real racist are, look at the guys that think this way. And many influential black Americans since the 60's have discussed this, it just doesn't get traction.
I didn’t know Rex scored 39 on the bulls once but then I don’t remember the sixteen seed that beat Virginia either.
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so...that makes him a good human being?
No, it doesnt. I thought wilt's point was that Rex was LEGEND back in the day. Rex was phenomenal in HS, at UK and was really good in the NBA for a while. For years after, even guys i worked with, from all over the US, called him King Rex. However, none of that means he thinks when he speaks. JMO.
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No, it doesnt. I thought wilt's point was that Rex was LEGEND back in the day. Rex was phenomenal in HS, at UK and was really good in the NBA for a while.

I'm sorry, but was Rex really "legend" at UK? I'll take the counter view and suggest he's actually quite overrated by our fans. Sorry, but the dude's resume simply does NOT even come close to measuring up to the supposed "legend" some of his fanboys here have made him out to be. Consider:

He never was was any sort of All American, not even second or third team (see link), never won any significant national honors, holds no school records, his teams were disappointing, and his two NCAA tournament appearances consisted merely of a pitiful FIRST ROUND blowout loss to a mediocre 8 seed OSU team and a Sweet 16 upset loss the next year.

Since when do UK fans consider that meager resume to be "legend"?
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I'm sorry, but was Rex really "legend" at UK? I'll take the counter view and suggest he's actually rather overrated by our fans. Sorry, but the dude's UK resume simply does NOT even come close to measuring up to the supposed "legend" some of his fanboys here have made him out to be. Consider:

He never was was any sort of All American, not even second or third team (see link), he never won any significant national honors, holds no significant school records, his teams were disappointing, and his two NCAA tournament appearances consisted merely of a pitiful FIRST ROUND blowout loss to a mediocre 8 seed OSU team and a Sweet 16 upset loss the next year.

Since when do UK fans consider that meager resume to be "legend"?
Solid post.

And the obvious answer is the elephant in the room. Our fanbase likes white boys from Kentucky. And add that to the fact he could jump put of the gym, and that's how you get fans wanting him to be a legend. Now folks are just kinda upset because he's become an embarrassment.
I'm sorry, but was Rex really "legend" at UK? I'll take the counter view and suggest he's actually quite overrated by our fans. Sorry, but the dude's UK resume simply does NOT even come close to measuring up to the supposed "legend" some of his fanboys here have made him out to be. Consider:

He never was was any sort of All American, not even second or third team (see link), he never won any significant national honors, holds no significant school records, his teams were disappointing, and his two NCAA tournament appearances consisted merely of a pitiful FIRST ROUND blowout loss to a mediocre 8 seed OSU team and a Sweet 16 upset loss the next year.

Since when do UK fans consider that meager resume to be "legend"?
His true claim to UK fame is being a major part of the game that forever cemented U6 as “Little Brother”.
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I'm sorry, but was Rex really "legend" at UK? I'll take the counter view and suggest he's actually quite overrated by our fans. Sorry, but the dude's resume simply does NOT even come close to measuring up to the supposed "legend" some of his fanboys here have made him out to be. Consider:

He never was was any sort of All American, not even second or third team (see link), never won any significant national honors, holds no school records, his teams were disappointing, and his two NCAA tournament appearances consisted merely of a pitiful FIRST ROUND blowout loss to a mediocre 8 seed OSU team and a Sweet 16 upset loss the next year.

Since when do UK fans consider that meager resume to be "legend"?
How old are you? Did you see Rex in person?... His teams were not great, but he was...A Fr or Soph Rex would be the best player on this years UK team...
viginia are bottom feeders, REXINGTON KY made jordan cower like a whipped dog
Are you Rex, I can’t imagine anyone but him singing his praises as much as you have. You’re also wrong, nobody talks about Rex on this board unless it’s some drama he created. He made some circus shots at UK, more akin to a playground gunner than anything else. Never won a title or even a final four, left early when he knew ish was going to hit the fan scandal wise.

He had some personal victories on the court but pretty much nothing that benefitted anyone but him. His popularity/notoriety is a fraction of what he considers it to be, I guess he’ll always be a high school recruit in his mind. Maybe you think you’re killing it trolling the thread trying to incite reactions but instead you are coming off as a frustrated fanboy.
How old are you? Did you see Rex in person?... His teams were not great, but he was...A Fr or Soph Rex would be the best player on this years UK team...

My user name should give you a hint how old I am. I'm the same age as Rex and I saw him play in person quite a few times.

Yes, he was an incredible talent--and something new we'd never had here before (ie. white boy with breathtaking leaping ability)---BUT I stand by my statement, he's also quite overrated by many fans like you, and had plenty flaws some of y'all seem to have forgotten. His teams underachieved, and honestly, so did he.

As noted previously, there's not a single damn thing he left behind from his time at UK that truly stands out. He did average 17 ppg in his career here (while forking up a ton of shot attempts), which is good but not great, and then left. Not much else on his resume that means anything. He earned no national individual honors, he set no records, and his teams disappointed.

If I'm picking shooting guards, I'd take a guy like Tony Delk over Rex in a heartbeat, any day, any time.
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My user name should give you a hint how old I am. I'm the same age as Rex and I saw him play in person quite a few times.

Yes, he was an incredible talent--and something new we'd never had here before (ie. white boy with breathtaking leaping ability)---BUT I stand by my statement, he's also quite overrated by many fans like you, and had plenty flaws some of y'all seem to have forgotten. His teams underachieved, and honestly, so did he.

As noted previously, there's not a single damn thing he left behind from his time at UK that truly stands out. He did average 17 ppg in his career here (while forking up a ton of shot attempts), which is good but not great, and then left. Not much else on his resume that means anything. He earned no national individual honors, he set no records, and his teams disappointed.

If I'm picking shooting guards, I'd take a guy like Tony Delk over Rex in a heartbeat, any day, any time.

Had he stayed 4 years he was on pace to be the all-time scoring leader...Id, like to have seen him play for Cal vs Eddie. Would you take a Fr or Soph Delk over Rex? I wouldn't
Solid post.

And the obvious answer is the elephant in the room. Our fanbase likes white boys from Kentucky. And add that to the fact he could jump put of the gym, and that's how you get fans wanting him to be a legend. Now folks are just kinda upset because he's become an embarrassment.
I think UK fans just love players that are from the State of Kentucky. Jack Givens may be the most popular player in our programs history, and he’s as black as a lump of coal.

Look, every ethnic group seems to like their own a little more. It’s just natural. Go to a PGA event and follow Matsuyama. He’ll have a ton of Asians following him. Trust me, I know, I go to at least two events every single year. There’s nothing wrong with this. When Yao Ming was playing in the NBA, the tv ratings for his games were thru the roof in China. Black fans root harder for black players. Nothing wrong with that either.

Personally, I couldn’t care less about someone’s race when it comes to my teams. My favorite players in UK history are 1. Jack Givens 2. Tony Delk.
Solid post.

And the obvious answer is the elephant in the room. Our fanbase likes white boys from Kentucky. And add that to the fact he could jump put of the gym, and that's how you get fans wanting him to be a legend. Now folks are just kinda upset because he's become an embarrassment.
I am same age Rex. Had friends at UK that knew him. ALL said his was a jerk.
Most of them knew he was leaving early. He told friends this BEFORE HE ENTERED UK.
Then lied to everyone else who asked.
Never have liked him...similar to RP...
ok as long as he is on my team. But just ok.
Both are in the same class of person.
My user name should give you a hint how old I am. I'm the same age as Rex and I saw him play in person quite a few times.

Yes, he was an incredible talent--and something new we'd never had here before (ie. white boy with breathtaking leaping ability)---BUT I stand by my statement, he's also quite overrated by many fans like you, and had plenty flaws some of y'all seem to have forgotten. His teams underachieved, and honestly, so did he.

As noted previously, there's not a single damn thing he left behind from his time at UK that truly stands out. He did average 17 ppg in his career here (while forking up a ton of shot attempts), which is good but not great, and then left. Not much else on his resume that means anything. He earned no national individual honors, he set no records, and his teams disappointed.

If I'm picking shooting guards, I'd take a guy like Tony Delk over Rex in a heartbeat, any day, any time.
Hey Man, I can’t stand Rex as a person at all , but the dude was a really good player.
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Had he stayed 4 years he was on pace to be the all-time scoring leader...Id, like to have seen him play for Cal vs Eddie. Would you take a Fr or Soph Delk over Rex? I wouldn't

No he was not. Hell, he only scored half as many points in his two years as Issel did in only three years. You realize Rex ranks only 50th on our scoring list, right? And he doesn't even make the list in other statistical categories.

And, btw, there are MANY other past UK players that you make a similar sort of speculative "if they'd stayed" statements about. But we don't, because the BBN judges players based upon what they ACTUALLY DID, not what they hypothetically might have done.

As just one of so many examples I could mention, I'll toss out Jamal Murray since he and Rex were such similar players (both shooting guards the same size with similar games). Let's compare their freshman years: Murray had a better scoring average than Rex (20 ppg vs. 16 ppg), a FAR better rebounding average (5.2 vs. 2.3), better shooting percentages, committed fewer turnovers, and his team did better as well. In short, the objective evidence indicates that Murray was better than Rex, but do you think 30 years from now we're gonna have fans bleating "LEGEND" about Jamal Murray's time here the way they still do with Rex? Not. A. Chance.

That said, Rex WAS damn good. But NOT as good as his fanboys here have been overrating him over the years.
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Rex was very popular for a long time
he was one of the top recruits in the country, he was home grown, he picked UK
since he left UK he has done everything in his power to make BBN dislike him
he is a complete idiot

you have to wonder why the NBA wants nothing to do with him

guys like Wall, Cousins and many more are far more popular then Rex
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You’re also wrong, nobody talks about Rex on this board unless it’s some drama he created.

About what exactly, i never said anything about him being popular on this board, with fans or that his accomplishments at uk are significant
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Rex NEVER needs to mention the word "car" in anything he says. "Oh boo hoo. Your car got scratched?" Supposedly the UK administration didn't want him to date black women, but didn't give a crap about his blue IROC-Z that was given to him by a booster?!? I find that hard to believe. Plus UK's SEC Tournament Championship and every game they played in the NCAA Tournament was vacated that year. People tried to say it was all because of Eric Manual, but anyone close to UK or who could read a Jerry Tipton article knew different.

Rex's teams DID beat UofL twice, but the game his sophomore year was won by a tip-in at the buzzer by Cedric Jenkins. Jenkins was black, from Georgia, and was Academic All-SEC. Ironic how that part is overlooked by some fans.

Chapman also had hurt his back and missed two games his sophomore season. UK was 2-0 in those games, so while he may have been missed by fans, then it wasn't like he was the only guy on the team who could play. UK was being hit with probation and the "White Kentucky Boy who played black" packed his bag and left his "Old Kentucky Home" out to dry.

Oh.. I personally think Chapman IS THE ELEPHANT in the room. He seems infatuated with race.

User @Mars_Pow tweeted to Chapman, whose official account is @rexchapman, 'c'mon Rex, you know you are going to upset some people with that tweet.'

Chapman shrugged it off.

He replied: 'I'll let u know when I begin 2 give a sh-t.'


Good. Although I grew up a fan of his, then I don't give a shit about Rex Chapman anymore. As an adult and someone who has gone through the 12 steps of addiction program too, then he doesn't seem to have learned anything over the years. I wish UK would wipe their hands clean of him for good. He serves NO purpose being around the program, OBVIOUSLY doesn't have the University's best interest in mind, and causes more problems than he's worth.

Dude has 4 kids. He has a family and STILL runs his mouth reckless without a care in the world.

I can't support someone like this. No matter where he's from, nor what the color of his skin is, he can go EAD. Sorry... not sorry.
Rex NEVER needs to mention the word "car" in anything he says. "Oh boo hoo. Your car got scratched?" Supposedly the UK administration didn't want him to date black women, but didn't give a crap about his blue IROC-Z that was given to him by a booster?!? I find that hard to believe. Plus UK's SEC Tournament Championship and every game they played in the NCAA Tournament was vacated that year. People tried to say it was all because of Eric Manual, but anyone close to UK or who could read a Jerry Tipton article knew different.

Rex's teams DID beat UofL twice, but the game his sophomore year was won by a tip-in at the buzzer by Cedric Jenkins. Jenkins was black, from Georgia, and was Academic All-SEC. Ironic how that part is overlooked by some fans.

Chapman also had hurt his back and missed two games his sophomore season. UK was 2-0 in those games, so while he may have been missed by fans, then it wasn't like he was the only guy on the team who could play. UK was being hit with probation and the "White Kentucky Boy who played black" packed his bag and left his "Old Kentucky Home" out to dry.

Oh.. I personally think Chapman IS THE ELEPHANT in the room. He seems infatuated with race.

User @Mars_Pow tweeted to Chapman, whose official account is @rexchapman, 'c'mon Rex, you know you are going to upset some people with that tweet.'

Chapman shrugged it off.

He replied: 'I'll let u know when I begin 2 give a sh-t.'


Good. Although I grew up a fan of his, then I don't give a shit about Rex Chapman anymore. As an adult and someone who has gone through the 12 steps of addiction program too, then he doesn't seem to have learned anything over the years. I wish UK would wipe their hands clean of him for good. He serves NO purpose being around the program, OBVIOUSLY doesn't have the University's best interest in mind, and causes more problems than he's worth.

Dude has 4 kids. He has a family and STILL runs his mouth reckless without a care in the world.

I can't support someone like this. No matter where he's from nor what the color of his skin is he can go EAD. Sorry... not sorry.

As always Cindog, spot on.
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