Quick take on Stoops

That decision did not lose the game. What would you have said WHEN he went for it and didn’t get it?

It’s a losing situation for Stoops, but he made the right call. I don’t think most football fans feel the way the previous poster said, either
Actually percentage wise it’s not.

According to ESPN Analytics:

Kentucky had a 34% chance to win if they went for the 4th down.

Kentucky had a 12% chance to win if they punted.
Nice resume builder tonight outside looking in. They’ll be plenty of openings at end of year.

Resume builder off a loss??? 😂😂😂

Only UK football fans are happy with last night.

1 point or 100, it’s a loss.

This whole thread is embarrassing. Mediocre fans happy with mediocre results. Oh, the joys of a UK football fan.
I don't like the punt either but we stopped their run all night. We even forced a fumble but couldn't get it. If they're willing to risk putting the ball in the air in those situations....thats really high risk and really tough. Kudos to them for taking the risk and it paying off.

All that said i don't understand the hate and vitriol i see on the board. Great effort and great game against the best team and program. One bounce here or there and we win that game.
Great game by the team last night. Unfortunately, history shows Stoops and company won’t be able to maintain that level of energy and execution going forward. Hard to get a moral victory from this because you know the $hit show that is coming..

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