Calipari ''“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes,"


Sep 5, 2019

“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes," Calipari said. "Big Z, 7-foot-2, he wants to shoot – no, no, no. You’re not shooting threes, so now he has to shoot twos. You know why? An elbow jumper, when you miss that, it’s kind of embarrassing.

“A three when you’re 7-foot-2 and you’re way out there? Ah man, he almost made that. No, you’re shooting twos and that means you’re going to get in the gym and get better or you’re going to be embarrassed all the time. And you know what? He’s getting better.”

Calipari just wants his guys to be at their most effective – even if it’s cool to see a seven-footer cashing in threes. It’s clear the Head Hog wants to see his big men in more of a prototypical role, focusing on blocking shots and finishing on the inside out of post-ups and pick and rolls.

“He would just rather see me take a mid-range shot because I’m going to make that more than I make a three, probably,” Brazile said. “His resume speaks for itself, so I just try to do what he says. This summer I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress with not shooting threes and just being what he calls an ‘attack dog.’”

So happy this dude is out of here. Same shit, different state!
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Cal already showing the haters he's the smartest guy in the room.

Why not let the 7 footer that has already proven he can shoot 3's--shoot 3's? Because that's what everyone expects.

Also, Calipari was really uncomfortable taking so many 3's last year. He's glad to be going back to midrange shots. Having Rob and Reed and Reeves really made it hard on him to run the offense he wanted.
Cal already showing the haters he's the smartest guy in the room.

Why not let the 7 footer that has already proven he can shoot 3's--shoot 3's? Because that's what everyone expects.

Also, Calipari was really uncomfortable taking so many 3's last year. He's glad to be going back to midrange shots. Having Rob and Reed and Reeves really made it hard on him to run the offense he wanted.

He eventually got it to where he wanted at the end. Forcing the ball down low to Mitchell and having us score well below our season average to a mid major to lose in the first round
Cal is like an elementary school teacher that can’t stand kids. If you hate the actual, real, sane, functioning game of basketball so much, WTF are you doing in this business.
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I don't mean to be repetitive but here it goes...why does this message board continue to waste time talking about a former coach who moved after 2015 to only be concerned about himself and his narcissistic ego and putting kids in the NBA and that is it. He thought he was bigger than the program. He dug his own whole. He did remain true to the University of Kentucky. He was talking to Ohio State and probably others during the season because he thought he could get away with and finally slipped up and had to take the job at Arkansas. If he had the same focus he had pre-2015, he would still be the coach at UK...BUT, he revealed his real colors, and found out he was not bigger than the program. He is gone...Why do we keep wasting our time on a guy that in the final years did not care about UK? I started with Coach Rupp. When Coach Hall took over, we obviously appreciated greatly what Coach Rupp did but we move on with the program with our new coach Joe B. When Joe B. left, we were appreciative of what he had done but we moved on with the program to Coach Sutton, then Pitino, then Tubby, then Billy. Each time we moved on with the program and a new coach. Somehow a number of "Kentucky Basketball fans" have not been able to do that. Is it an age thing that many of the people on this board have only known the current Arkansas coach as the only coach UK has ever had and that in their mind there was no Kentucky basketball before the current Arkansas coach arrived? Maybe you weren't Kentucky basketball fans after all you were just the current Arkansas coach fan. If that is the case I sure would appreciate you moving over to the Woooooie Soooooie Boards and follow your hero. I for one and I know there are others that have experienced Kentucky Basketball way before the current Arkansas coach graced us with his presence and would really like to remember those day and especially look forward to the future with our coach who knows, understands, and cares about our program and I personally think with be very successful here.
Big Z will go pro...and he'll never realize that Cal held him back - he would have gone pro regardless, but Cal will have him convinced he was responsible for Big Z going in the second round or whatever when had he let Z play to his strengths he would have gone much higher.

so, so glad Cal is gone. The only annoying thing is Arkansas fans celebrating his recruiting gets, like he didn't do that at UK and still managed to stink up the place. They act like this is something new. Oh, its different when he recruits a a top five player at Arkansas!

yea...sure it is. It only took us about 6 years to figure out he was full of crap
I don't mean to be repetitive but here it goes...why does this message board continue to waste time talking about a former coach who moved after 2015 to only be concerned about himself and his narcissistic ego and putting kids in the NBA and that is it. He thought he was bigger than the program. He dug his own whole. He did remain true to the University of Kentucky. He was talking to Ohio State and probably others during the season because he thought he could get away with and finally slipped up and had to take the job at Arkansas. If he had the same focus he had pre-2015, he would still be the coach at UK...BUT, he revealed his real colors, and found out he was not bigger than the program. He is gone...Why do we keep wasting our time on a guy that in the final years did not care about UK? I started with Coach Rupp. When Coach Hall took over, we obviously appreciated greatly what Coach Rupp did but we move on with the program with our new coach Joe B. When Joe B. left, we were appreciative of what he had done but we moved on with the program to Coach Sutton, then Pitino, then Tubby, then Billy. Each time we moved on with the program and a new coach. Somehow a number of "Kentucky Basketball fans" have not been able to do that. Is it an age thing that many of the people on this board have only known the current Arkansas coach as the only coach UK has ever had and that in their mind there was no Kentucky basketball before the current Arkansas coach arrived? Maybe you weren't Kentucky basketball fans after all you were just the current Arkansas coach fan. If that is the case I sure would appreciate you moving over to the Woooooie Soooooie Boards and follow your hero. I for one and I know there are others that have experienced Kentucky Basketball way before the current Arkansas coach graced us with his presence and would really like to remember those day and especially look forward to the future with our coach who knows, understands, and cares about our program and I personally think with be very successful here.
I wonder the same thing every day. The obsession with the former Kentucky coach just astounds me.

“I’m not letting [Zvonimir Ivisic] shoot any threes," Calipari said. "Big Z, 7-foot-2, he wants to shoot – no, no, no. You’re not shooting threes, so now he has to shoot twos. You know why? An elbow jumper, when you miss that, it’s kind of embarrassing.

“A three when you’re 7-foot-2 and you’re way out there? Ah man, he almost made that. No, you’re shooting twos and that means you’re going to get in the gym and get better or you’re going to be embarrassed all the time. And you know what? He’s getting better.”

Calipari just wants his guys to be at their most effective – even if it’s cool to see a seven-footer cashing in threes. It’s clear the Head Hog wants to see his big men in more of a prototypical role, focusing on blocking shots and finishing on the inside out of post-ups and pick and rolls.

“He would just rather see me take a mid-range shot because I’m going to make that more than I make a three, probably,” Brazile said. “His resume speaks for itself, so I just try to do what he says. This summer I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress with not shooting threes and just being what he calls an ‘attack dog.’”

So happy this dude is out of here. Same shit, different state!
Is and always has been ... ALL ABOUT HIM. I'm just so happy he's GONE. Sick and Twisted.
Cal's traveling clown show. It would be hilarious, and beneficial to his future, if Z transferred to UK at midseason.

Just in time to drop 4/5 threes on him when arky rolls into town
You know it doesn’t work like that.

No mid season, immediate eligibility right now.

But…. by the end of business today… who knows?
His ego and stubborness consumed him. I initially had a fear that he was going to go to Arkansas, change a lot of his ways, and try and rub it in our faces. Instead, it seems he's just going to double down on what he's been doing, and still try and rub it in our faces. The problem is, it just won't work. If he's going to try and win at Arkansas the way he tried to win the last few years here, it's going to get very ugly.
I don't mean to be repetitive but here it goes...why does this message board continue to waste time talking about a former coach who moved after 2015 to only be concerned about himself and his narcissistic ego and putting kids in the NBA and that is it. He thought he was bigger than the program. He dug his own whole. He did remain true to the University of Kentucky. He was talking to Ohio State and probably others during the season because he thought he could get away with and finally slipped up and had to take the job at Arkansas. If he had the same focus he had pre-2015, he would still be the coach at UK...BUT, he revealed his real colors, and found out he was not bigger than the program. He is gone...Why do we keep wasting our time on a guy that in the final years did not care about UK? I started with Coach Rupp. When Coach Hall took over, we obviously appreciated greatly what Coach Rupp did but we move on with the program with our new coach Joe B. When Joe B. left, we were appreciative of what he had done but we moved on with the program to Coach Sutton, then Pitino, then Tubby, then Billy. Each time we moved on with the program and a new coach. Somehow a number of "Kentucky Basketball fans" have not been able to do that. Is it an age thing that many of the people on this board have only known the current Arkansas coach as the only coach UK has ever had and that in their mind there was no Kentucky basketball before the current Arkansas coach arrived? Maybe you weren't Kentucky basketball fans after all you were just the current Arkansas coach fan. If that is the case I sure would appreciate you moving over to the Woooooie Soooooie Boards and follow your hero. I for one and I know there are others that have experienced Kentucky Basketball way before the current Arkansas coach graced us with his presence and would really like to remember those day and especially look forward to the future with our coach who knows, understands, and cares about our program and I personally think with be very successful here.
Could be for the same reason that a victim of a heinous crime refuses to forgive the unrepentant perpetrator. Too many UK fans continued to support his lying ass long after it was obvious it was never "about the kids", nor about the UK program and that his methods were a complete failure relative to UK standards. He didn't give two shits about UK, BBN, the Program, nor the Tradition. No real fan should ever pass on the opportunity to remind themselves and others who he is and how he lied to the fanbase. The WAY he chose to leave UK should tell anyone WHO he is. Obviously, JMO and very happy he's gone.
Bad coach: I’m not letting John Wall drive to the goal. He should work on his 3 pointer

Same thing but opposite. Take away a player’s strength and force him to play to his weaknesses.