I disagree....Obviously there are a great many swindlers out in the open-Copeland, Robertson. Bakker, the Falwells, Graham, Locke, Olsteen, etc. It goes much much deeper than that, however. When so called "Christians" begin to operate "in the name of God" they begin to justify any behavior as "God's will". or "Jesus" laid this on my heart." Since the whole concept of Religion is based on unseen magic, they can't be proven wrong.
Without getting into it the details, I found out that a close relative had her arm twisted to give a large bulk of her estate to her church as she was dying. They didn't quite threaten her with hell, but they mentioned that God had given her this wealth, and he she hadn't really given enough of it back, and she need to make this situation right with God before she passed. Obviously this was very upsetting to her in her final months.
This was just your normal, garden variety suburban protestant church. The "leaders", if you can call them that are normal members of the community, and some are very visible and powerful in their respective professions. I would guess this is standard operating procedure in most if not all churches. The uber religious love to pound on the verse.."render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars...until of course-it's their money, than it belongs to God.