How will they rule ??!

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Jesus Christ, one group stormed the US Capitol building while senators were on the floor doing official business. They attacked police to get in. They killed one officer. Yes what happened during the summer was wrong, looting is always wrong. But if you can’t see the difference between the two, then it can only be because your head is so far up Trumps ass to want to notice.

The other group burned parts of every major American city all summer long. Eat a d.
Your side also burned down police precincts, took over entire city blocks, and desecrated every statue of a not gay white guy.
You losers are the problem. You started this. This is on you.
My mom is a Democrat. My father is a Republican. My grandmother ran more blue than my mother. Those are the 3 people who raised me the most. I grew up in a very split household, and run very moderate. Like a lot of Kentuckians. When I was a kid, Kentucky was blue. It has shifted red, but there is a lot of blue left. Especially in the cities (I am from Louisville).

This country is best when it governs from the middle. Has always been the case, and will always be the case. To be fair to the Democrats, they nominated their most central and electable candidate. None of the other candidates would've beaten Trump. I'm not a Biden fan, but I hope he has enough mental power and fortitude remaining to govern from the middle and resist the powers of the left that will try to pull him away. If he does go hard left, that's probably the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party, given the events of the past few months.
JB out in 6/12 months...then the stuff is going to get deep.
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I've also heard multiple times in this very thread people saying about the female Trump supporter who was shot and killed, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

...but those same people would go ape-sh!t if the same were said of George Floyd, or Jacob Blake.

She tried to forcibly enter the room where elected leaders were being evacuated from. She wasn't being held down, she wasn't running from them.

If she had done this at the white house, governor's mansion, any other government building with leaders in it, use of force would absolutely be justified.
She tried to forcibly enter the room where elected leaders were being evacuated from. She wasn't being held down, she wasn't running from them.

If she had done this at the white house, governor's mansion, any other government building with leaders in it, use of force would absolutely be justified.
Guaran-damn-tee you if this had been a BLM protest and that protester was African American, then DC would be burning now and for the next month, and the MSM would be talking nonstop about police brutality and the non-authorized use of lethal force against an unarmed protester.

And I double guaran-damn-tee YOU would be arguing that the use of force was unjustified.
And you’re dumb enough to think that’s legit. Anybody can grab a domain name if available and throw up a redirect. BTW, the domain name registration expires on 4/24. You can grab it if you like.

That's not knowing something.

Not knowing something is just not knowing something; being dumb (you leftists and your unAmerican belief system) is something entirely different and much more consequential.

In today's America there is no more discussing different viewpoints rationally and compromising. It as Sarah Silverman said I can say anything I want because I'm liberal. That's how they justify everything they do. It's their way (the right way) and anything else is wrong and if you are of a different opinion than them you are long list of things that include racists and homophobic.
Cute that all the liberals on this board jumped in this thread once Bideng frauded this election
Found this board right before the 2016 election. You’re right, I’ve noticed a ton of new lib posters since President Trump was cheated out of a 2nd term. They know it was fraud, it’s just a shame they don’t realize what’s coming next.
You can't establish a premise of two Americas and then accuse somebody from the other America as treasonous and deserving to die. That is genocide.

People need to be able to peacefully have their differences instead of being diluted by a forced union that they never asked to have.

Be careful calling out King James and his comments about 2 Americas. Some on here think he truly is a king.
It's not even justification. It's recognition of the double standard of labeling one group as a "mob" of "domestic terrorists" participating in an "insurrection"/"deadly riot," while similar violent protests during the summer were never characterized in such a manner. Basically it's a "teachable moment" that falls on deaf ears.
Well I think both groups of "protestors" are kinda stupid. But one group is mostly protesting the mistreatment of minorities while also being used by bored rich white kids as an excuse to be ****ing dipshits. And the other group is white old guys protesting a bunch of lies fed to them by a NY conman and a Q troll.

Smh.Even though trump has officially conceded and there are 1.5 weeks left, Dems are going to try to impeach him.

and they wonder why people are pissed off. They continue to gaslight and stoke the flames of division. Is it any surprises that we’re divided? All I’ve heard from republicans are calls for unity. All I’ve heard from Dems are calls for division and hatred.

At a certain point, rebellion is morally justified. I’m not smart enough to determine when that point is, but standing up against tyranny is only considered immoral among the tyrants. Just sickening to see one side hellbent on destroying their fellow countrymen.

Just curious if they were calling for the removal of all the senators and representatives like Nancy who were calling for chaos and civil unrest just a few short months ago.
Lmao. Dominions is sueing Powell, Wood, and the trunk campaign for 1.2billion in damages. Hell ya. Bout time dipshit scam lawyers become homeless bisbarred bums.
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Well I think both groups of "protestors" are kinda stupid. But one group is mostly protesting the mistreatment of minorities while also being used by bored rich white kids as an excuse to be ****ing dipshits. And the other group is white old guys protesting a bunch of lies fed to them by a NY conman and a Q troll.

I wonder if there would be as much civil unrest if the media reported on every case of police brutality instead of just reporting on the cases involving blacks. I mean are people really dumb enough to think that Hispanics, Asians, or Caucasians aren't treated the same way by cops. Maybe the problem isn't just limited to blacks. And maybe just maybe the media wants to create division among us peons no matter our skin color.
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She tried to forcibly enter the room where elected leaders were being evacuated from. She wasn't being held down, she wasn't running from them.

If she had done this at the white house, governor's mansion, any other government building with leaders in it, use of force would absolutely be justified.

I don’t disagree. Except...

why have there been riots over cops shooting people who presented FAR more danger than she did to anybody on the other side of that barrier?

It is this double standard that people are angry about.
Our nation's Capital was not threatened and ransacked this summer. You have to recognize the truth to know the truth and you have to be honest to start with to recognize truth.
OF course it was.......they evacuated the first family from the White House because of the violent riots out side.......