How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
DOW 3/24/24.....39313.64
DOW 3/24/25.....42583.32
Long term, libs....long term.

Govn't waste....check
USA first....check
Astronauts home....check
Eggs (LOL).....check

Ok, let's move on to text messages now. Then maybe they'll go after park swing sets. Idiots.

***Dow 1/20/25... 43,487.83
Dow 3/24/25... 42,501.52
Down goes the Dow!!! Check

***Ukraine losing more territory since Trump came to office...check

***Europe no longer sees US as an ally....Check

***Trash our key trading partners. Check

***Lowest consumer confidence in four years. Check

***Top secret war plans sent out on a chat line to reporters. Check.

Nuclear inspectors fired. Check

Clown show. 🤡🤡🤡 Check
Yea, I don’t believe a staffer “accidentally” added the editor of the Atlantic to a private chat.

That lady is a complete piece of sh*t. About all I can say about her.

I’d be embarrassed if she was my representative.
Agreed. You have a reporter who is know to absolutely hate Trump and has published some outlandish ish about him. Why would a Trump team member even have this guys name in his phone to add by accident?

good article.

Even more interesting than the fact that classified national security discussions were apparently held amongst senior officials via a commercial messaging app (with a journalist along for the ride) is the content of the discussions themselves. The ‘JD Vance’ account noted that “3% of US trade runs through the Suez. 40% of European trade does” and went on to say “I just hate bailing Europe out again” while adding “if there are things we can do upfront to minimize risk to Saudi oil facilities we should do it”. The Pete Hegseth account responded “I fully share your loathing of European free-loading. It’s PATHETIC.

Participants openly discussed the United States being the only naval power “on our side of the ledger” capable of ensuring freedom of navigation through the Red Sea region. A participant speculated to be White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller added “we soon make clear to Egypt and Europe what we expect in return. We also need to figure out how to enforce such a requirement. EG, if Europe doesn’t remunerate, then what? If the US successfully restores freedom of navigation at great cost there needs to be some further economic gain extracted in return.
She's a witch with a capital B. What a total disgrace to the house.

Her having those Jack Elam eyes makes her rants even more hilarious.

Agreed. You have a reporter who is know to absolutely hate Trump and has published some outlandish ish about him. Why would a Trump team member even have this guys name in his phone to add by accident?

...because you know for sure he'd leak it.

Does it ruin anything in terms of strategy that we know they did it on purpose and didn't reveal anything critical?
Easy to do and to fake for propaganda purposes. Sounds right up the liberals alley
You won't find more spin and propaganda than with Fox and the Republican Party. Now y'all trying to get rid of one branch of government.
That's Notzi very nice.

You must be so happy.
Finally a win.
It is an acronym.
I stand corrected.
A mistake, however, doesn't make you a dumb ass, just wrong.
Calling people names incessantly could make you a prick though.
Consider it.
I often get tired of winning here because it's so easy.
The below is from Article 3 and has been interpreted to mean lifetime appointment for Article 3 judges (who are not impeached for bad behavior)

The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour
Thanks. Dam shame for the lesser courts at least.
You think you're so clever. But you lack wisdom. You think you know people you talk to on the internet? You must have zero friends. You're a beta male weenie and a chump as well. You'd trip/faint in a situation like that. Probably run away like a little bitch if your grandson got hit.
Tell us the wisdom of killing someone who injured a defenseless person & thus spending you life in jail because of it. Who is hurt the most by your action? I think next to no one would kill someone over this event. You apparently think most anyone with balls would kill the guy.

As far as who knows people here, you're making judgments about me right & left just in this post. Crazy sh!t post.
It’s almost like our own SWAMP is getting fat off the same abuse of our tax dollars, isn’t it? Put on a show about how they are going to fight the corruption in front of cameras, but get together in the shadows to make sure that no real changes occur. Rinse, repeat.

We know for sure Cotton, Romney, and Graham are on the usaid take. Pretty much anyone there more than 8-10 years is getting a big day through some ngo with usaid being the ultimate payor.

There really are no repercussions. They’ll never be removed from the bench via impeachment because democrats are corrupt. They’ll never be disbarred for corruption because the state bars are just as corrupt.

The he judicial branch has less credibility than congress at this point.

Probably will never be but at least track it down and make it public. That way the voting public can at least take it into account, if nothing else.
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I hit the 'Show ignored content' to see what someone was responding to. All I can say is thank God for the 'ignore' feature.
What a bunch of crap posting. I don't see how you guys can stand it who don't have these idiots on 'ignore'.

And unfortunately anytime I do that, I get so enraged reading the idiots I have on ignore, it's hard not to tell them exactly how idiotic they are.

I try and be better, I really do.
Big difference between Rs and Ds.

Over $3T....$3T......has been announced in new plants, etc in the U.S. by both domestic and foreign companies since Trump took office.
Over $3T....$3T.....and counting....of private money/investment.


$1.9T American Rescue Plan....$1T Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act....$280B Chips and Science Act.
$3T+ ..... all government/taxpayer money

And show me one useful thing that Biden government money got the USA?

Promises from buttigieg that we'd start seeing real progress in 2030.

Most flagrantly wasteful and fraud legislation ever passed.
We know for sure Cotton, Romney, and Graham are on the usaid take. Pretty much anyone there more than 8-10 years is getting a big day through some ngo with usaid being the ultimate payor.

Probably will never be but at least track it down and make it public. That way the voting public can at least take it into account, if nothing else.
Why aren't they being arrested and charged??? Why has NOBODY been arrested and charged with anything??

Meanwhile.... The clowns running our country are endangering our military personnel's lives as they are planning military strikes on a GD chatting app.
Oh ... And one of the chat boys was in Russia at the time.
F'ing clown show.

Why aren't they being arrested and charged??? Why has NOBODY been arrested and charged with anything??

Meanwhile.... The clowns running our country are endangering our military personnel's lives as they are planning military strikes on a GD chatting app.
Oh ... And one of the chat boys was in Russia at the time.
F'ing clown show.

I want them arrested and charged if they did anything criminal. If not, it still needs exposed so voters can see what is going on.

I am not a team player.
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Names of targeted individuals
Timing of military operations

Those AREN'T classified information?
What if that reporter hadn't realized the classified nature of that military operation and had tweeted out the information to get a huge news scoop?????
Those pilots lives could have very well been lost if the targets had a half hour heads up on the strikes.
This is, hands down, the biggest joke of an administration in US history. And it's only just begun. 🤢🤢🤢

- Cut down on illegal immigrants on voter roles
- Ensure the DHS has fully usable data
- A citizenship question on the federal voting form
- The EAC to cut Federal funding to states that don't take reasonable steps to secure their election
- The DOJ to vigorously prosecute election crimes, particularly in states that aren't in compliance with federal laws around election integrity
-Compliance with national election day rules- Prosecuting foreign interference in elections
- Revoking Biden's EO 14019 which allowed Government to pollute the Election process

TRUMP: "It's an honor to sign this one."

TRUMP: "I would love to do that. I think it's very unfair and very biased, the whole group. They are from a different age and spend more money than any network of its type ever conceived. its a very biased view. I'd be honored to see it end. We're well covered and we don't need it. It's a waste of money.

I don't even know what DOGE's recommendation is, I think their decision is to close it up. I can't imagine that they wouldn't choose that."

Martyrs for the faith. Brutal, but thanks be to the Lord, they ultimately have been rewarded for their faith.
Revelation 6:9-11 ;

9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters,[a] were killed just as they had been.
This guy is so full of shit. I didn’t realize he was the suckers and losers and hitlers generals hoaxes guy too.

The only reason i believe he was in fact added is because trump said waltz made a bad mistake but learned from it. So sounds like he was definitely added to something he shouldn't have.