Try that lie somewhere else. You guys keep conflating illegal and legal immigrants. We know you are doing that so stop doing it here. Try that on people who don't look up facts. This is just federal prisons.... You want me to look up Cali, TX,NY and Illinois state prison stats?
As of the most recent data available from the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) on March 7, 2025, approximately 14.9% of federal prisoners are non-U.S. citizens. This figure comes from the BOP's inmate citizenship statistics, which report that out of 153,762 total inmates, 22,973 are non-U.S. citizens. However, this percentage includes both legal and illegal immigrants, as the BOP does not specifically break down the data by legal status.
To estimate the proportion of illegal immigrants specifically, we can look at additional context from the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) reports. For fiscal year 2023, the USSC found that 33.7% of all individuals sentenced in federal courts were non-U.S. citizens (21,504 out of 64,124 cases), and of those, 88.4% were classified as illegal aliens. Applying this 88.4% to the BOP’s non-citizen population suggests that roughly 13.2% of federal prisoners (88.4% of 14.9%) could be illegal immigrants.
This estimate aligns with historical trends. For example, a 2018 DOJ report indicated that about 66% of known or suspected aliens in BOP custody (approximately 38,132 out of 183,000 total inmates) were unlawfully present, translating to roughly 13.7% of the federal prison population at that time. More recently, a 2019 DOJ report noted that 94% of confirmed aliens in BOP custody were illegally present, which, applied to the 27,494 aliens in custody, suggests about 14.8% of the total BOP population (174,511) were illegal immigrants.
Given these figures and the current BOP data, a reasonable estimate is that approximately 13% to 15% of federal prisoners are illegal immigrants as of March 25, 2025. This percentage may vary slightly depending on ongoing investigations into immigration status and changes in enforcement policies, but it reflects the best available data without a precise, up-to-the-day breakdown of legal versus illegal status.