How will they rule ??!

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What a stupid lazy take. It’s funny how everyone thinks kids in the past were just so smart. Kids like this have always been around, we just see the way more because they feel the need to post their entire lives on tick tock and Instagram. Go back and watch MTV spring break from the 90s and 2000s and tell me we were all geniuses.

And how do parents get off the hook as far as education goes? You let your kids only spend their time only on their phones and this is the likely result.

Also how do you figure gutting the DOE fixes this? You think crappy red states like Mississippi and Alabama are all of a sudden going to be churning out geniuses? Why? People keep saying “well, let’s get the best possible teachers to teach our kids”. WTF does that mean? As if teachers aren’t already incredible people that work overtime and care for their kids. The issue is the parents in most cases.
Ever since the Dept. of Ed. was founded our children's overall numbers have declined every year. We're going to save billions by abolishing this unneeded dept. I suppose you think we should just keep on funding it even though it has proven to be a net negative in all regards.
These are college kids and they SHOULD know these basic facts about our country. I do agree parents share a lot of the blame, but we all know of kids being awarded H.S diplomas who read at 4th grade levels, and as shown in the video clip, these college kids don't even know who we won our independence from? Who fought the civil war?

If a kid can't read at 12th grade level they should not get a diploma, period. School boards, administrators and teachers all share in the blame in those cases, and there are far too many of those. When I was in school, if you didn't earn a passing grade you didn't pass the class. What changed? Why was such a monumental change in the future of our children even implemented?
No matter what happens Friday (and I think we'll win), Mark Pope has been an unmitigated success in his inaugural season.

First team in history to make the S16 with ZERO returning points from the previous years roster.

What he's done, especially considering, for all intents and purposes he didn't even HAVE a team, when he took this job a mere 10 months ago is astonishing.
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No matter what happens Friday (and I think we'll win), Mark Pope has been an unmitigated success in his inaugural season.

First team in history to make the S16 with ZERO returning points from the previous years roster.

What he's done, especially considering, for all intents and purposes he didn't even HAVE a team, when he took this job a mere 10 months ago is astonishing.
Pope has become the Moneyball coach.

I will never understand this. Of all the dumb shit our government has done why the hell were we funding known terrorist sympathizers to overthrow secular governments in the ME? Just think of what Egypt would be like if the military didn't step in and kick out the muslim brotherhood.

Usaid and the cia literally created the taliban and isis. We really created terrorism as we know it. We did it to make sure the cia got the poppy fields instead of Russia.

The same poppy fields responsible for killing untold millions and ruining the lives of tens of millions more. All so the cia could fund their off books projects too dirty to even have it paid for by tax money through usaid and ngo shells.

Nevermind the fact the taliban also pulled off 9/11 with at least cia training if not active help. Tragic as that was, its a drop in a bucket compared to the horrors of addiction unleashed across the world.
Usaid and the cia literally created the taliban and isis. We really created terrorism as we know it. We did it to make sure the cia got the poppy fields instead of Russia.

The same poppy fields responsible for killing untold millions and ruining the lives of tens of millions more. All so the cia could fund their off books projects too dirty to even have it paid for by tax money through usaid and ngo shells.

Nevermind the fact the taliban also pulled off 9/11 with at least cia training if not active help. Tragic as that was, its a drop in a bucket compared to the horrors of addiction unleashed across the world.

There's a lot to unpack here.

"Mr President, if you don't go after even your own kind (Rs that had a hand in the corruption) to clean that out, ... I don’t know where I stand..."

Exceedingly well put. That's where I am and most of my friends are on all of this and always have been.

A buddy of mine went onto 4chan back in the early days of the q thing. The people that were supposed to be the "good guys" there wouldn't hear anything about those on the R side that needed to be rooted out. He never trusted another thing they said and never went back, but he showed the threats that were made against him and others for bringing this stuff up. Some good is being done, but I have my doubts that all of the good that can, should, and needs to be done ever will be done.
Great stuff. I absolutely challenge that percentage of “pretty women.” Most beauty can be wiped off with a wet paper towel.

I’ve also heard women call Lizzo beautiful and with all of the new dudes who are becoming women, that number is much lower.
I really am impressed by the advancements in makeup technology over the last thirty years. They even have skinny drugs too. Now every woman can be a seven with a little bit of time and an airbrush. Throw in filters on phones and you never know what anyone truly looks like. If we could apply that same level of advancement to medicine we might just be disease free by now.

I will never understand this. Of all the dumb shit our government has done why the hell were we funding known terrorist sympathizers to overthrow secular governments in the ME? Just think of what Egypt would be like if the military didn't step in and kick out the muslim brotherhood.

Why? 3 things at least.

WE (the US) were/are the military arm of the private (originally mostly European owned) banking system that owns the fedres. The countries that were gaining independence and seeking to set up an independent currency were the countries on "the list" talked about in the video recently shared here. Libya was foremost and furthest along during the O admin. They had begun to terraform the desert using the underground aquifer and advanced recovery methods. They had oil, were beginning to produce food, education was free, and the citizens actually received subsidies/shares from oil production profits. Their leader was trying to establish an independent currency among African countries and show them how to become independent, too.

The taliban had decreased opium production to the lowest levels since before we became involved with them during the afghan war vs Russia. Wholesale prices on opioids had gone through the roof while supply dropped off a cliff. Drug running was critical to funding ops and manipulating populations and opioids were the key components. This just so happened to also be critical to drug manufacturers and the medical industry. This necessitated looping Afghanistan into the "combating terrorism" scheme. Southeast Asia was critical to the drug running or we wouldn't have had any real involvement there either.

The entire petroleum industry has been protected for over 100yrs. They outlawed hemp to protect oil interests, as well as the timber (paper), steel, corn, and cotton industry. Hemp, as a renewable that doesn't deplete the soil, was key to a better fuel additive than corn based ethanol, and cloth as good as cotton. It proved to be a great fiber for resilient, light, and strong fiberglass panels in the 40s, threatening the steel industry's monopoly on automotive supply. Just as importantly, hemp used for paper, insulation, and laminates was much more desirable, inexpensive, and renewable, therefore a direct threat to the timber and building products industry across the nation.

Most of our involvement in the ME-Afghanistan has to do with oil. Major reserves were found in the Caspian Sea region, but getting them out of there has been a challenge. Pipelines east or west of there need the cooperation of the countries between the Caspian Sea and either the Mediterranean, Arabian Sea, or the Indian Ocean. Look at a topographical map of Asia and you'll see the routes needed and why 2 major oil conglomerates have been battling it out for over 50 years to get their preferred route cleared through organized conflict. One wanted to go west. One wanted to go southeast. Each has been battling with govts and tribes in the way of their preferred pipeline route. Turkey proved too unstable geologically to economically maintain a pipeline there, but 3/4s of the route that might go through Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran has been "cleared." The people backing O wanted this route. The people backing Bush wanted the Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan route "cleared." They've been mostly successful, but Iran is still the major obstacle for both.

A fourth thing- Shipping
An idea born in the 60s I think, but only recently becoming a real possibility is the construction of a canal through Israeli territory. The ideal path is near or through Gaza to the Jordan River as it flows from the Dead Sea southward. This would be a boon for shipping and a big money maker for Israel, pulling money from Egypt, but also making shipping easier to secure. The coup in Egypt organized by the O admin and the houthi attacks have been, imo, efforts against support for the new canal, but also to better control and disrupt the global economy through disrupting shipping. Blocking the canal may have been caused by a hack of the Evergreen ships controls by those who would profit from the deed. It seemed to necessitate the need for another route. Also, having an Israeli military presence at the Gulf of Aquaba, which the canal would almost definitely assure, would give them (necessitate) a greater security presence overall, which they desire.

The Suez Canal is problematic for a couple reasons. Egypt is generally unstable, and the use of the canal is expensive. I'd be willing to bet that the USGVt is willing to help Israel build their canal in exchange for reduced fare passage for the foreseeable future.