Yea. Me and my dad were talking about the pyramids and stuff. You don't build something that complicated if it's extremely hard to build. You build something like that once you make it somewhat easy to do.... Some of the stones are so massive that defies logic they would build with those. I've heard people come up with ways you can move a 180-ton stone block that is perfectly symmetrical, but the question is still... why?I can’t tell you how badly I want this to be true. Real-world X-Files stuff. I’m certainly leaning fake at this point, but man, it’s wild to even think about.
I mean, it wasn't easy to go to the moon, but the science and tech made it a high probability of success. We didn't try to do a space mission 3 years after the Wright Bros. I just can't believe people woke up one day and decided to build these insanely large structures with insanely large blocks instead of building out and using smaller blocks.
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