How will they rule ??!

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I also heard that Joe Pags got swatted twice in one day. Apparently the cops showed up 9 hours later and made him go through the whole spiel again. Police sure aren't doing themselves any favors. Half the country hates them and they seem determined to piss off the other half.

They have to be in on it, or at the very least their superiors are

It's always projection with the sociopathic left. Their bots know the drill. Anything they see in themselves and refuse to acknowledge has to be projected onto their opponent. Biden was their king just like the dem president before him.

They don't want a public servant. They want an overlord. The slave doesn't want freedom, but to have his own slaves, and he will settle for being the overseer that answers to the overlord. As long as they have power over SOMEONE... anyone, they can be paid little. Just as long as someone does what they desire to do and they can watch. They are sick people.


Everything is just that, a projection. I remember when we had that walking-talking Dunning-Kruger Dreadlox here regurgitating his Karl Rove says "always be accusing your opponent of what you are doing: be everything he says you are but worse!" nonsense. That in itself was a projection of his stupid psychological projection; can't be them, no, must be you. We can't be the baddies, look at how good we are!

No, you are arguing with malignant narcissist losers. Ceratin frailties are simply part of the human condition irrespective of beliefs, but There's only one "side" which is the same as it's always been... which is why you have so many disaffected liberals joining this admin and MAGA. MAGA is not the "cult," it's you who are so vehemently opposed to it, AMerican values in general. There's a reason why your group think, that is to say your cult ideology, possesses so many of you to violence and laughter at it, a veritable celebration of terrorism. I mean look it yourselves, you're literally going around and wiping your shit on people's cars. You're possessed. You've compeltely lost the plot.

FIx yourselves while you still can.
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John Grisham wrote A Time to Kill about a real case---but he reversed the race of the victim and the culprits. It was two black men that did that to a little white girl but Hollywood doesn't want to make that movie.

Never heard that before you posted it. Not as surprised today as I would have been if you told me then. Really goes to show how long this sht has been programmed to influence people
You say this like it’s true.

1- the Dow hasn’t dropped 10% since Jan 20.

2- Stock Market is so bad but it’s exactly where it was 6 months ago when democrats used it as a marching chant of how good the economy was under Biden.

3- If you aren’t withdrawing funds yet you haven’t lost a thing. In time the stock market grows.
Clown show....

Another day of Rump... Another loss of retirement income. 🤬
I do, and anyone who values protecting this country should. They are not mentally capable given their own personal situation is at the forefront of their own lifestyle, and that goes for anyone who wants to serve. There are two genders....two, and if you want to change to the other one, then you have issues.....and I don't want that issue interfering w/ defending our country.
Give some specific examples of trans individuals failing their duties in their military service.
Btw ..
I do, and anyone who values protecting this country should. They are not mentally capable given their own personal situation is at the forefront of their own lifestyle, and that goes for anyone who wants to serve. There are two genders....two, and if you want to change to the other one, then you have issues.....and I don't want that issue interfering w/ defending our country.

We really don't need the mentally ill serving so; I have a problem with it.

I agree with you both. By serving i imagined a non combat role, which im sure would suit these people fine. Plus once you remove their free gender medical stuff, they wont want to be involved at all.

Don't forget, Reagan chose Bush Sr. as his VP, and Bush was the former DIRECTOR of the CIA. There's no doubt Reagan was being influenced.

I agree. It seemed like he wasnt s complete puppet because he was a Friedman free trade person which promoted a very limited government view to avoid government involvement in basically anything.

By the same token you saw the influence in iran contra, etc. Interestingly enough, knowing now how it all works, there is a chance many things went on without his knowledge.

The rest were basically cia puppets. Even crazier - the opponents of the cia puppets were also mostly cia puppets. So there is also a chance the obama elections weren't even legit because the gop candidate basically went through the motions.
The liberal woman’s desire for social media acceptance completely outweighs their ability to think logically and their capacity for feeling shame and all the sh*t they post online is completely non-existent. On top of it all, their liberal arts degree in some worthless field of study gives them 100% confidence that they are smarter than anyone they will meet, especially anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Leftist men are like this too, but the college-educated liberal woman is the apex predator of the liberal lunatics.
Never heard that before you posted it. Not as surprised today as I would have been if you told me then. Really goes to show how long this sht has been programmed to influence people

They do this crap all the time. IQ lowers because of the third world and another demo but the media uses a picture of a white kid.

You also will never see a security system commercial where a burgular isn't white. They're always white.

You also get this absurd one which has never happened in the history of time, a black guy stopping a white guy from cat calling.

This has been the case for years with how they portray white guys and black people.

Or even white women get it sometime

Only whites can be portrayed as stupid or lame.

"The modern immigrant comes to a place that is already built. Settlers planted the trees. The modern immigrant comes to eat the fruits. If you cannot see the difference, I don’t know how else to explain it."


It's wild how you see the same problems popping up everywhere and some people refuse to see any connections....
Was it this thread that someone posted that there was an ISIS threat against hospitals?

This is the chick that has been on a bunch of this stuff. She was a targeting agent for the CIA adn Shawn Ryan put her on his show a few times. She was talking about cartels smuggling shoulder fired missiles into US before the election... then Trump started using decoy planes and landing in weird airports for where his appearance was so she clearly heard same thing SS and FBI heard.

Well... Kamala effect hitting Carney. They were planning on him running the government for a while before calling elections... but every time he opens his mouth he gets more unpopular. After saying he was against a carbon tax he was exposed as supporting it and investing in it and then he said he would still institute it but do it differently.

Canada can't fight climate change and engage in a trade war. Canada will be a 3rd world country if they don't change course quick. Hell, I saw some Indian immigrants leaving Canada because their quality of life was better in India. LOL.