How will they rule ??!

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You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.
I have a friend who once helped me out when I was down and out who used to work and have plenty of money. After three failed marriages, he decided that he would never again tie himself down. For years now he has lived the single life partying and gambling his fortune away. A few years back he was broke, and could not pay his bills so I helped him out. This became a monthly thing and after about $5000 dollars' worth of helping out, I told him I could not help anymore.

He went to other people (as I found out later) until they could not help anymore. I also found out he was gambling and partying his paychecks away and not paying his bills. His attitude was that he could not take it with him when he dies so he will spend it when he has it. He has it rough right now as he has run out of people who are helping him pay his bills. He has been kicked out of his last 3 apartments and is living in one from a friend from long ago who is keeping his rent low. He has tried recently to get me to help pay his medical bills, but I told him I could not.

He is now on SS and the federal government is garnishing his check to the tune of $500 a month due to back taxes he owes for businesses he had where he did not pay taxes for some years to the tune of about $60k.
A newscast St. Patrick's day 2023 haha

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A couple more from Stephen Miller today, one going after Weismann who was on Mueller's team (video includes Weismann's statements). Miller is always on the warpath.

"Andrew Weissman is an absolute moron. He is a moron and he is a fool and he's a degenerate."

"Andrew Weissman has devoted his career to putting innocent Americans in jail, taking away their civil liberties."

"He was involved in the Mueller coup against a democratically elected president Donald Trump. Weissman should never be on TV anywhere."

"He should hang his head in eternal shame for what he's done to this country. And now he's up there shilling for people who r*pe and m*rder Americans. That's who Andrew Weissman is."

You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.

A long time friend of mine experienced the same thing with his mother while he was in college. She got a very small inheritance from her father when he passed. She told her father and her family that she would split it between her 5 children. She spent it on plastic surgery instead. It was a pattern he had come to expect. She spent his entire college fund (which his father paid into after they were divorced and she remarried) on everything but his college expenses. Refused to help when he needed it.

Some people are just that way.
This is the judge and his wife who tried to stop the deportation of gang members. Sick people. The FBI lawyer Clinesmith who got probation for doctoring emails to make people look more guilty during the Russia hoax to get FISA was this judge that gave him one year probation and no jail time (if you remember Clinesmith's excuse was he was going through a that is why he was trying to frame people).

His wife has founded an abortion clinic and they have donated thousands in efforts against Trump.
(Remember the hundreds of stories about Alito's wife hanging a flag upside down and that he out to be impeached because of that)

"And when a dirty FBI lawyer was convicted for fabricating evidence in those warrants and lying about, Boasberg was there to make sure the corrupt FBI lawyer didn’t serve a day in jail.

It is no surprise, then, that Boasberg is now leading a lawless judicial insurrection against the elected U.S. government to illegally seize the military powers of the presidency for himself."

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Two identical apartment buildings - same builder, same building drawings, built same year, both well-maintained & upgraded - in different jurisdictions each get $5000/mo total in rents. One has $500/mo. property taxes & $200/mo. in insurance. The other has $1000/mo. property taxes and $300/mo. in insurance. Since they both have the same rents and are identical, by your reasoning you'd pay the same for both. I sure as hell wouldn't. And I LMAO at you or anyone that would.

You are SUCH a fkng IDIOT! Absolutely a MORON! Lmao!


I'm glad someone posted the quote about a fool opening its mouth. You illustrated it PERFECTLY. There's a GOOD reason EVERYONE has you on "ignore."

Try reading posts real hard before you reply to them, and then say to yourself, "...whatever I say, even after reading posts, people tell me I'm stupid and my argument is wrong. Maybe I, vhcat70, should just shut up and try to appear wise that way."
On the one hand I don’t think people should be deported for supporting Hamas and we shouldn’t be dropping bombs on terrorists in Yemen.

On the other hand, if these were people supporting the Constitution or were white Christians, the left would be cheering for deportations and bombings.

So while I don’t agree totally, **** them all and lower my taxes.
You make a very valid point, as we all know of people who blow through every dollar they have, then whine and cry about not having the money for rent, car pmt, etc.

I can provide an excellent example. My ex wife had an uncle and aunt who were financially well off, although you'd never really know it to look at their home, car, etc. Anyway, her aunt passed away and I attended the funeral. (Her family thought more of me than they did her) While there I spoke with her uncle, who confided in me that he and his wife had saved almost 3 million over their time together, and since they had no children, most of the money would go to my ex and her brother. Some would go to charity.

He passed away a year later, and I learned from my son that he had left his mom, my ex, $900,000. My son even said at the time that she and her husband would go through it in 5 years time. I said two. It lasted less than two. The things they just blew the money on was just unbelievable. Now they live in a trailer park, and had to sell his new truck they had bought.

A more selfish person I have never met. At the time, our son was going to turn 16 soon and I had promised him that I would buy him a gently used car. Did she ever offer to help, or even buy one for him herself? NO. Did she put any back, in any form, for our son's future? NO. Vacations, new cars, ordering through Doordash EVERY DAY for EVERY MEAL, jewelry, etc, etc, etc. That's where her money went. So yes, people like her CHOOSE to spend every dime they have, you are correct. You simply cannot reason with such people, you just can't. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix selfishness.

Likewise you can't reason with people that are jealous of others with more money. They can't see past their lust. It blinds them.

Why do I care that someone has money and spends it how they like? As long as that person is not using that money to violate my rights, steal my land, or forcefully restrict me from my own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness therein, I have no ill will toward them.

However, should they try to move the boundaries between what is mine and theirs in their favor, that's another thing altogether. If they try to poison my food or make it inedible, flood my land, restrict its viable and productive use, force me into a medical procedure that goes against my beliefs and health, or keep me from serving our Creator, that is not acceptable. I am within my rights to defend such and seek to remedy any infringement in a just court.
I wish a mofo would. It would make me dance a jig if someone with the juice to make it happen started to investigate the NCAA and all the conferences. They can start with the South Eastern Corruptference.

Absolutely! I want to see them investigate ALL of their sham "investigations" from the last 70 yrs. Put their officiating under the microscope as well, and look at all communications between the offices.

When I saw that the SEC got 14 teams into the tournament, I decided not to tune in to a single game. There's no way 14 teams earned it, and it sets a bad precedent going forward. I'm typically a conference guy. Watched almost every SEC game (football) for decades, and followed their basketball progress pretty intently. The officiating, the scheduling, and the conference moves have changed that.

Clean house top to bottom. Every conference. The entire ncaa.
GRAS loophole is now closed. In other words, no more listing dangerous chemicals as "natural ingredients" and getting away with it using the excuse, "because we say so".

“For far too long, ingredient manufacturers and sponsors have exploited a loophole that has allowed new ingredients and chemicals, often with unknown safety data, to be introduced into the U.S. food supply without notification to the FDA or the public,” said Secretary Kennedy. “Eliminating this loophole will provide transparency to consumers, help get our nation’s food supply back on track by ensuring that ingredients being introduced into foods are safe, and ultimately Make America Healthy Again.”
Beef IS climate friendly, as long as you don't outsource to firms that are cutting down rainforest to produce meat (and undercut US beef prices). This country has had prairie and pasture long before we arrived, and will long after, with millions of cattle "buffalo/bison" roaming the entire Midwest and Western ranges, PLUS millions more deer, elk, antelope, and wild horses (after the Spanish arrived).

COWS DON'T FART, but even if they did, they did it long before we got here and will long after we die.

What hurts the climate?

Governments. China. India. Europe & the USA (ciao). The Middle East. Africa. Because of pollution and no one will allow developing countries to develop and become independent producers of food through terraforming deserts and savannas. Preventing for 100 years the growth and utilization of renewable crops like hemp that could replace paper and cotton, allowing forests to regrow, and lands (that cotton depletes more than many other crops) to recuperate.... that's the American legacy, unless we change it.

GMOs. 1. Genetically modifying crops through bombardment with DNA foreign to our food to make it grow better with glyphosate, if not require it for growth, has INCREASED the use of the chemicals we know are not good for man or animals, much less soil. 2. Also, instead of reusing seeds from plants we already know have grown well to produce better yields, the GMO seed from plants we grow do NOT produce good offspring, requiring farmers to repurchase seeds every season, reducing profit margins/viability. 3. These crops are dominant and the spread of their pollen corrupts the genetics of any heirloom plants around them, making them produce seed that is also GMO and no longer the same plant, and no longer the farmer's property.

Cloud seeding and aerosol experiments attempting to "cool" the planet and/or "reflect some of the sun's rays" to help do so. The metal powders used to do this are antibacterial and kill the soil, while fungus thrives in the same, killing trees (increasing temps and CO2) and wildlife.

Tearing down forests to build an airstrip and road, flying 200 jets across the world, and sailing in hundreds of yachts for climate conferences over the last 30 years.

Setting fire to cities.
Provoking unnecessary wars in eastern Europe and the ME.
Letting Cali and Hawaii burn, if not setting the fires yourselves.

You're welcome, "climate hugging" liberals. You're welcome.
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Flat 15% tax with some sort of small wealth tax to appease the leftist weirdos... maybe like a luxury tax on houses over $1M and vehicles over $100K or what I think would be nice is tax on art... If Hunter wants to say his paintings are worth $250K a piece then pay taxes on it big boy. LOL.
I like this idea. 15% is probably too low, unfortunately. I'd say 20-25% flat tax on all new income. No retro active Wealth tax.

Lots of leftists have been red-pilled by the last year or so of events. They're waking up to their brainwashing machine and the unenviable consequences it had on them and society writ large.
I was a lifelong Democrat. I thought most conservatives were ignorant or evil or lying. I believed almost everything written in the New York Times, The New Republic, and the Atlantic. I was horrified when conservatives criticized the authorities. Every criticism I saw: I thought all of it was motivated by animus, resentment, self-interest, or ignorance.Whatever truth there might have been in the criticism, I saw as a mere "half-truth": an exploitation of this or that cherrypicked fact being weaponized. Why did I see it in terms of weaponization? Because I was biased: I saw liberal establishment institutions and figures as fundamentally good, so all criticism of them was automatically interpreted as being in bad faith.Didn't the critics know that these institutions or figures were fundamentally good? If they didn't, they were ignorant. If they did, they were evil. It was that simple. This meant that any legitimate criticisms would just be dismissed, as if bouncing off of an impenetrable bulletproof shield.This all changed once I started writing about the pandemic. Soon people started talking about me the way I once thought about conservatives. This led to a complete identity collapse as I came to understand that my old worldview was hateful and ignorant, that I hadn't understood what I had been judging.I cannot forget the hearing that led to my dismissal from medical school a year after I started writing. During the hearing, people talked about me as if I wasn't human. My behavior was interpreted in the worst possible light. Complete fabrications were created. Nobody was concerned with the truth, only horrified at my apparent "unprofessional behavior", which was really a mirror of their unprofessional behavior directed at me. They structured the hearing to make it virtually impossible for me to speak and explain that what was being said was a lie. And nobody seemed to have any problem with this. Why? Because I was bad. If I am bad, then every mistreatment and every violation of the school's own policies became justified. A person who is bad does not deserve any rights. They only deserve punishment.But the thing I remember most was the allusions to my social media activity. They said, "Kevin is driven by resentment from his childhood." I wasn't. I was on good terms with my parents. They alleged that I needed psychotherapy to deal with this trauma. It was a completely fake story that they had constructed about me, to demean me, to marginalize me, to try to explain the views I had expressed: that something terribly wrong had happened during the pandemic. They couldn't imagine that I might have legitimate points. So they reduced me to the same kinds of psychological caricatures that I once reduced conservatives to in my own mind.When I was dismissed, I was broken. But I had help from friends who helped me understand what happened. And I came to realize that a hysteria had overtaken the left. I spent a lot of time reading about show trials, about witch trials, and so on. I also connected with people who had experienced similar things and came to realize that something similar had happened to hundreds of physicians around the country. My story wasn't unique. It was all the same story over and over again.I cannot believe the person I once was. I cannot believe that I could exist like that. I still don't understand how I could be like that, or how millions of people in this country could continue being like that. It disturbs me greatly.One thing I know is that whatever this thing is that is driving people crazy needs to be destroyed. It is hostile to civilization and to our humanity. It causes us to dehumanize each other and try to destroy each other. It is the very same monstrous thing that I once attributed to conservatives. But it had been inside me, and I could now see it inside others. This is something I still grapple with.

This is the judge and his wife who tried to stop the deportation of gang members. Sick people. The FBI lawyer Clinesmith who got probation for doctoring emails to make people look more guilty during the Russia hoax to get FISA was this judge that gave him one year probation and no jail time (if you remember Clinesmith's excuse was he was going through a that is why he was trying to frame people).

His wife has founded an abortion clinic and they have donated thousands in efforts against Trump.
(Remember the hundreds of stories about Alito's wife hanging a flag upside down and that he out to be impeached because of that)

"And when a dirty FBI lawyer was convicted for fabricating evidence in those warrants and lying about, Boasberg was there to make sure the corrupt FBI lawyer didn’t serve a day in jail.

It is no surprise, then, that Boasberg is now leading a lawless judicial insurrection against the elected U.S. government to illegally seize the military powers of the presidency for himself."

This is a basic conflict of interest.
Beef IS climate friendly, as long as you don't outsource to firms that are cutting down rainforest to produce meat (and undercut US beef prices). This country has had prairie and pasture long before we arrived, and will long after, with millions of cattle "buffalo/bison" roaming the entire Midwest and Western ranges, PLUS millions more deer, elk, antelope, and wild horses (after the Spanish arrived).

COWS DON'T FART, but even if they did, they did it long before we got here and will long after we die.

What hurts the climate?

Governments. China. India. Europe & the USA (ciao). The Middle East. Africa. Because of pollution and no one will allow developing countries to develop and become independent producers of food through terraforming deserts and savannas. Preventing for 100 years the growth and utilization of renewable crops like hemp that could replace paper and cotton, allowing forests to regrow, and lands (that cotton depletes more than many other crops) to recuperate.... that's the American legacy, unless we change it.

GMOs. 1. Genetically modifying crops through bombardment with DNA foreign to our food to make it grow better with glyphosate, if not require it for growth, has INCREASED the use of the chemicals we know are not good for man or animals, much less soil. 2. Also, instead of reusing seeds from plants we already know have grown well to produce better yields, the GMO seed from plants we grow do NOT produce good offspring, requiring farmers to repurchase seeds every season, reducing profit margins/viability. 3. These crops are dominant and the spread of their pollen corrupts the genetics of any heirloom plants around them, making them produce seed that is also GMO and no longer the same plant, and no longer the farmer's property.

Cloud seeding and aerosol experiments attempting to "cool" the planet and/or "reflect some of the sun's rays" to help do so. The metal powders used to do this are antibacterial and kill the soil, while fungus thrives in the same, killing trees (increasing temps and CO2) and wildlife.

Tearing down forests to build an airstrip and road, flying 200 jets across the world, and sailing in hundreds of yachts for climate conferences over the last 30 years.

Setting fire to cities.
Provoking unnecessary wars in eastern Europe and the ME.
Letting Cali and Hawaii burn, if not setting the fires yourselves.

You're welcome, "climate hugging" liberals. You're welcome.
American beef is some of the lowest “carbon intensity” in the world.

On the gmos part, I think that’s the first time I’ve seen it said that they produce poorer seed, in my experience it’s about they’ll sue ass If you use gmo seed corn you held back.
I would argue gmos prevent further need for more chemical use, but the trend line has been increasing on herbicides still so……

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Beef IS climate friendly, as long as you don't outsource to firms that are cutting down rainforest to produce meat (and undercut US beef prices). This country has had prairie and pasture long before we arrived, and will long after, with millions of cattle "buffalo/bison" roaming the entire Midwest and Western ranges, PLUS millions more deer, elk, antelope, and wild horses (after the Spanish arrived).

COWS DON'T FART, but even if they did, they did it long before we got here and will long after we die.

What hurts the climate?

Governments. China. India. Europe & the USA (ciao). The Middle East. Africa. Because of pollution and no one will allow developing countries to develop and become independent producers of food through terraforming deserts and savannas. Preventing for 100 years the growth and utilization of renewable crops like hemp that could replace paper and cotton, allowing forests to regrow, and lands (that cotton depletes more than many other crops) to recuperate.... that's the American legacy, unless we change it.

GMOs. 1. Genetically modifying crops through bombardment with DNA foreign to our food to make it grow better with glyphosate, if not require it for growth, has INCREASED the use of the chemicals we know are not good for man or animals, much less soil. 2. Also, instead of reusing seeds from plants we already know have grown well to produce better yields, the GMO seed from plants we grow do NOT produce good offspring, requiring farmers to repurchase seeds every season, reducing profit margins/viability. 3. These crops are dominant and the spread of their pollen corrupts the genetics of any heirloom plants around them, making them produce seed that is also GMO and no longer the same plant, and no longer the farmer's property.

Cloud seeding and aerosol experiments attempting to "cool" the planet and/or "reflect some of the sun's rays" to help do so. The metal powders used to do this are antibacterial and kill the soil, while fungus thrives in the same, killing trees (increasing temps and CO2) and wildlife.

Tearing down forests to build an airstrip and road, flying 200 jets across the world, and sailing in hundreds of yachts for climate conferences over the last 30 years.

Setting fire to cities.
Provoking unnecessary wars in eastern Europe and the ME.
Letting Cali and Hawaii burn, if not setting the fires yourselves.

You're welcome, "climate hugging" liberals. You're welcome.
Agree w a lot of what you posted. One of the issues w cattle farming though is that most cattle aren’t open range just living off the prairie. Vast majority are cattle “factories” which use a ton of other resources to produce the feed. Not a farmer by any stretch and honestly don’t know if the US could satisfy it’s beef demand without using factory farms
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LEAVITT: "Absolutely not. My advice to that unnamed low level French politician would be to remind them that it's only because of the United States Of America that the French are not speaking German right now. So, they should be very grateful, to our great country."
