How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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According to the Political Thread by-laws, you need to submit that vitriol in handwritten form (triplicate)

You can find the forms online. Once we receive said forms, we'll contact you to schedule a hearing. Move along now, we're pretty busy here.
Meh, give it 2 or 3 days and whatever nonsense the leftards post will be proven false. Once in a while, it takes longer, but usually within 72 hrs all of their houses crumble.
My advice is to walk by the libs in this thread like Tom Homan walks by yelling left lunatics, casually eating an apple...big smile, not a care in the world:

Almost 60 years later, it's still the baddest MF'er on the planet.

The F-15's win to loss ratio is: 104 to ZERO... 🤣 🤣 🤣

The EX version will be able to "load out" with TWELVE AMRAAMS, and approach, if not EXCEED Mach 3 (making it the fastest fighter jet in the world. which is, well, ABSURD LOL

While lacking stealth capabilities, The EX could essentially hang back behind the forward stealth fighters, who would be used primarily for target acquisition and weapons guidance for the F-15 "missile trucks" A role which the EX is perfectly suited for. They could, for instance carry up to FOUR of the massive AGM-183A "hypersonic (mach 6 plus) missiles which will weigh almost 6700 pounds a PIECE.., which is a virtual impossibility for any other fighter in the world, and then once they launch, their Mach3 speed will allow them outrun any eager beavers and easily get back to base, and reload. So, like I said, they will be missile trucks. They'll just be ridiculously FAST, AGILE and bad ASS missile trucks/weapons launch platforms.

It is, w/o a doubt; the greatest fighter jet of all time. The GOAT.

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This was said yeaaaaars and years ago. Not everything had happened yet. Trump was not elected to do war shit. False flag BS for Israel is what’s happening.

Why is our side such absolute whores for Israel? It’s the craziest thing to see this level of brainwashing. If we saw Democrats continue to do proxy shit for China, you all would freak but Israel is totally cool. Totally fine to have an Israel lobbyist handler assigned to all of our politicians? To redact their role in JFK files, Epstein files? Let’s just ignore the USS Liberty attack or Jonathan Pollard, or how foreign aid for everyone else is bad except for Israel. 🤦‍♂️

They have been laying the groundwork for this bogus Iran shit with the “assassination plot” narrative. They will put out WMD type level of lies all over again to get us into a war.

Greater Israel is the goal. It’s so clear to see this shit. Make sure to remember I’m the only one on here who called out what’s going to inevitably happen.
You'll get over it
Covid, and Covid related "stuff" was, and continues to be, the stupidest sh*t I've ever witnessed in my life.

Dumbphuks with masks on in their cars even though they were ALONE.

Wrecking what was, at the time, one of the most prosperous economies in post war America.

Making public education, which was already the dregs, even WORSE.

People constantly removing their virtue signaling but utterly useless masks so that they could yell at you for not wearing a mask (ironically, people constantly F***ING around with those stupid GD masks exponentially increased hand to face contact, which is just about the quickest way to catch/spread a virus.

And then the ultimate stupidity; making the illogical argument that people that were not vaccinated were selfish and "putting all of US AT RISK!!!" I never was able to get an explanation for that one; IOW if YOU'RE vaxxed/protected, then how am I a danger to you if I am not?

Those two things/states cannot logically both be true.

And all for what amounted to nothing more than, for the VAST majority of people on earth, A F***ING COLD.

Like I said, it was the dumbest sh*t I"ve ever witnessed. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

This is a great move even if the courts uphold the Biden pardons. It means there will be further debate about whether Biden actually signed the pardons or anything that was put in front of him, it will further educate the public (many of whom don't know) how bad many of them were...pardoning people that killed kids etc. Those closest to Biden, maybe even Biden himself will have to come out on the record and say Biden always knew fully what was signed under his name.

And the Dems will have to decide to defend the pardons or not which will now get more attention. One day they are yelling we shouldn't deport gang members, the next day Trump makes them decide if they a going to defend pardoning murderers and rapists. And he gets to investigate and possibly bring some justice to those signing on behalf of a half-dead Biden.

Trump keeps putting them in no-win situations.
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Netflix suspiciously delayed a documentary release this past week:


This was supposed to premiere on March 10 (ObL's birthday); but the day came and went, leaving expected viewers puzzled. In a March 11 email, Netflix confirmed the release date was changed due to a “scheduling shift.” This was truly bizarre because it's Netflix after all. Scheduling shift?

According to a Reddit poster, Netflix customer service even gaslighted him with this response, “We advise that you check the availability of this title solely from the Netflix website only to prevent misinformation from unofficial websites.” The problem with that is: Netflix's own website still shows this show as being released on March 10 -

So, why are they being so weird about this documentary? The websites reporting the delay even removed the comments section to prevent people from talking about it. Did they want to edit something out of it? Maybe, but one prevailing theory is: They didn't want to release it during Ramadan, but they didn't realize until it was too late after the initial release was scheduled. Oops!
The sport is a really bad product and I mean that from youth basketball all the way to the pros. It's awful. It's endless free throws and threes and uncalled travels. That's the sport.
Analytics broke it. Baseball is having the same issue. Football still works because you can win with a QB like Lamar and also with a QB like Brady. So there's some variation that makes it interesting.

I'd do the following:
  • 1 free throw on a foul until the 4 minutes of the game (the 1 free throw is worth 2 pts or 3 if fouled during a three).
  • Remove the corner 3 until the last 2 minutes of each quarter.
Tyrus on Gutfeld making fun of Gavin Newsom's constant weird hand motions, Newsom is always going crazy with his hands while talking:

"It looks to me like he was negotiating with a deaf prostitute" haha