Wut?Neither would have hitting Russia over its Ukraine invasion.
Gotta the pickin & choodin of America First. They are amazingly consist - ly inconsistent. Like their Dear Leader.
But he trusts in Cal!!!! He's gotta be right with the smarts he has to trust Cal!Well, sane ppl remember the houthis attacking US vessels amd chinese-owned joe not doing a dam thing.
Cry harder, lefty. Your side, the evil side, lost. And now your dumbasscrats are at the lowest approval level ever. Keep digging.
You think the president actually sent these ships over there personally?Trump is the one who put them there. Stay out of a war zone & this doesn't happen.
These retards want the Venezuelan murderous thugs back. How are they gonna get more rapin and murdering if they deport all the rapist and murderers.Democrats want bloodshed. They desire killings. Any age, any place
Epstein, JFK, UFO's etc. are the LAST things this country should be worrying about.
I must have missed something.
I must have missed something.
Understand what you are saying, but those files should be EASY to release. Just fing release them...Epstein, JFK, UFO's etc. are the LAST things this country should be worrying about. Let's fix the train wreck that Biden handed America and then, once THAT is done, we can move on to THAT crap.
That's stinking thinking. We can multitask. Bondi needs to get this stuff released to the public, they promised to do it, and they need to keep their promises.Epstein, JFK, UFO's etc. are the LAST things this country should be worrying about. Let's fix the train wreck that Biden handed America and then, once THAT is done, we can move on to THAT crap.
Please, continue crying...
We get it, you're a dumbass. You don't have to keep showing it off to us
16 Senate Democrats Vote Against Fentanyl Crackdown—Here Are Their Names
The United States Senate has overwhelmingly passed the HALT Fentanyl Act (S.331), which designates fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. The legislati…wokespy.com
So much for respecting and honoring our troops when the fascists in office are trying to delete history.
How can y'all even support this move?
Calling this man's Medal of Honor a DEI medal is beyond the pale.
They literally 404'd the web page but put "deimedal-of-honor" in the hyperlink.
@warrior-cat you should be furious at the DOD for something like this.
It is the ppl pushing or promoting the trans idiot-ology that are evil. Straight-up pure evil. Here's looking at you, sam...I wasn't saying trans people are evil ; sick? Yes, they're mentally ill, there's no doubt in my mind of that and they need help in that regard. My apologies if I wasn't clear.