How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I'm fine with Trump fighting this war. Appears you are too. But going forward, I'll laugh anytime someone posts that Trump kept us out of war(s). America Firsters here kept telling us Ukraine could lead to WW3 & all that war was doing was getting people kill. Well, people are getting killed here & it could lead to a wider war. But they now have no problems. Inconsistent as can be. LOL.
I'm consistently in favor of killing radical islamist demons.
They would happily kill you.
So, I'm all about protecting you.
Most of them are paid trolls. Of the rest, some just want some degree of social acceptance while others love the power of cancel culture.

Very few actually hold any liberal idea as a core belief. Thats easily proven because you never see these core beliefs illustrated in any of their actions. For example:

If they really believe in socialism, theyd give away their belongings to poorer people.

If they really believed in illegal immigration, they wouldn't freak out when illegals come to their neighborhood.

It gives them meaning in their lives, whereas conservatives generally have it through their career and love of family, the "liberal" activist gets their sense of self-worth (validation) solely from their "right side of history" group affiliation.

The hole that religion fills is filled by their activism. But they are decidedly not on the right side of history, and have completely lost the plot, as evidecned by such posts like azurricat's, who is told somewhere by the group that a Doge meme uses a gear icon, which at some point was also used in nazi iconography, must be heralding of the coming fourth reich. And he thinks you are the lunatics. IT can't be that it's just a gear icon symbolizing doge efforts of increasing efficiency/efficacy through elminating waste. No, can't be that.... must be Nazism masquerading itself by co-opting fundamental American values of freedom and free enterprise, the desire forless government interference in the lives of the poeple which has been integral to our nation since its inception.
I'm consistently in favor of killing radical islamist demons.
They would happily kill you.
So, I'm all about protecting you.
I spent 18 months in Turkey in the sixties. They bombed the officers club and stabbed a buddy of mine. I barely escaped with my life when a buddy of mine did something very stupid. It is a good thing I was young, in good shape and could run pretty fast.
** Wise Words Department **

"The truth is the committed left press in America is not longer interest in reporting the news. Anything that hinders a favorable view of the far left will be ignored; anything that advances liberal causes will be celebrated. News reporting today is largely about ideology and shaping the culture, not about informing the public."

-Bill O'Reilly
** News You Can Use Department **


Yeah, I thought about that not long after they were introduced as an alternative. It seemed to me that paper straws would weaken quicker and leach out chemicals used to make them while plastic straws being more durable would not leach out so quickly if at all in the short time they are normally used. Not a chemist nor scientist but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn once or twice and am a commonsenseitist.
I spent 18 months in Turkey in the sixties. They bombed the officers club and stabbed a buddy of mine. I barely escaped with my life when a buddy of mine did something very stupid. It is a good thing I was young, in good shape and could run pretty fast.
Was almost cut up with straight razors in the late 70's in Frankfort Germany by 3 Turkish men but only by the grace of God and good timing I escaped. Other service men around that time were not so lucky.
It gives them meaning in their lives, whereas conservatives generally have it through their career and love of family, the "liberal" activist gets their sense of self-worth (validation) solely from their "right side of history" group affiliation.

The hole that religion fills is filled by their activism. But they are decidedly not on the right side of history, and have completely lost the plot, as evidecned by such posts like azurricat's, who is told somewhere by the group that a Doge meme uses a gear icon, which at some point was also used in nazi iconography, must be heralding of the coming fourth reich. And he thinks you are the lunatics. IT can't be that it's just a gear icon symbolizing doge efforts of increasing efficiency/efficacy through elminating waste. No, can't be that.... must be Nazism masquerading itself by co-opting fundamental American values of freedom and free enterprise, the desire forless government interference in the lives of the poeple which has been integral to our nation since its inception.
He will say that symbolism is true while discounting Illuminati symbolism.
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Raise the goals to 30 ft

This reminded me of the time, when I was a little kid (early elementary, and a runt at the time) and my Mom sent me to the Lee Rose basketball camp at Transylvania University. A lot of you probably don't even know who Lee Rose was (he went on to a fairly successful coaching career after leaving Transy) Anyway, I was a runt at the time, and had never even picked UP a basketball. Completely out of my element. I couldn't even toss the ball high enough to REACH the 10 foot rims.

The camp counselors hauled out one of those Junior Pro basketball goals, and set it up off to the side for me and one other camper to goof around with. The other kid was RETARDED, and schooled me for the entire week.
Except me, I actually like fruitcakes. Well, that is the ones that are actually edible and not those half-baked powder puffs from the left.

C-Rat fruitcakes were horrible.

MRE fruitcake = actually somewhat edible.
I have always hated fruit cakes. Except one. Claxton Fruit Cakes. Made in Claxton, GA. Kroger, Sams and others sell them around here.
Remember one time going somewhere (don't remember where...Savannah maybe) and went thru Claxton. Small town and I would imagine that Claxton Fruit Cake may be the largest business. Could smell the town from a couple miles out of town. Smelled good.

I have always hated fruit cakes. Except one. Claxton Fruit Cakes. Made in Claxton, GA. Kroger, Sams and others sell them around here.
Remember one time going somewhere (don't remember where...Savannah maybe) and went thru Claxton. Small town and I would imagine that Claxton Fruit Cake may be the largest business. Could smell the town from a couple miles out of town. Smelled good.

Ate about 4 of those over the holidays and still have 2 left. I bought 2 at Walmart on the same day that my wife bought a 4 pack at the commissary.
This just illustrates why Israel, and in fact the world, will be much safer if every single one of these animals is hunted down and destroyed. Thank God we finally have a true leader who understands the threat and is acting to do just that.

Libs, just STFU and go whine in the corner and contemplate why your pathetic, ant-American party is polling at 29%.


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