This was said yeaaaaars and years ago. Not everything had happened yet. Trump was not elected to do war shit. False flag BS for Israel is what’s happening.Wesley Clark is not a reliable source. Didn’t Iran kidnap Americans? The invasion of Iran has not happened yet, so that is a prediction. I guarantee you, Trump will not invade Iran. Also, it has been 24 years since 9/11.
Why is our side such absolute whores for Israel? It’s the craziest thing to see this level of brainwashing. If we saw Democrats continue to do proxy shit for China, you all would freak but Israel is totally cool. Totally fine to have an Israel lobbyist handler assigned to all of our politicians? To redact their role in JFK files, Epstein files? Let’s just ignore the USS Liberty attack or Jonathan Pollard, or how foreign aid for everyone else is bad except for Israel. 🤦♂️
They have been laying the groundwork for this bogus Iran shit with the “assassination plot” narrative. They will put out WMD type level of lies all over again to get us into a war.
Greater Israel is the goal. It’s so clear to see this shit. Make sure to remember I’m the only one on here who called out what’s going to inevitably happen.