How will they rule ??!

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What would be great is if Elon started a company that makes offshore wind farms. Would be awesome to see Trump have to do a 180 on that one
I know right? And then fat little antifa weeble wobbles would have to shimmy hundreds of feet up into the air to set them on fire. It's just not safe for our androgenous green haired wondercommies!
I've thought the same thing myself Bill. The complete lack of awareness, or the willful disregard of what's ACTUALLY going on in countries like GB, shines a super bright light on the sheer stupidity of those on the far left of civilized society, and their complete disregard for any and all consequences of their actions. How they can look at the sub-human barbarity being inflicted upon all who are considered "infidels", and not realize, nor care, that the same fate awaits everyone, including themselves, confirms they're evil or stupid. Or both. There doesn't exist a third option.

I don't know what the answer is, but we'd best be coming up with a gameplan if we wish to preserve our way of life. This is some scary shit folks; these people don't play by the same rules as we do here.

The seriously stupid part is these people working so hard to make this happen here will be the very first ones eliminated here as they are the not wanted here by "them" either... Just very useful idiots.
Brownshirts??? Easy boss. I personally don't believe destroying someone else's property is a form of protected protest. If those folks are caught, they should be prosecuted. You guys sure get jumpy when someone calls out Trump for his constant inconsistencies...

I think we're actually calling out the left and their constant inconsistencies.

4 months ago, these idiots were all for EV mandates. Today, they're burning EV's.

What's going on gentleman? I'm about 8-10 days behind on the on the news, tried to skim through the pages I missed but it was like a 100 or so pages here so I mostly gave up...sorry if I post anything already posted:

I have been so involved at work I cannot keep up here. No way possible but keep up the fight!!!
@sambowieshin "what the gamestop guys did was awesome, eff rich ppl, who cares how well Warren buffet does, the stock market is not the economy!

Sam now: omg I'm told to be mad. I've never invested in the market, didn't know that the market is a long term investment and is volatile on numerous factors and I thought stocks just went up, like you put a dollar in and it goes to 2. I'm very angry.

In a couple months you'll be on to the next thing you're told to be mad about. Need proof, what happened, you were pulling your hair out about this just weeks ago:

Almost were told to be mad about eggs. OWN IT SAM

I've asked you repeatedly to tell me your thoughts on Nvidia and AI stock and what you think long term. You've offered nothing

Not to mention the S&P is down down 10% here recently.

It also went down 10% in 23 and 24.

I didn't see the SAM'S being apoplectic then though.

Wonder why?

Re-posted this. Me and my good friend @BBUK and another post from someone just went missing right after posted, maybe a glitch anyway. Here is the original post:

How's it going gentleman? About 8-10 days behind on the news, tried to skim through the pages I missed but it's 100 or so pages here so I mostly gave up...sorry if I post anything already posted:

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I think we're actually calling out the left and their constant inconsistencies.

4 months ago, these idiots were all for EV mandates. Today, they're burning EV's.

Welcome to politics bud. Both sides are consistently awful. The thing I find amazing is when someone on this crazy forum dares to point out an inconsistency from the right/ beloved leader, 95% of you lose your GD minds and will go to monumental lengths to explain/defend. It’s crazy/funny/scary to watch
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Trespassing at the capital is insurrection. Trespassing on private property is, of course, perfectly fine. Rules for thee…

This should not surprise, though. These are communists. They hate the idea of property, anyway.

Trump needs to put signs in the lobby that charge trespassers by the minute for time spent in his property (the minimum being $500), and by their entrance into the property they are automatically agreeing to the charges. Any employees that are required to help them leave the property or clean up after them will be tipped (hopefully tax free) at the minimum rate of 20$ per task or minute.
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RFK JR getting some sh-t done:

RFK: "In our country, the GRAS standard means that every chemical is presumed safe until proven dangerous, and that proof might not happen until millions of Americans are sick with chronic disease. This mass experiment on the American population with GRAS has ensured been a catastrophe. We now have around 10,000 chemicals in our food. Europe has only 400."

"The first step is radical transparency because right now, not even the US government knows what's in our food. In 1958, the government created a designation called 'generally recognized as safe' or 'GRAS' so that we can make common ingredients like salt and baking soda exempt from testing. But today, it isn't just salt and baking soda.

Food companies and cooperative regulators have enlarged the GRAS exemption so that these companies can decide for themselves whether a substance is generally recognized as safe. No FDA approval is needed."

"For example, titanium dioxide potentially linked to DNA damage and cancer is banned in the EU, but it's in our children's food.

"Potassium bromate, a suspected carcinogen banned in Europe and Japan. And you guessed it, it's in our children's bread. Food dyes such as red dye 40 and yellow five and six come with the warning labels in Europe. They're linked to behavioral issues in children, but in The US, they're generally recognized as safe."

Welcome to politics bud. Both sides are consistently awful. The thing I find amazing is when someone on this crazy forum dares to point out an inconsistency from the right/ beloved leader, 95% of you lose your GD minds and will go to monumental lengths to explain/defend. It’s crazy/funny/scary to watch
Scary to watch.
You triggered bro?
Welcome to politics bud. Both sides are consistently awful. The thing I find amazing is when someone on this crazy forum dares to point out an inconsistency from the right/ beloved leader, 95% of you lose your GD minds and will go to monumental lengths to explain/defend. It’s crazy/funny/scary to watch
There's nothing to defend. Our side hasn't changed positions on anything. Didn't want an EV 4 years ago. Don't want one now. Trump didn't want to force anyone to buy EV's 4 years ago. He doesn't now. So, the ONLY people losing their "GD minds" are your leftist cult. We aren't the one's burning car lots down like terrorists. Anymore contrived and childishly transparent talking points for us?
Welcome to politics bud. Both sides are consistently awful. The thing I find amazing is when someone on this crazy forum dares to point out an inconsistency from the right/ beloved leader, 95% of you lose your GD minds and will go to monumental lengths to explain/defend. It’s crazy/funny/scary to watch
It’s simple, Musk is taking a massive hit for doing the right thing. He’s volunteering and helping lead the clean up of a bloated federal govt.
Don’t you think the POTUS should help someone out in that scenario?
Egg and gas prices?

Core inflation?

Border crossings?

You're correct, by golly! They all have dipped, bigly!

Thank your Orange Daddy.
Look, I give credit were credit is due. The border crossings are down. Now get it to a good number that allows for economic expansion. Zero is not good for the economy or our Social Security. I haven't posted anything negative about a tighter border in all seriousness.
That said, I don't like deporting non criminals that are contributing to our economy.
As for dropping prices ... That is a sign of an economy that is dying right now. It is a harbinger of recession and higher unemployment.
If the Dumbass would just stop the tariff BS and DOGE madness things would be running well.
He can never STFU or get out of his own way. Trump is his own worse enemy.
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It’s simple, Musk is taking a massive hit for doing the right thing. He’s volunteering and helping lead the clean up of a bloated federal govt.
Don’t you think the POTUS should help someone out in that scenario?
Musk is a F'ing billionaire who's daddy owned a gem mine.
He's never spent one second of his life wondering where his next dime is coming from and it shows.
Thoughtful, pragmatic DOGE is fine ... Chainsaw DOGE is Douche.
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Look, I give credit were credit is due. The border crossings are down. Now get it to a good number that allows for economic expansion. Zero is not good for the economy or our Social Security. I haven't posted anything negative about a tighter border in all seriousness.
That said, I don't like deporting non criminals that are contributing to our economy.
As for dropping prices ... That is a sign of an economy that is dying right now. It is a harbinger of recession and higher unemployment.
If the Dumbass would just stop the tariff BS and DOGE madness things would be running well.
He can never STFU or get out of his own way. Trump is his own worse enemy.

This guy thought the economy was great under Biden and is the only poster on catpaw who actually used the word “Bidenomics” and wasn’t mocking it.

Literally, the most economically illiterate poster on the entire rivals network, if not the entire internet.

So take what he says about the economy, and know it’s the exact opposite.
Just wow.

Of course, from another perspective, if you believe an individual can declare what gender they are regardless of biology, why not identify as a whole different species? At what point do even the farthest Left crazies go, 'OK, now THAT is f*cked up.' Enough with the inmates running the asylum or being taken seriously. They're mentally deranged! Why is anyone listening to them about anything?
The Dem/libs got themselves all twisted up like a pretzel. They voted for basically the exact same CR just months ago. And also this.....

'If the government shuts down over a budget fight, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) takes charge. And who’s in charge of the OMB? None other than Russell Vought.....What makes him particularly unattractive to Democrats is that he was one of the authors of the Project 2025 manifesto,'

There's nothing to defend. Our side hasn't changed positions on anything. Didn't want an EV 4 years ago. Don't want one now. Trump didn't want to force anyone to buy EV's 4 years ago. He doesn't now. So, the ONLY people losing their "GD minds" are your leftist cult. We aren't the one's burning car lots down like terrorists. Anymore contrived and childishly transparent talking points for us?
And....Republicans/conservatives weren't running around burning down Ford car lots when Joe was riding around in a Lightning and handing out billions to failing EV car/truck companies.
** Wise Words Department**

"Socialism violates at least three of the Ten Commandments: It turns government into God, it legalizes thievery and it elevates covetousness. Discussions of income inequality, after all, aren't about prosperity but about petty spite. Why should you care how much money I make, so long as you are happy?"

-Ben Shapiro

The updates affect military service eligibility and introduce new procedures for voluntary separation. The Department of the Navy will recognize only male and female sexes, with gender being immutable.

Sailors impacted by these changes may request voluntary separation. Those who separate voluntarily will not be required to repay any education benefits or bonuses previously received.

Waivers for retention or accession may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Sailors eligible for voluntary separation pay will receive twice the amount of involuntary separation pay, though this is not available to those with fewer than six or more than 20 years of service.

The Department of the Navy is committed to ensuring the privacy and dignity of affected Sailors. There are no active efforts to identify individuals with gender dysphoria.

Sailors seeking voluntary separation will be placed in an administrative absence status, with full pay and benefits, until their separation is complete
And she's a member of the Mental Health Advisory Board........

And it's Oregon.

Physician, heal thyself.