Sununu, if he runs, is a shoo n in for NH. But he's no conservative but would at least add to the majority and be a R vote more times than not (hopefully).
And who built and benefits from the system?In a recent interview with AARP, Social Security Commissioner Martin O'Malley said 30,000 people died in 2023 while their applications for disability benefits were grinding through the system."
He's mocked all the time because he the biggest non big money representative there is.
So he gets a lot of infosphere resources utilized to keep him shouted down.
You might not agree with most of his ideas, but when you look at his approach on big money destroying US politics he's spot on.
The second video with Tucker and the other guy (not the general) was pretty great. Tucker claims he personally knows someone who bought weapons (originally from NATO/US) from the Ukranians. Guy calls him out and of course Tucker cannot name his source. Later Tucker doubles down and says it again, but cannot prove it. The other guy brings up a good point. Why in the world would the Ukranians sell weapons they desparately need to Mexican cartels? Logically it makes no sense. Sorry, but its very difficult to believe Tucker given some of his claims in the past
People in Europe are getting fed up with this even if their governments aren't.
This is like the 8th person I've heard say that cartels are buying weapons from Ukraine.
Trump Hater Sets Himself Ablaze While Torching Tesla Charging Station in South Carolina
A masked man vandalized a Tesla charging station and attempted to burn it down using molotov cocktails in North Charleston, South Carolina, ultimately setting himself on fire in the process. The maniac spray-painted "Long live Ukraine" next to a vulgar message aimed at President Trump at the
The whole Tesla/Elon/Trump thing is an absolute mess on all sides. I suppose one could argue it is a form of protest, but it is also a crime and those responsible should be arrested/prosecuted. With that being said, Trump, who consistently in the past has demonstrated in the past that he hates electric cars and is fighting hard against them, suddenly has a giant change of heart and buys one of his boys cars and makes a show out of it.Yet lunatic liberals believe a woman praying outside an abortion clinic ISN'T a form of protest.
I truly hate libs/Dems.
The other guy brings up a good point. Why in the world would the Ukranians sell weapons they desparately need to Mexican cartels? Logically it makes no sense.
I actually really like this. Universities have become little democrat farms. If they want to make activist instead of just educating then tax their endowments.
We'll start stocking up wins on the economy as the weather gets warmer. Leftist will try to blm riot and shut things down. We can't let them get away with it this time.
It's almost like he's being influenced to present certain storylines...The second video with Tucker and the other guy (not the general) was pretty great. Tucker claims he personally knows someone who bought weapons (originally from NATO/US) from the Ukranians. Guy calls him out and of course Tucker cannot name his source. Later Tucker doubles down and says it again, but cannot prove it. The other guy brings up a good point. Why in the world would the Ukranians sell weapons they desparately need to Mexican cartels? Logically it makes no sense. Sorry, but its very difficult to believe Tucker given some of his claims in the past
A lot of good ideas I agree with in varying degrees.That's just a ploy. Let's do some real logical sht instead.
1. Let's fix student costs.
Screw this notion that "the university determines its own budget, tuition, and fees" bullsht. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO reason for PUBLIC universities to have different costs for tuition. ZERO. If they get federal money, they should all have the same tuition rates. PERIOD. There should be a federal rate chart for tuition where the only diffefences ate based on typical program costs. Not salaries, not size of the program, but degree of investment of the institution.
Tuition for graduate programs should not be so much greater than those of undergrad programs. If anything, they should be equal or less because the class sizes are smaller, the students receive less direct instruction in most programs, and the teachers are already on staff for undergrad.
Fees should be reasonable to actual costs for supplies the class will need.
Room for on campus living will flex some based on location, but board should not. Food costs should be standardized across the nation for federally funded schools.
"Out of state" tuition should be a thing of the past for any schools receiving federal funds. PERIOD. Even if they don't receive federal funds of any kind, their entire existence is built upon the backs of undergrad and grad programs across the system. Stop gouging students and their families. Instead, programs wanting to charge more should only be allowed to collect the federal standard while the students are enrolled, and receive the rest without interest as graduates gain work in their related graduate field of study or emphasis.
2. Let's fix the diploma manufacturing mills.
If schools want to have degrees that do not lead to a productive and definable work product, then let them forgo federal funding and accreditation. Churning out diplomas and sending forth graduates into non-productive fields or into a sea of unemployed workers for jobs that don't exist needs to stop.
It should also be up to universities to monitor the employment of graduates across the country to ascertain if the degree field is oversaturated with graduates in the market, and no real job opportunities existing. They should cull or limit student totals in their programs where the market is oversaturated or high turnover. The universities that don't comply or their graduates cannot fund work in their field should see their funding and accreditation diminished, if not also being required to refund % of tuition to those who are actively seeking but not obtaining employment.
Technical and trade schools should receive special funding to produce a functional network of programs that cover the entire work spectrum of a self-sufficient nation. These can be more regionally specific, constructed for jobs specific to the region where their brick and mortar reside, but should not exclusively be so.
Tuition at these schools should also be the same across the country. Fees commensurate with the work being done and investment in the program. All else should apply to trade schools as well.
3. Let's incentivize good work.
National scholarships and grants for top of their class finishers in high school prep for both trade and professional programs. Regionally, by state, and nationally.
Make a national, regional, and state level portfolio review process for middle school, high school, and undergrad degree seekers where anyone can enter their work for scholarships, apprenticeships, and or grants towards their education.
4. Make ALL school costs tax deductible for parents or students (for students only- until the students are 24).
There's no reason these costs shouldn't be deductible IF the students are progressing towards their chosen degree. If they are not receiving a C or better in their degree field, then the deduction is forfeited for that independent student for that year. While they are a dependent and enrolled, dependent students' parents will still receive the deduction for actual costs incurred.
5. Remove the cursing/canceling of different schools of thought or those challenging the popular and profitable isms of the day.
Asking questions is the key to advancement.
BEING ALLOWED TO challenge the prominent school of thought IS THE VERY HEART OF SCIENCE, THE ARTS, AND EDUCATION. Schools that refuse to allow free speech and/or allow instead violence against dissent should be shuttered.
6. Set limits to administrative positions and salaries at public schools. Stop the ridiculous gravy train. It's not helping schools. It's. Ot benefiting students. There's no reason a school president should be making 1M per year. None
The system is an overfed and out of control behemoth as it is now.
The list of "most" corrupt countries has a history of being a list of former USSR territory.That’s actually a terrible attempt to make a point. It wouldn’t be the people being kidnapped off the street and sent to the front lines who are selling the weapons. Ukraine was always one of the most corrupt countries in the world. That hasn’t changed.
These cuts will show up quick, parents and teachers will get vocal REAL quick.Personally know someone who works with Head Start in KY. They got an email today telling them to put in any classroom supply orders asap because funding will be cut off soon.
Cutting off classroom supplies to handicapped 3/4 year olds is really cool.
MAGA should be proud of their accomplishments.
Karma always wins. F'ers.
The list of "most" corrupt countries has a history of being a list of former USSR territory.
Corruption as a culture takes generations to change and Ukraine got a late start in changing it.
Has a lot to improve still.
Deserves the credit for improving where it has.
THEY DOThe liberals ask, "Why would a (corrupt) govt not use (and track) all of the money and weapons given them for defense of their country- TO DEFEND their country? "
Hmmm... why indeed..
Tell us you are a naive imbecile without telling us you're a naive imbecile.
its not any fun for you when your lies get challenged is it?lol
As noted earlier, you guys have become so retarded it’s not even amusing calling you retards anymore.
its not any fun for you when your lies get challenged is it?
What is more important to the nation to counter China, an alcohol company or an aluminum company?
As noted earlier, you guys have become so retarded it’s not even amusing calling you retards anymore.
LOL... another Reddit post, this using graphics developed by Chris Murphy. That dude has max TDS.
In a recent interview with AARP, Social Security Commissioner Martin O'Malley said 30,000 people died in 2023 while their applications for disability benefits were grinding through the system."
Personally know someone who works with Head Start in KY. They got an email today telling them to put in any classroom supply orders asap because funding will be cut off soon.
Cutting off classroom supplies to handicapped 3/4 year olds is really cool.
MAGA should be proud of their accomplishments.
Karma always wins. F'ers.
*less corruptIt was more fun when Dion actually tried to make points and string together coherent sentences, though always wrong.
Now it’s just blue sky, Reddit links, and retarded thing like claiming Ukraine isn’t corrupt.
Head Start has been proven to be a worthless money pit that provides no long-term, lasting educational benefit; it's little more than glorified day care / mom's morning out. Our Great Society tax dollars "at work".Personally know someone who works with Head Start in KY. They got an email today telling them to put in any classroom supply orders asap because funding will be cut off soon.
Cutting off classroom supplies to handicapped 3/4 year olds is really cool.
MAGA should be proud of their accomplishments.
Karma always wins. F'ers.
nope righty are the party obsessed with little kids privates,Trump sends classroom supplies?
And since when did liberals care about classroom supplies? I thought you were more concerned w/ guys being able to use girls locker rooms and having drag queens at recess.
How about some current tariffs on China?What is more important to the nation to counter China, an alcohol company or an aluminum company?
I wonder how the workers at closed manufacturing plants in KY feel about the tariffs?
Hell, McConnell championed a freaking half built shell of a building for his Hemp grift. It’s directly across the street from a former tire manufacturing plant that employed 1000’s of people that moved to Mexico. That job less decimated the Mayfield and Graves County economy, not including the ensuing meth and fentanyl problem that followed.
nope righty are the party obsessed with little kids privates,
The left just wants every kid to not go hungry and get a fair shot at good education.
agree its been money and old and new weapons.![]()
US has provided money, not just equipment, to Ukraine
Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, made the inaccurate suggestion recently while taking aim at Republican
Liberal AP contradicts Zelensky claim that they've "only received 70B in weapons... No money." EU argues they gave him 120B as well. US figures were similar on paper.
How America’s Aid to Ukraine Actually Works
Only a small percentage of the overall aid package takes the form of cash transfers to Kyiv; the vast majority goes right back into the U.S.
Not to mention the weapons given were from our own stockpiles and not orders for future production after the agreement, depleting our resources needed to defend our country, and having to replace them at a much higher cost to us now than even 2 years ago.
One of my neighbor's kids who has autism learned to identify all of his basic kindergarten skills in Head Start prior to starting Kindergarten.Head Start has been proven to be a worthless money pit that provides no long-term, lasting educational benefit; it's little more than glorified day care / mom's morning out. Our Great Society tax dollars "at work".