How will they rule ??!

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Your analogies are idiotic.
A closer analogy would be if your name is Phineus and you ask nicely to be called Finn.
Then I continue to call you Phineus even after I nicely ask for you to call me Finn. Your response is..... That's not your legal name and I'm not gonna call you a name that doesn't match your legal name.
It's called being a di**.
No, that's changing your NAME. That's legal and it has nothing to do with your body parts. If Jimmy wants to change his name to Nancy, that's his prerogative. But I'm not required to refer to some imaginary, synthetic claim to a pronoun just because he doesn't have a firm grip on reality. If he was born with a di** then he's a HE. Period, end of story.

Your analogy is pathetic, as is your grip on science.
Why would I have the expectation of you getting my point? I didn't & don't.

Quote: "Russia fought Nazi Germany, then they declared war on Japan.". I think a reasonable person would/could take from that that Russia had a dam thing to do with defeating Japan. They didn't. & I was making that clear for anyone who may have thought otherwise. Also, it was the USSR, not Russia. That's the dam point. That you don't think that's substantive is immaterial to me.

I can't wait for your next response to me. LOL.
"I was making that clear for anyone who may have thought otherwise."

Nobody indicated that they thought otherwise, so your only purpose was to be Mister Ackshually. In your imaginary little pea-brain world, you conjured a purpose for yourself in some tiny way, and tried to strut. But you only tripped over your own shoelaces and looked pathetically pedantic.

And now you can't wait for my response.

As I've been saying.

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So, is it our old friends, the Southern District of New York that is trying to keep us from deporting that POS that has been stirring up the protests at Columbia? I can't believe a judge is blocking his deportation. And to that **** that was on the View (I think) that said, "Show me the crime!" You don't HAVE to have committed a crime to get deported, you idiot.
The girl told her lawyer that her friends coaxed her into doing it.

It's tough to stand your ground, when your friends are coaxing you.

I just hope they had the correct wire strippers/crimpers and good quality terminal ends. It never pays to cheap out on those, otherwise you'll be doing it again before you know it.
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There are now three parties in Congress: Pubs, Dims, & Massie.
Technically true maybe, but Dims and Pubs are pretty much the same. All Dims and about 98% of Pubs are all the same club and do nothing but play the American people to enrich themselves. It's not by chance or because they are so smart that so many can go to Congress with a net worth less than mine and yet in a few years are worth many times that.
We often disagree bbis, but these Club MAGA folks that keep accusing some of the others of posting under multiple names really take the cake. Way off the deep end. It comes with their conspiracy territory I suppose. How many different names have been accused of being John the Canuck? Ten? LOL.
I must have hav.... I mean he must have given them PTSD or something
Is it empathy to enable someone's mental illness? Please, show the world how unutterably stupid you are.
the only mental illness I see is your Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, or love
  • Belief that they are unique or special
  • Need for excessive admiration
    Sense of entitlement
    Lack of empathy
    Interpersonal exploitiveness
    Belief that others are envious of them
    Arrogant and haughty attitudes
Causes: Childhood trauma or abuse, Overindulgence or pampering, Parental neglect, and Genetic predisposition.

Haven't interacted with you long, but damned if you don't check most of those boxes.
We definitely don't want Canada as a state though. They have the same population as California.

That is 2 Senators, 50 plus Congressional reps, and 54 electoral college votes that the Republicans have no chance of winning.
Hot Fuzz Shame GIF
Read the book knucklehead.
Canada folds before they digest their lunch.
It's called taking the big dick daddy position.
Pearl clutching is not manly.
Our bourbon industry going to take it on the chin because Depression Donnie wanted to try to bully allies.

The damage done to American brands in Canada will take a decade to recover and will offset any "trade war" wins like 1% more American milk sold into Canda.
This "Elon wants to end Social Security" legacy media hoax is just their latest in a long litany of transparent media hoaxes. Remember the Liz Cheney firing squad story? Dems and their media allies' willingness to lie about something so easily disproven is a big reason they lost the election. It worked for a while but eventually enough people caught on and realized how FOS they are.

You'd think they'd course correct a bit and at least start dressing the lies up a bit. Guess they've been at it for so long they don't even know how to change at this point.
The ridiculous hate on Massie today is so mind blowing stupid. The amount of people online who don’t know dick about this guy calling him a RINO is “WTF?” territory.

These are the catturd morons of the world. In a party filled with compromised neocons, Israel puppets, you got people bashing Massie? That’s about the only common sense man in all of Congress.
I think we've found where that "missing" 100 billion, or whatever the amount was, that Ukraine and Little Z can't account for.

This changes everything, AND..... we need to tell Ukraine to kiss our ass and be done with them. No more!!!

#1 supplier of weapons for the Cartels is America
But they don't come from Ukraine, they're bought at US gunstores and then smuggled across the border.

This Ukraine weapons fakenews has been debunked so many times I can't even believe its still getting shitposted on twitter.
Ah, but that's not really what you mean.

Letting people live their lives does NOT INCLUDE FORCING ME to use some sort of fictional terminology when referring to them. Their rights stop where mine begin. It's called freedom of speech, commie.
And I have the right to call you Azzhole.
I also believe in not being forced to live in a fictional reality. You can't pretend to be a decent person and force me to recognize you as such.
Freedom of speech azzhole.
See how that works?