How will they rule ??!

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You are receiving a call from an inmate at Susanville state penitentiary

The inmates name is (state your name) Eric Daugherty

Do you wish to accept this call from (state your name) Eric Daugherty

Seriously though, this guy could be pretty screwed (literally AND figuratively) over this. I would have thought that a law prof would know better.
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So true

“Talk ghetto to appeal to the masses”

Also- look how many women are such cowards. They would go along with anything if it’s the approved viewpoint. Much respect to conservative women who buck the non-stop propaganda.

I sort of saw all of this coming back in the mid 2000s. Friend of mine went through a divorce and dated several women between the divorce and meeting the woman that would later become his wife. I got to meet a couple of them and this is EXACTLY the impression they gave. That was 20 years ago, and those women would be the very demographic of the liberal cowards of today.

They spoke "ghetto" when they wanted to seem hip, and justified every hypocritical viewpoint they eagerly embraced. They blamed anything and anyone else for the well-earned consequences of their bad decisions. DUIs, illegal substance abuse, abortions, or abusive relationships (their abuse of others and not the other way around)- infidelity and other betrayals of trust). They had no reasoning on so many levels, but were especially blind where ANYTHING was relative to a friend or family member.

If they, their friends, or their family members had committed a crime, it wasn't right that they would face consequences. Somehow "the system" and those who would hold them accountable were the problem- guaranteed, no question- and justified their actions and beliefs along the same lines. Yet... they all wanted protection from the same type of people they had become.

He told me it was an expensive lesson to learn but necessary for him to be ready to meet and find his current, conservative and loving wife. The type of people he had dated (the ones I met anyway) had no capacity nor understanding of love and respect for life. They sought enablement and sanctuary while they looked for their next gig or high. Their beliefs and their morals fluctuated with every new relationship, and every new experience, every change in environment and community. Their whole existence was lying to themselves and others as long as possible.

It's a virtual world for people that have no grounding in this one.
In case you started to think that Stephen A. Smith actually had two brain cells to rub together...

Whatever makes SAS sleep better at night is what's going to come out of that annoying mouth.

-For one thing, if Floyd was white it never would have been news, much less national news, unless Floyd was dressed in traditional Jewish attire.
-If a Jewish man had done what Floyd had done previously, he likely would either no longer be recognized by the Jewish community, or it never would have been reported to the police in the first place. A lot of that type of behavior is dealt with inside the Jewish community. It's not that dissimilar to a Muslim or Catholic community in that regard (although in modern Catholic communities, crimes are more often reported to secular authorities now).
-SAS's minority privilege is showing. WHEN has he EVER championed the cause of a white person who put himself through what Floyd did? No big words or protests over the white people killed/dying in police custody. Just the drug abuser and seller that was dying of fentanyl poisoning who shared a physical trait in common with him.

SAS doesn't give two shakes about people unless they are like him in influence or appearance. He needs to stop exposing himself before he too is out of a job.

If Jeffrey Epstein was the brother or disciples of Jesus himself, it wouldn't stop a conservative from wanting him to face punishment for his crimes. That's what liberals could never understand. Even if he repented of what he had done, none of us would be seeking a pardon for him. His forgiveness would be in God's hands at that point, and if he truly repented, he wouldn't expect for his sentence to be commuted. That's how accountability works.
If Jeffrey Epstein was the brother or disciples of Jesus himself, it wouldn't stop a conservative from wanting him to face punishment for his crimes. That's what liberals could never understand. Even if he repented of what he had done, none of us would be seeking a pardon for him. His forgiveness would be in God's hands at that point, and if he truly repented, he wouldn't expect for his sentence to be commuted. That's how accountability works.
Release the files. What's Trump hiding??
I didn’t see this posted. I had not heard a staffer brought in a gun during Trump’s speech. This is also a multiple occurrence.

“This is the fourth instance of a gun being brought in a building policed by USCP Chief J Thomas Manger since Trump was elected President. What is frightening to me is that both dates that President Trump attended events at the Capitol it was on a date where a gun made it in one of the buildings and I’m told one of the guns made it in a room where President Trump was actually in and only feet away from him. “

If he open carried and was a conservative, I don't have a problem with them having a gun. If they are a Democrat, they themselves are against any form of carrying a firearm AND know they are not allowed there, so they have no excuse for having one.

Given the threats against Trump have been from the leftists and Democrats, they definitely should've arrested one carrying a gun into govt buildings. They're clearly more likely to commit gun violence based just on statistics even if you ignore their threats to him.
If he open carried and was a conservative, I don't have a problem with them having a gun. If they are a Democrat, they themselves are against any form of carrying a firearm AND know they are not allowed there, so they have no excuse for having one.

Given the threats against Trump have been from the leftists and Democrats, they definitely should've arrested one carrying a gun into govt buildings. They're clearly more likely to commit gun violence based just on statistics even if you ignore their threats to him.
You sound like a huge proponent of gun control. Are you a Democrat?
I never knew Captain Kangaroo drove a car like this..

Whatever makes SAS sleep better at night is what's going to come out of that annoying mouth.

-For one thing, if Floyd was white it never would have been news, much less national news, unless Floyd was dressed in traditional Jewish attire.
-If a Jewish man had done what Floyd had done previously, he likely would either no longer be recognized by the Jewish community, or it never would have been reported to the police in the first place. A lot of that type of behavior is dealt with inside the Jewish community. It's not that dissimilar to a Muslim or Catholic community in that regard (although in modern Catholic communities, crimes are more often reported to secular authorities now).
-SAS's minority privilege is showing. WHEN has he EVER championed the cause of a white person who put himself through what Floyd did? No big words or protests over the white people killed/dying in police custody. Just the drug abuser and seller that was dying of fentanyl poisoning who shared a physical trait in common with him.

SAS doesn't give two shakes about people unless they are like him in influence or appearance. He needs to stop exposing himself before he too is out of a job.
For that matter, when has Stephen A Smith ever complained about Black people shooting each other in Chicago?
Whatever makes SAS sleep better at night is what's going to come out of that annoying mouth.

-For one thing, if Floyd was white it never would have been news, much less national news, unless Floyd was dressed in traditional Jewish attire.
-If a Jewish man had done what Floyd had done previously, he likely would either no longer be recognized by the Jewish community, or it never would have been reported to the police in the first place. A lot of that type of behavior is dealt with inside the Jewish community. It's not that dissimilar to a Muslim or Catholic community in that regard (although in modern Catholic communities, crimes are more often reported to secular authorities now).
-SAS's minority privilege is showing. WHEN has he EVER championed the cause of a white person who put himself through what Floyd did? No big words or protests over the white people killed/dying in police custody. Just the drug abuser and seller that was dying of fentanyl poisoning who shared a physical trait in common with him.

SAS doesn't give two shakes about people unless they are like him in influence or appearance. He needs to stop exposing himself before he too is out of a job.

They reveal themselves.

If such a calculation enters your mind even for the slightest moment, you've failed and unknowingly have a problem much larger on your hands than any you are fighting against. You are not a voice which can be of any benefit to this great experiment in self-governance, the melting pot we call America.
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Vance walking over to the Ukranian prrotestors who were harassing him and his 3 year old girl reminded me of this....1970.....

'Around 4 in the morning, after spending several hours making phone calls, he roused his personal valet, Manolo Sanchez, and asked him if he had ever seen the Lincoln Memorial at night. Knowing he would encounter a crowd of student protesters that had camped out on the National Mall, Nixon set off with Sanchez, his physician and a Secret Service team.

Whatever makes SAS sleep better at night is what's going to come out of that annoying mouth.

-For one thing, if Floyd was white it never would have been news, much less national news, unless Floyd was dressed in traditional Jewish attire.
-If a Jewish man had done what Floyd had done previously, he likely would either no longer be recognized by the Jewish community, or it never would have been reported to the police in the first place. A lot of that type of behavior is dealt with inside the Jewish community. It's not that dissimilar to a Muslim or Catholic community in that regard (although in modern Catholic communities, crimes are more often reported to secular authorities now).
-SAS's minority privilege is showing. WHEN has he EVER championed the cause of a white person who put himself through what Floyd did? No big words or protests over the white people killed/dying in police custody. Just the drug abuser and seller that was dying of fentanyl poisoning who shared a physical trait in common with him.

SAS doesn't give two shakes about people unless they are like him in influence or appearance. He needs to stop exposing himself before he too is out of a job.
=For another thing. The Jews in this country wouldn't have rioted, killed people, and burn down cities for an entire Summer.
Are we ordering cheese? 🤣 🤣 🤣

He gets them absolutely livid.

Him changing his cursor to the kitten pointer is perfect LOL (since he's supposed to be an old lady)

"Ma'am! Ma'am! the cat is supposed to be running RIGHT, and you're making it run LEFT! and then under their breath, "OMG this bitch is so stupid."

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Plenty of people get mad about Trump giving nicknames or talking shit but this guy has wayyyyy more decorum than any of us would regarding the people who smeared him, went after his family, tried to impeach him, imprison him, and kill him.

Every single person outside of politics would tell these people to GFT, refuse to be in a pic with these people, and probably try to fight them.

I’m not shaking your hand. I’m not calling for unity.
If an Indian is on the other end of a phone call just hang up.

But reminds me of this hilarious trolling.

I was at a local bar here in Georgetown, having some beers with a friend, this was YEARS ago, and this guy I didn't know comes up and starts talking to my friend (he knew, I guess they went to school together or whatever)

Anyway, this guy is talking about how he just got back from a cruise and he starts going on about how he met and hung out with the rapper, Pitbull, and how they became tight, blah blah blah, like for 20 minutes. Finally I just said, "I don't mean to doubt you, but I have a hard time believing that Pitbull was on a budget Carnival cruise to Cozumel. He gets livid, and said, "I'll prove it." And starts looking through his phone, and says "Here!" He shows me a picture, and "Pitbull" was a middle aged man that looked a LOT like Uncle Fester from the Addams family. 🤣 🤣 🤣

I just said, "Well, I guess you DID meet him" But all night I kept picturing that old dude keeping up the charade of being Pitbull for 5 days, just jerking this guy around. LOL Bravo sir, good on you. 🤣🤣😍
I wish all the Sams would watch this. It’s like a kick to the gut of all of the sheep. You people are absolute slaves.
“Happy populist….. Happy warrior….. moderate….” - describing Tim Walz

Absolutely pathetic. This country (and indeed the world) dodged a major bullet by making the right choice on Nov 5 - Sam’s protestations notwithstanding.