How will they rule ??!

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Democrats will sit on their ass and not applaud tonight for:
~closing the border and sending illegals out of this country
~billions of government waste disposed of
~billions in investments from companies
~trying to eliminate men playing in women's sports
~taking the lead on ending the Ukraine war
~an America first philosophy
I'm all for a Rich Brooks field if he is willing to give several million to the football program. The loss of this Kroger guy is a bad thing for UK athletics. We need big money donors now more than ever.

On a separate note. The second you mentioned the name Brooks I could hear the stampede of feet hammering the earth in and desperate effort to get here just to tell us how much he sucked, and it didn't take long for them to arrive. I will stop there.

It's pretty funny and sad at the same time.

Without Brooks we'd not have Stoops and without Stoops, no recent 10 win seasons or recent bowl streaks beating teams like PSU, Iowa, VTech, etc.

Without both we'd have no stadium upgrades and no updated recruiting facilities and no new practice facility. We'd not be getting the recruits we've been getting, so no top 40 recruiting classes. UL would've gotten the best of the commonwealth instead of UK. No ESPN gameday for games against UF. No second place finish in the East. Not much of anything really.

We'd have been a revolving door for mediocre coaches like Brooks' predecessor and successor who did little here and elsewhere.

They really are a miserable lot with no redeeming qualities in the realm of football. They'd btch if Stoops had won an SEC Title, no question, and would rant on for years that it was a fluke, because they are, like flukes, draining parasites that prefer basketball over football, and level their basketball disappointments at the nearest convenient target.
Well, They will stop it at the federal level, but when left up to California to do things on their own, do you think it will get better or worse there? How about New York, or any other blue state for that matter? Will be an interesting battle in a purple state like Kentucky with a blue Governor and Red Legislature. Gonna make for some interesting debates come election time in the state.

The battle is also against the teachers unions, and not just the dept of miseducation.
This article I could read this morning, but now it's behind Fox's subscriber/account 'wall'...which I've never done. Why does Fox have you make an account if the account is free, unless they have plans for something in the, get your info, etc? So I've never made an account. But for those that don't have an account it basically says that the Liberal Party has made a big comeback in the polls to where it has about a 2 point lead now....from being 25-30 down. That a lot of it was displeasure with Trudeau, but also that Canadians have rallied around the Liberal Party against all of Trump's (what they see) tariffs and Canada bashing (which I have always thought was stupid...51st state, etc)

In related news...

Another day of stupid right wing Russian Propaganda memes .....
Meanwhile out in the real world it's just another day of American isolation and sinking 401ks.
Like I said, you’re going to learn the hard way, but I bet you’ve learned a lot of things the hard way over the course of your life.

Trump will leave office in 4 years with higher unemployment, higher deficit, and much lower GDP growth than prior to this term. Likely most here will also see a reduction in the value of their homes and retirement savings.
Finding massive fraud without arrest warrants being issued is just politicking. I've no interest in outrage mongering. Either arrest the people doing it or it means nothing. I don't care about firings. I don't care about public shaming. I want justice for what's been done to Haiti, to the US, to citizens, etc. Theater is just theater no matter by whom it is produced.

Justice is what matters to restore the republic and make it somewhat whole

When they see accountability other than firing, that's when we see results.
The battle is also against the teachers unions, and not just the dept of miseducation.
Fighting imaginary monsters in y'all's dumbazz heads every day 24/7.
Paranoid Idiots.

Teacher's union
Dept of Education
Election officials

They are all crooked.
McCarthyism 2.0 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Buncha insane dipshits
Agree. Plus once you go to all the work of bringing charges....what then? If it's in D.C. 99% chance they walk after the trial.
That is the part a lot of people forget. DC judges and juries are Dems to the core. They are all entangled with the corrupt machine that is the Democrat party. Chances of getting a bunch of convictions is likely slim to none no matter how much evidence they have. Their only chance is to have the cases moved elsewhere.
Democrats will sit on their ass and not applaud tonight for:
~closing the border and sending illegals out of this country
~billions of government waste disposed of
~billions in investments from companies
~trying to eliminate men playing in women's sports
~taking the lead on ending the Ukraine war
~an America first philosophy

I believe they will all be wearing pink tonight, that's just to show the pussies they are.
Like I said, you’re going to learn the hard way, but I bet you’ve learned a lot of things the hard way over the course of your life.

Trump will leave office in 4 years with higher unemployment, higher deficit, and much lower GDP growth than prior to this term. Likely most here will also see a reduction in the value of their homes and retirement savings.
I hope you will read this slowly:

Our economy has been propped up (for years) by unsustainable deficit spending and dirt cheap interest. Trump is altering that. The natural reaction will be lower GDP at first.

There is no way that anybody with functioning synapses cannot grasp this. Our “real” economy has been weak for years. Trump is pulling back the curtain.

What you do with this information is up to you, but please don’t act like Trump created this. Only a moron believes that.
Not a tariff fan myself. I don’t like anything that raises costs. Trump throws tariff threats around like it’s candy.

They are needed to get things going back in the right direction. Had oatmeal head not let things slide for 4 years, we wouldn't be in this shape. Might be a little pain initially, but America First isn't going to resolve itself overnight due to the past f' ups.
I hope you will read this slowly:

Our economy has been propped up (for years) by unsustainable deficit spending and dirt cheap interest. Trump is altering that. The natural reaction will be lower GDP at first.

There is no way that anybody with functioning synapses cannot grasp this. Our “real” economy has been weak for years. Trump is pulling back the curtain.

What you do with this information is up to you, but please don’t act like Trump created this. Only a moron believes that.
Trump has spelled it out for us, he stated times would be tough at first. He's also mentioned Gold in various forms, from a "new golden age", to auditing Fort Knox, to the time between 1880 to the 1920's.

Creating wealth from speculation is probably going to take a back seat to creating wealth from a tangible product.
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