How will they rule ??!

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RT just tweeted a clip on Newsmax. Tony Shaffer knows his stuff. If you don't know who he is then that's on you. You are actually doing what you accused me of. You are ignoring the info because you don't like the person presenting it to you...

Like Nightwish loved to tell us rasmussen was a far right poll. He dismissed anyone in this thread who used a poll from Mark. He instead believed some outlier poll because the media told him what he wanted to hear. Turn out we were right and he was wrong. So we have come to trust our sources more than your sources.... not because we always agree with them but because they tend to be right more often than not.
Outside of the mentally ill loons on the left in Gen Z (the left's crazy shit does a remarkable job at making people flee- that's how I got to the right 15 years ago), this group is super based. They don't have cable news on all day, every day. They see way more citizen journalism online and unlike boomers, they're not all about Israel either which is why those in power are desperate to control social media.

Younger guys in the last 8 years got to live through the MeToo BS, the left's Covid tyranny, all of the crazy gender shit, have seen the third world be imported to rape and murder but get American taxdollars all while you struggle financially and get lectured that you're actually the problem.

Leftists are insufferable and lack the self awareness to see how absolutely horrible they are and it's why they double down over and over again.
The similarity between communists and libertarians is pie in the sky dreams, commies think you can actually make everything equal, libertarians think free markets are actually achievable.
Except that the US did have a free market until Wilson was president. It worked. We can look at the results. We can compare.
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** Wise Words Department **

You focused on the wrong part of my argument. We don't have free trade.

Of course theyre manufacturing more because they get to operate in environments with way less regulations and/or safety. China even uses slave labor. So its impossible for us to compete on pricing because the labor is so much more costly and so much more is spent on compliance.

Then consider we cant collect on any judgment vs a Chinese company. Legal recourse is an important aspect of free trade and China is immune.

So until we have a level playing field for our companies, there is no free trade. I suspect there never will be.
China is in trouble too because their labor force is demanding more pay. Mexico is actually cheaper than China now. India is still wayyyy cheaper. China is in a pickle. They used a fake monetary policy to boost their industry and get people out of poverty.... now they can't grow fast enough to make those people happy.
Notes I want to say today

- In less than 20 years, I have watched the supposed anti-war left who trotted out Bush/Cheney protesters and called them war criminals-- now advocate for World War 3.

- The group who calls Trump a dictator and fascist (ppl so GD stupid that a group of white leftists were standing on Man o' War protesting Trump with signs on Saturday) have Ukraine profile pics and banners and say "I stand with Ukraine" (hilarious virtue signalling) where their little dictator canceled elections to stay in power, imprisons people for speech, banned a religion, abducting people to be forced into the military, has no desire for peace so he can keep power and money rolling in).


‘People are going to lose their property’: This Illinois woman’s property tax is poised to pop from $756 to over $10,000 — a shocking 1,222% spike. Here’s why she’s not alone

^ Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"- WEF

We have a group in this country and across the pond, who are so oblivious to what globalists are doing and what they envision for us. It's like being punched in the face repeatedly and having no idea you're in the middle of the ring and in a fight. I think of all of the white leftists who live a life of comfort when I say this.
Been preaching what the Globalists WEF/UN has in store for years on here, but all we hear from the lefties is how it's all just a conspiracy. They have been conditioned to be so blind and tone deaf it's not even funny anymore.
I've skimmed thru the posts from last night and I don't think this has been posted.

DEI loving CEO of Kroger is out. As @blubo and I have mentioned a couple of times over the years...during the BLM riots this clown sent out several emails in full support of BLM, DEI, etc. After that my spending at Kroger went downhill. Use them only for sale prices, goes to Meijer.

Oh, and he's a UK grad born in Ky.

Wonder how that will affect the Kroger Field naming rights down the road. Glad he's out though, but I have to guess that connection was part of what got them those naming rights.

The media is actually hitting the economy harder/faster than I thought they would. I thought they'd wait longer to be able to blame it on Trump. turns out, they think their viewers are so dumb they'll believe Trump tanked the economy before he took office and made even worse by trying stop us from getting ripped off by "friends".
Same guy then as he is now. Only the attitudes of others have changed.

Trump wants what is best for America and it's citizens. Somehow that is fascist and wrong-headed, because he didn't spend his entire life in politics; grooming his tax returns and political skills. Instead he built businesses and employed people.
That doesn't mean that what he thinks is best truly is best nor that how he plans to get there is right.

The problem is that Z thought the left had more cards than Trump did. He thought he could force Trumps hand in front of the media. Now he's going to force Keir to back him because Trump didn't play his game. Keir is pretending to be a tough guy but we can see what he really is....LOL. Britain is going to become a 3rd world country by the time this all plays out. Wealthy Brits that aren't socialist will start fleeing en masse.
Those Gold Visas might become an attractive option for a few of them.
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You should probably get with the here and now. Those folks are dead, and I would not be so sure about that. The liberal/progressive mindset has always been fickled. I know this hits close to home with you because you are right there with them.
Vietnam was brought up in what I responded to. Vietnam is way closer to WW2 than it is to today yet someone Vietnam is relevant. LOL.

The media is actually hitting the economy harder/faster than I thought they would. I thought they'd wait longer to be able to blame it on Trump. turns out, they think their viewers are so dumb they'll believe Trump tanked the economy before he took office and made even worse by trying stop us from getting ripped off by "friends".
Their base is that dumb.

"THE ECONOMY IS GREAT!" "But we also need change with Kamala despite nothing being wrong"

January 2021, 2025

The media is actually hitting the economy harder/faster than I thought they would. I thought they'd wait longer to be able to blame it on Trump. turns out, they think their viewers are so dumb they'll believe Trump tanked the economy before he took office and made even worse by trying stop us from getting ripped off by "friends".
Never underestimate the stupidity of the Left.

It's on display here every day, for those in doubt.
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RT just tweeted a clip on Newsmax. Tony Shaffer knows his stuff. If you don't know who he is then that's on you. You are actually doing what you accused me of. You are ignoring the info because you don't like the person presenting it to you...

Like Nightwish loved to tell us rasmussen was a far right poll. He dismissed anyone in this thread who used a poll from Mark. He instead believed some outlier poll because the media told him what he wanted to hear. Turn out we were right and he was wrong. So we have come to trust our sources more than your sources.... not because we always agree with them but because they tend to be right more often than not.
What's really sad about that poll is that Trump is under 50% with the two older age groups. Especially 65+. Maybe the old saying that you get more conservative/wise with age isn't really true?
I think a lot of Americans don't really understand just how many taxes we pay in this country. The dims and some dim closet warriors (looking at you VH70 something) want to tax us out into oblivion until we become socialist.
I fully understand the taxes we pay. So don't go off with statements/claims you have no evidence of, just what you want to believe - which are both False. Neither you nor the original subject poster offer up alternatives to property taxes to pay for local/state services. You're useless on the matter.
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China is in trouble too because their labor force is demanding more pay. Mexico is actually cheaper than China now. India is still wayyyy cheaper. China is in a pickle. They used a fake monetary policy to boost their industry and get people out of poverty.... now they can't grow fast enough to make those people happy.
See we can agree on something hmt, put that in your trope and smoke it ;)
I fully understand the taxes we pay. So don't go off with statements/claims you have no evidence of, just what you want to believe - which are both False. Neither you nor the original subject poster offer up alternatives to property taxes to pay for local/state services. You're useless on the matter.
gonna need more property taxes in these states handing out tax payer dollars to unaccountable private schools!

The media is actually hitting the economy harder/faster than I thought they would. I thought they'd wait longer to be able to blame it on Trump. turns out, they think their viewers are so dumb they'll believe Trump tanked the economy before he took office and made even worse by trying stop us from getting ripped off by "friends".
Well, their core viewership has proven to be precisely that dumb and gullible, so they can get away with it.
Not accurate. The tax revenue received will only cover about 78% of benefits in 2035. The so-called SS Trust Fund has been a mirage since day 1, of course. Our government has kept an accounting entry on the books but there was never a big pile of cash stashed somewhere for SS.

We need to eliminate fraud and mistakes in payments first. Then, tax all income, at least to some extent over the current inome max, and I believe many of the SS predicted disasters are averted.
So raise payroll taxes 15% on income over the max? That should be great for the economy & is the opposite of lowering taxes. And that excludes the wealth of the likes of Musk. And no reason today's workers should bear the burden of the mistakes of others. Either lower the benefit payment or raise the early retirement age to 65 & full retirement to 70. Also, freeze the payments to we higher level beneficiaries for some years, say five.
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China is in trouble too because their labor force is demanding more pay. Mexico is actually cheaper than China now. India is still wayyyy cheaper. China is in a pickle. They used a fake monetary policy to boost their industry and get people out of poverty.... now they can't grow fast enough to make those people happy.
Well something similar happened here. In the postwar years our wages and standards of living skyrocketed in ways that, looking back, were obviously going to be hard to sustain.
I fully understand the taxes we pay. So don't go off with statements/claims you have no evidence of, just what you want to believe - which are both False. Neither you nor the original subject poster offer up alternatives to property taxes to pay for local/state services. You're useless on the matter.
You don't understand anything other than your TDS laden agenda. You claim to be a centrist yet at every turn post far left agenda driven garbage including tax and spend because the government be it local or federal told you to. You've got a Biden type cognitive decline going on or you are just too ignorant to understand what it is you are posting about which is Bidenesk as well.
It’s very difficult for the leftist, the elitists, the globalists, the “more educated”. For them, the idea of the Crusades is as remote as the geocentric theory or the divine right of kings.

They refuse to believe, or accept, that there’s a billion people who still want to win the Crusades, even if very few of those billion even know what the Crusades were.

We’re losing to those billion, everyday. Maybe if we pretend that virtue signaling will stop this, those billion will suddenly realize their entire religion is wrong.

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