How will they rule ??!

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FDR had ulterior motives for getting involved in WWII (which he didn't have much stomach for in spite of what you might read), namely crippling the United Kingdom which he loathed.

Iirc there is very public evidence out there showing our military industrial complex hoped we would be attacked so we could go to war. They even considered staging an attack to justify getting involved.

Makes you wonder if pearl harbor was really much of a surprise attack at all. An analyst tried to warn everyone but kept getting dismissed. The MIC probably knew it and let it happen.

Didn't a federal court rule the O'Biden pardons without convictions were unenforceable or of no effect, without even considering Joe was unfit mentally to pardon anyone?

The govt declared he was unfit to stand trial, therefore he was unfit to sign any pardons. They should all be thrown out along with any executive orders and/or bills he signed after the courts deemed him unfit to stand trial.

Not aware of any ruling limiting pardon power. Not saying you are wrong, im just not aware. Im not aware of lots of things lol.
Honestly, it really wasn't that bad. It won't let you do it until you're under 4 months away though.

SS was just another of FDR's crackpot ideas, that he got from his equally crackpot hero, Woodrow Wilson, who as we all now know, was one of the worst Presidents in history. Wilson was a free-market hating communist POS, with a crazy as f*** second wife.
My father hated FDR. Often labeled him "communist".
If you've ever had to visit an actual SS office, it's not something you'd EVER want to do again. Believe me...

I'm drawing SS early, and was able to do all of the requisite forms/applications online. There WAS a time, if you needed a replacement card etc. that you had to visit a branch office. That is no longer the case. So, cole854 is correct.
I once had a SS issue that could not be resolved on line. Every month for six months, I called the Louisville office only to be told that the issue could not be fixed at their level and had been sent to the next level for resolution. The seventh time I called, the person answering the phone identified that she was in rural city, I don't recall which one. I explained my situation and that I had been working with the Louisville office, she intently listened to me and then explained that due to call volume the call had rolled over to her from Louisville. Then she reviewed the notes. I could hear her mumbling under her breath for a bit and then she notified me that she had made a change and that I should expect payment the next month. She apologized that no one else had corrected the situation. Then she supplied me with her name and phone number with directions that if a payment did not arrive that I should call her directly.

My story may not be relevant, but it is the only time I interfaced with SSA other than on line.
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So how do you pay for government services to/for your property then?

Not through property taxes. The vast majority of those go to public schools. Sanitary sewer connections/repair are the responsibility of the homeowner, and waste water fees are normally added to your water bill. Garbage pickup is normally paid for by either an attachment to your water bill, or, in a lot of cases garbage pickup is the responsibility of the homeowner (paying a private company like Rumpke) So...

He gets some of the technical details correct, but the rest of it is hogwash/outright lies.

Trump's plan was to gather a consortium of US and EU investors together to capitalize the mineral rights, and by doing so, provide the US some recompense, have a US presence there (which would make Putin terrified of further aggression/corner him into a non-aggression treaty) AND provide Ukraine with much needed income. This dolt completely misrepresents the entire thing, as well as the dollar amounts.
Notes I want to say today

- In less than 20 years, I have watched the supposed anti-war left who trotted out Bush/Cheney protesters and called them war criminals-- now advocate for World War 3.

- The group who calls Trump a dictator and fascist (ppl so GD stupid that a group of white leftists were standing on Man o' War protesting Trump with signs on Saturday) have Ukraine profile pics and banners and say "I stand with Ukraine" (hilarious virtue signalling) where their little dictator canceled elections to stay in power, imprisons people for speech, banned a religion, abducting people to be forced into the military, has no desire for peace so he can keep power and money rolling in).


‘People are going to lose their property’: This Illinois woman’s property tax is poised to pop from $756 to over $10,000 — a shocking 1,222% spike. Here’s why she’s not alone

^ Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better"- WEF

We have a group in this country and across the pond, who are so oblivious to what globalists are doing and what they envision for us. It's like being punched in the face repeatedly and having no idea you're in the middle of the ring and in a fight. I think of all of the white leftists who live a life of comfort when I say this.
If you've ever had to visit an actual SS office, it's not something you'd EVER want to do again. Believe me...

I'm drawing SS early, and was able to do all of the requisite forms/applications online. There WAS a time, if you needed a replacement card etc. that you had to visit a branch office. That is no longer the case. So, cole854 is correct.
Take a number and sit in plastic chair. Then sit some more. Then sit some more. Then sit in front of a window while the worker hammers on the keyboard for twenty minutes and asks you redundant questions. Not awful, but not fun.

I will have to say that I was surprised to see a security station with an armed guard in the office. They aren't exactly Fort Knox but they weren't messing around with any nonsense in the office.
That's why there needs to be a work requirement tied to receiving those benefits if you are able-bodied.

It's almost the OPPOSITE. Since I'm taking early SS (for a number of reasons), If I earn more than 17,500 dollars in a year (until I reach age 67), my SS benefits are reduced significantly for the amount above that. I quit a job I enjoy BECAUSE of that.

"I can give [Lindsay Graham] citizenship of Ukraine, and he will become a citizen of our country. And then his voice will start to gain weight, and I will hear him as a citizen of Ukraine on the topic of who must be the president. The president of Ukraine will have to be chosen not in Lindsay Graham's home but in Ukraine," he said.
Lol. Did you know the lead time for military equipment is years not months..nah but rare earth expert thought he knew. He also oddly didn't knkw the EU had given Russia more money for oil and gas than they have aide to Ukraine, who they're also demanding be green.

This moron also knows nothing of supply chain vulnerability, which is why they are important
Do you think this is an attempt to try and prop up values in the face of insurance rates becoming unsustainable?
If you take out property taxes is the sales tax the replacement mechanism since no income tax is already the standard?
Or is it just political grandstanding?

Do you think this is an attempt to try and prop up values in the face of insurance rates becoming unsustainable?
If you take out property taxes is the sales tax the replacement mechanism since no income tax is already the standard?
Or is it just political grandstanding?

Or it's as simple as if you own your should actually own it
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Lol. Did you know the kead time for minority equipment is years not months..nah but rare earth expert thought he knew. He also oddly didn't knkw the EU had given Russia more money for oil and gas than they have aide to Ukraine, who they're also demanding be green.

This moron also knows nothing of supply chain vulnerability, which is why they are important
Is the process for "rare earth" metal mining like coal where its in seams, can you educate me on it some por favor?

The farther east you go in europe, the more dependent on Russia gas oil and it gets. Its why they couldn't go scorched earth on Russia economy when it first happened. Its been a boost for the US LNG glut, Biden was delaying the expanded LNG terminal construction, but i think thats all been greenlit now. Should help in keeping our energy competitive in the long run with cheap russia heating gas.

Thanks for the discussion, i don't share this video as a lecture piece, but as a discussion piece, thanks for engaging.
Think about how freaking stupid our entire system is.

We are trillions in debt and have so many of our citizens struggling yet we give billions and billions to foreign nations and to fund war because it helps certain people profit.

We arm foreigners. We fund and orchestrate regime changes then our government talks about 'interference in elections' to their most ignorant supporters.

We have an entire media system and nearly an entire political system who tells you nationalism is bad but globalism is good. Peace is bad, war is good whenever the left deems it politically so. "We don't stand with dictators" Yeah, you do. Zelensky is 100% a dictator. You also showed all of us in 2020 you want lockdowns and to silence dissent.

We let our politicians outsource jobs, import cheap labor, and replace the population and you're told it's good.
I'm wondering what the answer is to the insurance problem long term, I haven't seen any real answers to it.

Other than government intervention/mandate, I don't think there IS a solution. And you probably know how I feel about government intervention in the market place.