Another 15 minutes of required viewing. Benz shows how the USaid took their "election Management" apparatus and used it in Brazil to achieve the desired outcome. From social media censorship, to voting machines, to prosecutor and judicial outreach/reform. Its the same exact gameplan.
Some bonus tidbits around the 8:00 mark: he lays pit how the international Republican institute (iri) is one of the 4 sub ngos of NED and how they are instrumental in this "election Management".
Guess who created the iri? John McCain. Guess who's on its board? Mitt Romney.
So now you know why they were so anti trump. Then they actively fixed the election against him in 2020.
Now take those two a step further: i think its fair to wonder if we even had a legit election in 08 or 2012. I think you had two usaid guys taking a fall in a phoney election so the preferred usaid president could be installed.