How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

They haven't figured out that blatantly lying doesn't work anymore. People don't rely on msm for THE narrative anymore. We can look on X and get the real news faster and know the what msm response is going to be before they even make it. LOL.

No, Sam has assured us that X is nothing but fake news.

Trust him, he is a brilliant Village Idiot, you see?

We can only trust his links, don't you see?
“When he says open, he means open in in full, kids being able to attend each and every day at their school,” McEnany told reporters at the press briefing. “The science should not stand in the way of this.”

Ya don't let the science of thousands of kids and staff dying stand in the way of opening schools! Conservatives are really so stupid they don't understand why it will be impossible for school districts to stay open? A teacher tests positive has to quarantine, the whole class has to quarantine, all the staff around that teacher has to quarantine. In a normal school year they can't even fill 70% of teacher call ins with subs. Now try to figure out how they will staff schools when you have a 500% increase in extended length call ins and no sub pool. This is why JCPS has already decided that trying to start with in person classes is not going to happen. It sucks for the younger kids that thrive on the structure but they will be fine. Kids around the world deal with never ending wars and mass starvation and manage to get by. I think spoiled ass american kids can get by with some extra time to stare at their phones and play roblox. Parents will have to do their jobs for once in their lives and not use the schools as babysitters.

Reality strikes again.


I was literally telling Catpaw leftist losers in real time in 2020 that eventually some autistic savant was going to prove 2020 was stolen.


No, you blithering useful idiot media regurgitating automoton morons. You only need a handful of untraceable ways to get 10,000 votes here, another there, and not everywhere, to steal the election. It's inevitable that eventually someone is going to find out these ways, something which was effectively impossible in the short time between the election and inauguration. Given that the election was designed to be unverifiable, even more so as laws were relaxed by state legislatures to allow no verification of mail in ballots, and that the stakes were so high for the very deep state we are now uncovering the depths of their corrruption and malfeasance, it's a near certainty 2020 election was stolen from the people and we have already lived under a coup d'etat, a selected puppet regime.
I just passed on the whole thing. It's just entertainment now, and not my type of entertainment. Had a great day and night with family. Think this may be our new tradition going forward- doing anything EXCEPT watching the game and all associated with it.

Congrats to Wildcat Darian Kinnard on winning his 3rd SB ring this year! You've earned it, big fella!
I'll be with you next year. This SB is the first I've watched for about 6 years....and will be the last.
Tuned in a bit of the day long pregame to see Trump's interview. Of course it was 'teased' for 3 o'clock but wasn't aired till about 3:45.....and then was only about 5 minutes. So later I watched the SB only because the Mrs. came into the living room and wanted to watch it for the ads.
We turned it off after that titillating halftime show.

This is just one reason why being born on US soil was never meant to automatically grant citizenship. His parents may well have been US citizens, but just being in the country whn you're born DOES NOT grant citizenship no matter how many times it has been incorrectly assumed over the last century.

There are enough reasons and illustrations of why it's not logical that have been posted here, so I won't add another
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This is just one reason why being born on US soil was never meant to automatically grant citizenship. His parents may well have been US citizens, but just being in the country whn you're born DOES NOT grant citizenship no matter how many times it has been incorrectly assumed over the last century.

There are enough reasons and illustrations of why it's not logical that have been posted here, so I won't add another
he was actually born in the usa:
Aulaqi falsely claimed he was born in Yemen to secure the financial help via the State Dept. when he was actually a US citizen, born in Las Cruces New Mexico.”

but eventually there was a happy ending to his story:
Aulaqi became the first American targeted for death by the CIA. In 2011, he was killed in a US drone strike.”
Out of all the shit happening so far in the three weeks that seems like three years of progress, Trump publicly proclaiming the US debt may not be as high as once thought due to fraud in the issuance and payments of treasuries is the most wild.

I guess when they’ve literally already shot you in the head, and you think god spared your life for a reason and is keeping you around for a mission, you may not be scared to go after the Fed.
If true, there needs to be wholesale terminations and prosecutions to the fullest extent. Blatantly working against the US government is treason. Why anyone would want to help criminals remain in this country is beyond me. And, coming from a law enforcement entity to boot. Terminate with extreme prejudice, I say. No job, no clearance, no pension, nothing.
If true, there needs to be wholesale terminations and prosecutions to the fullest extent. Blatantly working against the US government is treason. Why anyone would want to help criminals remain in this country is beyond me. And, coming from a law enforcement entity to boot. Terminate with extreme prejudice, I say. No job, no clearance, no pension, nothing.
The FBI putting law enforcement in harms way (possible ambushes) is reason enough to put the leaker(s) behind bars, if true.
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The media will never admit it but the Biden economy was all smoke and mirrors. Layoffs and smaller margins yet they claimed it was booming. LOL.

The flip side to that is Americans will have to get off their a$$ and get to work. It is true immigrants came here and took many jobs, but for the most part that happened because Americans were fat and lazy on free money and/or addicted to drugs/alcohol.

To get Americans back to work, that free money has to get turned off.
Can a lawyer on here tell me how a random liberal judge can basically halt anything the Trump admin is trying to do, especially when it comes to employees of the executive branch?
Not a lawyer, but it’s the whole checks and balances thing. Judicial side is there to make sure the things done are legal and not infringing on the rights of others. Obviously lots of ambiguity in this, which is why we have different levels of courts. I expect a lot of things to start slow in this admin as it makes its way to the Supreme Court.
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Id be fuming if i was in NC.

Everyone involved in these decisions need fired. They're activists not employees.

Can a lawyer on here tell me how a random liberal judge can basically halt anything the Trump admin is trying to do, especially when it comes to employees of the executive branch?

They aren't supposed to enact these sweeping nation wide orders. Scotus made that clear. Of course its democrats so cheating is just what they do and they know which activist judges to use.

The silver lining is without usaid, it took them a week to get this done. Before that, this would've been filed in hours.
The ssa not having dupe logic algorithms is mind-blowing. Thats such a basic function, not having it is absolutely intentional so there can be fraud.

I know I posted it before but it's worth repeating: if you go to the dmv in a city or for a passport interview - its literally all latinos. Obviously theyre getting fraudulent documents and using that to get driver's licenses and passports and I'm sure also voting.

Knowing what we know now, there is no doubt this was a nationwide operation.
The ssa not having dupe logic algorithms is mind-blowing. Thats such a basic function, not having it is absolutely intentional so there can be fraud.

I know I posted it before but it's worth repeating: if you go to the dmv in a city or for a passport interview - its literally all latinos. Obviously theyre getting fraudulent documents and using that to get driver's licenses and passports and I'm sure also voting.

Knowing what we know now, there is no doubt this was a nationwide operation.
Without a doubt.

In California, they started giving out drivers licenses to illegals and claimed it would help decrease the hit and run issues that illegals were doing (it didn't) but it was really just registering these people for voting.