Al Green, Jasmine Crockett, Maxine Waters, Hakeem Jeffries, Ayanna Pressley.
Not unexpected but still despicable of the Democratic party to use black politicians on the front line to attack Trump. As soon as Trump and Musk say anything to oppose their views the Democrats can go back to their playbook of calling Trump/Elon racists.
"Injustice anywhere..." what a bunch if absolute dyed in the wool hypocrites.
In Samuel L Jackson voice-
"Letting criminals have guns, but not letting law-abiding citizens have guns IS INJUSTICE MFer!"
"Using citizens' money to pay for things other than actually aiding people in need in developing countries is FRAUD AND INJUSTICE, MFER!"
SO tired of liberals getting burned at both ends of their ignorant or idiotic arguments and STILL hearing them repeat the same bullsht 2 minutes later. Not ONLY is it fraud against the citizens, but it is also injustice to the people who you're claiming to give the money, when in fact it's going somewhere else. For them to be out protesting the REMEDY to fraud AND injustice, and then quote MLK, is SICK AND FKIN WRONG on EVERY level.
We shouldn't be surprised that the party of fake feelings that couldn't give 2 shots about an innocent white person being beaten, an innocent citizen being raped or murdered, the elderly being abused in long term care homes, children being trafficked and abused by other liberals, and cheered as conservatives were targeted by the govt and lunatics libs in private and public is marching in the streets or publicly protesting the shutting down of FRAUDULENT activity in govt.
The only people shocked by it of late are the last remaining, hard-working liberals and moderates that once considered themselves democrats through and through. They're appalled and they should be, because they aren't part of the sick sect of evil-worshipping liberals that have spread like a cancer over this country.