@sambowieshin is outraged, but he can't explain why
The party that demands we keep giving them money, bc feelings, or something, is now mad ppl simply notice what they're doing with OUR money.
Democrats could literally tell this guy they need our money for any altrustic cause, turn around and spend it on literally anything other than that and his rebuttal is "but they said"
It's never occurred to these dimwits all this welfare and shit they want could be paid for with all the money we waste...but their brilliant solution is nah, just keep dumping more money on it, "pay your fair share" "The rich". Everyone should be taxed less, WE HAVE THE FUNDS ALREADY.
But who would expect a govt employee to know what balancing a check book means. He's had bc he's told to be, bc democrats funneling money to themselves is at risk