Ron, can you be specific on what great empires have fallen due to isolation? The strongest years of our country were around 1945-1997. The percentage of our population who were immigrants during that time was well under 10%. It is not good for social cohesion to have so many people from completely different backgrounds in our country. For example, our public schools struggle having to manage kids who can't speak English. If it were just Spanish it would be one thing, but JCPS has to manage like 30 different languages. Further, the scale of immigrants currently in the US undercut wage rates and drive up housing costs. It's terrible for our young adults who can't afford housing.
Ron, can you be specific on what great empires have fallen due to isolation? The strongest years of our country were around 1945-1997. The percentage of our population who were immigrants during that time was well under 10%. It is not good for social cohesion to have so many people from completely different backgrounds in our country. For example, our public schools struggle having to manage kids who can't speak English. If it were just Spanish it would be one thing, but JCPS has to manage like 30 different languages. Further, the scale of immigrants currently in the US undercut wage rates and drive up housing costs. It's terrible for our young adults who can't afford housing.
The late Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. The Dutch in the 1670s. You can argue that the isolationism was a result of the beginnings of the fall and not the cause to be fair though. The US has grown and become a center for industry for various reasons. In the 70s congress freed up pensions and non profits to invest in venture capital. The result? In the 1980s to 2000s Silicon Valley became, well, silicon valley. It attracted those that wanted unrestricted growth to come and 1/3 of all companies were started by Chinese or Indian born immigrants that resulted in unbelievable prosperity for all Americans. Of course you can see how much benefits the US experienced from the Irish coming over due to the potato famine. Having the ability for motivated people to come to this country for a better life will lead to prosperity for this country, like it has almost all countries in the past. I’m a legal migrant myself, and grew a business that employs 28 Americans. I agree open borders to criminals is bad and should be stopped. But relatively straightforward legal migration for motivated people is important for us to not stagnate. Otherwise they will go somewhere else and make another country the center of innovation and leave the US behind.