Why is it so difficult for people to understand that our POTUS election is NOT about individuals selecting the POTUS. It is CLEARLY 50 separate elections as designed in the CONSTITUTION so that the larger metro areas would not swamp the rural areas with sheer numbers. There would not be a USA if it were popular vote.Until all states have voter ID, same election days/hours, same ballots, same voting machines, paper ballots, & closely monitored election sites, no way in hell I'd trust an overall popular vote.
Look at the evil socialist Democrat Party today. Their party in Congress is largely California and NY run. Look too at the popular vote. Nearly 25% of Kamaltoes votes came from Cali, NY and IL. THREE states. So why would anyone spend time campaigning or sending tax dollars to by votes anywhere but those 3 areas. Would we be talking about Iowa?
Why is California so Blue and disastrous? Because they have enshrined no ID so they can allow illegal voting and they remain in power. Where you require ID you get honest elections. Russia and Communist countries conduct fake national elections. The Electoral College SAVES us from becoming THEM.