You know why youre worried about project 2025, bc you believe in a hysterical media and political party that needs to run on fear bc they can't stand on substance. Have you watched the Sams on here, they lose their mind about something every week that never happens. Were you one of those ppl that thought ppl were gonna die when net neutrality ended?You know why you haven't heard of Project 2025? It's because you're in a bubble. You think only 15 people have heard of it because you've never heard of it and you think you're in the majority.
Sorry was bored and since Trump mentioned getting rid of FEMA and that's part of Project 2025 I wanted to bring that info to the forefront.
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" The bloated DHS bureaucracy and budget, along with the wrong priorities, provide real opportunities for a conservative Administration to cut billions in spending and limit government’s role in Americans’ lives. These opportunities include privatizing TSA screening and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, reforming FEMA emergency spending to shift the majority of preparedness and response costs to states and localities instead of the federal government, eliminating most of DHS’s grant programs, and removing all unions in the department for national security purposes."
Let me guess, you're a "salute truther" now too bc the media told you to be one.
I'll make a deal with you, just like the Handmaids tale never happened, neither will this, and when I'm right you can either pay me 1000 dollars via venmo or disappear off this board forever. Should be easy for you since you're so confident yet scared.
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